TEQSA e-News | October 2024
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
Australia's independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education.
Message from the CEO
Welcome to TEQSA's October e-News. This month is already a very busy time for TEQSA and the sector, and there are several issues to update you on since our last edition.
As you may be aware, last week TEQSA commenced legal proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against Chegg Inc. (Chegg). You can read more about this in the statement on our website.
TEQSA is continuing its?extensive and ongoing work to strengthen the capacity of Australian higher education providers to protect academic integrity from the threats posed by academic cheating services and artificial intelligence. This is important work for the whole sector?to ensure students achieve the learning outcomes for their award. It is also critical to protect the integrity of Australian higher education awards and the reputation of the sector as a whole.
Another initiative we have developed is TEQSA's?new toolkit,?Gen AI strategies for Australian higher education: Emerging practice, created as a direct result of our request for information to providers in July. A webinar will be held on 28 November and registrations are now open.
In other matters, as we have done every year since transitioning to cost recovery, TEQSA has reviewed the fees and charges in our Cost Recovery Implementation Statement to ensure it?fairly and accurately reflects the cost of our regulatory activities. As such, we are proposing a change to how the annual RHEP charge is calculated, and you can read more about this in the story below.?I encourage all our stakeholders to have their say during our consultation period which closes?on Monday 28 October.?
Finally, the TEQSA 2024 Conference is fast approaching and I'm delighted that there has been such a strong response from our stakeholders. This reflects a shared enthusiasm with the sector for quality higher education in Australia. I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as I can during the conference on 13 November.
Kind regards,
Dr Mary Russell, Chief Executive Officer
Proposed updates to the RHEP charge
Higher education providers are invited to give their feedback about TEQSA’s proposed updates to our fees and charges to take effect from 1 January 2025.
TEQSA has reviewed the operation of the fees and charges outlined in our Cost Recovery Implementation Statement to ensure it fairly and accurately reflects the cost of our regulatory activities. As a result, TEQSA is proposing changes to how the annual Registered Higher Education Provider (RHEP) charge is calculated.
These proposed changes will ensure the costs of our sector-wide compliance activities and updates to our enquiries management and provider liaison approach are fairly recovered. If adopted, these changes will reduce the RHEP charge for smaller providers while increasing costs for larger providers that are responsible for a greater proportion of TEQSA’s sector-wide compliance activities.
TEQSA will consider all feedback when developing an updated version of the CRIS. We expect that the updated CRIS and any changes to our fees and charges for 2025 will be approved and shared in November.
The consultation will close at 5:00pm (AEDT) on Monday 28 October 2024.
TEQSA's Annual Report 2023-24 published
Our Annual Report 2023-24 is now available on TEQSA's website. The report outlines our progress throughout the 2023-24 year to assure the quality of higher education in Australia.
It also provides an account of our performance against measures and targets set out in our 2024-28 Corporate Plan?(published in August) and the 2023-24 Portfolio Budget Statements.
Don't miss your chance to experience #TEQSA2024
We're looking forward to hosting the TEQSA 2024 Conference on 13 November, with more than 600 people already registered to attend.
This year's conference has attracted a great response from our sector stakeholders and registration numbers are strong, with delegates attending both in-person and virtually. We have an excellent line-up of speakers, including the Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, and the Productivity Commission Chair, Danielle Wood.
The current conference program can be viewed online.
Webinar will launch gen AI toolkit to the sector
Join us on Thursday 28 November, from 2:00-3:00pm (AEDT), at our webinar to launch our new toolkit Gen AI strategies for Australian higher education: Emerging practice. The toolkit aims to support the sector in addressing the risk gen AI poses to award integrity and has been informed by TEQSA’s recent?request for information (RFI)?to providers.
At the webinar, we will share analysis, trends and perspectives gathered from the RFI, and we'll showcase the toolkit's practical actions that providers are putting in place for the short and medium-term horizons.
New gen AI video highlights 'use and misuse'
The University of Sydney’s Professor Danny Liu and Dr Benjamin Miller have developed a series of videos, on TEQSA’s behalf, to highlight the risks and opportunities of gen AI and their potential impact on academic integrity.
They explain some of the ways students can use, and misuse, gen AI and offer some ideas on how to address the challenges gen AI poses to assessment and assurance of learning outcomes.
The first video in this series looks at the use of gen AI for assessments and is now available to view on TEQSA’s YouTube channel.
October marks Cyber Security Awareness Month
This year Cyber Security Awareness Month is promoting 4 key actions relevant to all higher education providers and students:
Please refer to the Australian Cyber Security Centre's resources for individuals and resources for businesses.
Don't forget, TEQSA has also released cyber security modules to support Institutes of Higher Education and University Colleges in developing staff awareness and capability to mitigate the risk of cyber security breaches.
TEQSA Talks recording now available
The recording of our latest TEQSA Talks webinar (held on 3 October) is now available on our YouTube channel. Registrations are also open for our first TEQSA Talks webinar to be held in the new year, on Thursday 20 March 2025, 2:00-3:00pm (AEDT).
Our TEQSA Talks series aims to inform the sector about our regulatory work, quality assurance matters and risk, and provides a panel Q&A session.
TEQSA office will be closed for public holiday
A reminder that the TEQSA office will be closed on Tuesday 5 November 2024 for the Melbourne Cup Day public holiday in Victoria.
Our office will reopen?on Wednesday 6 November.