The Tera Transformation Times - March 2024
Gertrudis Achecar
Global Digital Business / Risk Exec | Digital Payments | Enabling Diverse Talent to Achieve Bold Goals with High Standards | Leadership Coach
March is a great month to tackle finances. Many of us in the corporate world have received bonuses, promotions, and/or salary increases by now. And in the US, we may have even filed our taxes (no pressure).
This is an ideal moment to assess your financial goals and determine the necessary steps to achieve them.
Perhaps there is some bad debt that you want to pay off or significantly reduce. Or you may be trying to increase your emergency fund.
Consider using this month to shift your mindset to financial abundance and to educate the young ones in your tribe about money, how to manage it, how to attract it, needs vs. wants, etc.
The first step to take command of your money is to put on paper (or an Excel/Google sheet) all your income and expenses. This will provide a clear view of how much money is coming in, how much is going out, and for what. Are you buying too much toilet paper? Do you have numerous subscriptions still active and being charged to your card?
This is an important and necessary exercise. One of my clients did it a couple of years ago and found that they were paying approximately $150 per month for various subscriptions they didn't use. They promptly canceled them, freeing up $1,800 annually for debt repayment, emergency fund enhancement, or a well-deserved vacation.
Take a deep breath, gather your statements from credit and debit cards, checking and savings accounts, your payroll slip, open the Excel or Google sheet and start typing. Of course, you can always use pen and paper.
Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts as the numbers materialize, in black and white on the screen or paper. If it feels overwhelming, take a break, regroup, and then continue.
Once you finish and have recovered from the shock, contemplate your next steps. Prioritize what to tackle first and determine your approach. For example, if you want more income, are you going to look for another job with a higher salary, start a side hustle, or make investments that will generate income? If you start with expenses, which categories are easier to approach? Did you find a recurrent payment for a service you no longer use? Could you reconsider that afternoon Frappuccino?
Developing a healthy relationship with your money is a gradual process, but you can do it. I'm rooting for you!
Published and Upcoming Articles
Last month I wrote about leading by example and handling change. I invite you to experiment with the tips and tools proposed in the articles and modify them to fit your needs and personal style.
Both are also available on video
In March I will be talking about assertiveness, labeling, and increasing and maintaining positive energy. All have practical tips that you can start implementing immediately.?
To receive them directly in your inbox, join our email list by completing this form with your name and email. In gratitude, we will send you a free e-book on how to become an emotionally intelligent leader.
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Quote of the Month
"To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." Edith Eva Eger, psychologist, author, and Holocaust survivor
Laughter is the best medicine
Background of the month
We celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th to focus on topics such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.
Women in the Western world have come a long way - we can vote, earn and manage our own money, own property, and lead or establish our own companies.
Still, there are real obstacles to overcome. Women earn in average 16% less than their male counterparts for the same job, and still carry the brunt of housework.
Women represent less than 30% of the House of Representatives, the Senate, Fortune 500 CEOs, and governors in the US (1). Fourteen states in the US have banned abortion (something I did not think I would witness in my lifetime), and an additional seven have significantly restricted the window for it (2).
I want to celebrate the efforts ongoing around the world by people, companies, and governments to close the existing gaps. No initiative is perfect - how can they be when we are imperfect beings? But every contribution counts.
Raise your glass for the fantastic women in your life who showed us what was possible, who were ahead of their time, and who simply chose to follow their own heart and create their own path.
One Last Thing Before You Go
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Si deseas recibir contenido en espa?ol, únete a nuestra lista de correo electrónico. Completa esta forma con tu nombre y correo electrónico y, en agradecimiento, te enviaremos un libro electrónico gratuito sobre cómo convertirte en líder emocionalmente inteligente.
See you next month!