Tension In The Air - Relaxx
There are tensions in the air like clouds in the sky.??They become apparent and significant when they affect you one way or the other.??Are you prepared to respond appropriately when that happens???
Why Relaxx:??
Some tensions are good, and they help you stay prepared, alert, and motivated.??While some tensions are good, others can cause disturbances inside you and evoke unpleasant feelings. This disturbance can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and or suicidal thoughts, depending on how they impact you. However, the level of how much this disturbance impacts you depends upon what state of mind you are in when faced with the tension. Either in a tense, normal, or relaxed state of mind.??A tense person to start with is more likely to get deeply disturbed from this 'tension in the air.’
For example, I am a surgeon. There is always tension in the operating room (OR). A newly trained surgeon may be more tense than a surgeon who has been in practice for 20+ years. If the surgeon is more tense from the start, the 'tension in the air' will cause a disturbance inside them, and it will have a more profound effect on their performance and outcomes. Tension in the air will cause less of a disturbance in a surgeon who is relaxed. They are more likely to perform the operation smoothly and have better outcomes.
Emotional storms:?
Some tensions in the air may disturb even the most relaxed person. Perhaps a family member passing, or you losing a steady job produces so much tension in the air, and within you, that it is hard not to get disturbed. However, a relaxed person is more likely to handle these emotional storms in an efficient and effective manner when compared to the person that is tense to start with.?
How to stay relaxed:??
Whether you are in a tense or relaxed state of mind, or somewhere in-between, is dependent on how much you are aware of these tensions and how much you have learned to co-exist with these tensions. We are all born with an inner scale of relaxation, but we can always work on tipping the scale in our favor.?
To be continued......