The Tera Transformation Times - June 2024
Gertrudis Achecar
Global Digital Business / Risk Exec | Digital Payments | Enabling Diverse Talent to Achieve Bold Goals with High Standards | Leadership Coach
If you ran into your 18-year-old self, what would he or she be most surprised or disappointed to learn about your current life? I posed this question to friends and family members a few months ago, and their responses were both expected and surprising.
Some of the reactions of that younger self pertained to "breaking" societal norms - "you are not married, and you live alone?" Others focused on physical appearance - "you look so old" or "not bad for your age."
One friend mentioned that her 18-year-old self would be surprised by her current family, while others highlighted their younger selves' potential astonishment at their financial independence.
My 18-year-old self would likely be surprised that I live in New York. I think she would be quite excited about the fact that I left my parents' house before getting married, something unusual when I was in my twenties. She would be disappointed that I still have not written a great novel or a fantastic collection of stories. She would be both surprised and disappointed about my financial choices - "how come you settled for this apartment?" "You have how much saved? You have to be kidding me!"
Like most teenagers, our 18-year-old selves were notoriously hard to please. We possessed the strength of our convictions but lacked the wisdom and experience we now have. We did not realize the challenges of certain goals, nor did we fully appreciate the impact of the compound effect on our finances and projects.
What would your 18-year-old self think of your current life? Share in the comments or send me a private message.
Published and Upcoming Articles
Last month I wrote about the how to attract what you want most and the price of leadership. I invite you to experiment with the tips and tools proposed in each article and modify them to fit your needs.
Both are also available on video
In June I will be talking about how to develop empathy and the beauty of asking questions.
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Quote of the Month
“Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe. The Universe is always saying YES to your thoughts, energy, and emotions. Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or not.” – Gabrielle Bernstein, American professional speaker and author
Laughter is the best medicine
Background of the month
The first time I went to Paris I was 19. I was finally realizing a goal I had since I was 10: to travel to Europe and to go from city to city by train. Here are some fun facts about the City of Lights
One Last Thing Before You Go
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For more content, join our email list and receive helpful articles, humor, and the latest posts by completing this form with your name and email. In gratitude, we will send you a free e-book on how to become an emotionally intelligent leader.
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See you next month!