The Tera Transformation Times - December 2024
Gertrudis Achecar
Global Digital Business / Risk Exec | Digital Payments | Enabling Diverse Talent to Achieve Bold Goals with High Standards | Leadership Coach
Believe it or not, 2024 is coming to an end. To this day I still cannot believe that the nineties were over 30 years ago!
How was your year? Which goals did you achieve? Which ones fell short? Which ones surprised you?
Before diving into the December holidays, take a moment to reflect on how incredible this year has been for you. I know what some of you might be thinking "This year was terrible! I lost my job" or "my romantic relationship ended" or "I didn't get that promotion, again!"
You know what I am going to say next: every situation is or can be converted into a gift and opportunity.
In our humanity, nothing is completely good or completely bad. We humans are constantly evolving and changing. The person who got laid off this year will not be the same person who starts a new job in 2025.
Whether 2024 was "the" year for you or not, I encourage you to keep on the path of self-improvement. The goal is to get 1% better each day, at least 80% of the time.
Which habits and routines will help you achieve your goals next year? Which ones need to be adjusted or replaced altogether?
Our habits and routines could become quite boring, especially once the excitement of the new year wears off. Do not drift, do not give up. All the preparation that happens backstage, behind closed doors, will shine on stage - whether your stage is an actual one, the boardroom, the conference room, the videocall, or a meeting with a prospective client or employer.
Celebrate everything that has happened in 2024. It is through darkness that we appreciate the light. Coffee can only be made with hot water. Redwoods begin their lives with fire.
I am looking forward to the year-end celebrations and starting the new year with renewed energy.
Published and Upcoming Articles
Last month I wrote about breaking free from perfectionism and overcoming languishing. I invite you to experiment with the tips and tools proposed in the articles and modify them to fit your needs and personal style.
Both are also available on video.
In December I will be talking about increasing awareness. I will publish only once to honor the year-end holidays and take a break.
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Quote of the Month
“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” Paulo Coelho, Brazilian lyricist and novelist
Laughter is the best medicine
Background of the month
I appreciate that not everyone celebrates Christmas but on this side of the world it is still the most prominent holiday in December. And it's hard to compete with Christmas decorations...
Here are some fun facts:
One Last Thing Before You Go
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See you next month!