The Tera Transformation Times - October 2024
Gertrudis Achecar
Global Digital Business / Risk Exec | Digital Payments | Enabling Diverse Talent to Achieve Bold Goals with High Standards | Leadership Coach
We are officially in the final stretch of 2024, with only three months left to wrap things up.
How has your year been so far? Are you meeting or exceeding your own expectations and goals? Which objectives, if any, were deprioritized?
We want to do a non-judgmental self-assessment. Remember, the results we achieve provide information about whether we are on the right path or if we need to make some changes.
Even though these are the last three months of the year, there is nothing stopping you from starting on anything you have been putting off. You can start exercising, organizing your finances (even with the holiday season coming up), learning a new skill, looking for a job, etc.
Do not use the cliché excuse of "I'll start in January..." There is no rule or law that says we must wait until the new year to pursue our goals.
The last quarter of the year is a wonderful time to assess your progress, make adjustments for anything that is off track, and tackle anything you may have neglected.
To avoid becoming overwhelmed too quickly, choose one goal to celebrate, one to course correct, and one to start before the year ends. January will be here soon enough, and you will be ahead of the game.
What will you start in October that you haven't yet this year? Please, let us know in the comments.
Published and Upcoming Articles
Last month I wrote about leading change, how to build a hopeful mindset, and how to take control of your destiny. I invite you to experiment with the tips and tools proposed in each article and modify them to fit your needs and personal style.
All are also available on video.
In October I will be talking about how to effectively ask for help and how to enhance your impulse control.
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Quote of the Month
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar, American author, salesman, and motivational speaker
Laughter is the best medicine
Background of the month
The background of the month could not be any other than Halloween-themed. And here are some fun facts about Halloween:
One Last Thing Before You Go
It would be immensely helpful to know what type of content you want to receive in this newsletter. Please post your feedback in the comments section or contact me directly via LinkedIn.
For more content, join our email list and receive helpful articles, humor, and the latest publications by completing this form with your name and email. In gratitude, we will send you a free e-book on how to become an emotionally intelligent leader.
Si deseas recibir contenido en espa?ol, únete a nuestra lista de correo electrónico. Completa esta forma con tu nombre y correo electrónico y, en agradecimiento, te enviaremos un libro electrónico gratuito sobre cómo convertirte en líder emocionalmente inteligente.
See you next month!