Tennessee Supreme Court makes writing releases a little trickier.
James H. (Jim) Moss, JD
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Specializing in Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Travel Law
The facts support throwing out the release, but the way the court did makes it tough to write a release.
Copeland v. HealthSouth/Methodist Rehab. Hosp., 2018 Tenn. LEXIS 745
State: Tennessee
Plaintiff: Frederick Copeland
Defendant: MedicOne Medical Response Delta Region, Inc.
Plaintiff Claims: Negligence
Defendant Defenses: Release
Holding: For the plaintiff
Year: 2018
To get to a physical therapy appointment arranged by a hospital the patient was forced to sign a release. While exiting the car service the plaintiff was injured. The Tennessee Supreme Court worked hard but said if you treat people this badly, we will throw out your release and did.
Mr. Copeland was a seventy-seven-year-old hospital patient recovering from knee replacement surgery who needed to go to a follow-up appointment at his doctor's office. Mr. Copeland did not select, hire, or pay MedicOne. Instead, the hospital where Mr. Copeland was a patient arranged for his transportation with MedicOne. The MedicOne driver presented Mr. Copeland with a pre-printed, two-sided document containing two different forms — the Run Report and the Agreement — which Mr. Copeland had limited time to review and sign before being transported to his doctor's appointment. The Agreement consisted of nine single-spaced paragraphs, including three paragraphs of exculpatory language. The MedicOne driver spent only nineteen minutes at the hospital, which began with his arrival, and included going to Mr. Copeland's room, pushing Mr. Copeland in a wheelchair to the hospital entrance, getting him into the van, loading his walker into the back of the van, and having Mr. Copeland review and sign the two forms.
The MedicOne driver presented the Agreement to Mr. Copeland on a take-it-or-leave-it basis with the expectation that he would sign it. The driver did not understand the implications of the Agreement, could not have explained it if asked, had no authority to alter it, and would not have transported Mr. Copeland to his appointment if he had not signed the document.
The Agreement consisted of nine single-spaced paragraphs, including three paragraphs of exculpatory language. The exculpatory language provided that Mr. Copeland was releasing MedicOne from any and all claims arising from or in any way associated with any transportation services provided by MedicOne.
Analysis: making sense of the law based on these facts.
The facts explain the plaintiff was put in a position where he had no choice, suffer further injury by missing his appointment or sign the document.
The court said releases are fine in Tennessee, but not this one.
We find the exculpatory language in the Agreement to be overly broad and ambiguous. Although the Agreement also contains a severability clause, the three paragraphs containing broad, all-encompassing exculpatory language combined with the severability paragraph do not make it clear and unmistakable what Mr. Copeland was giving up by signing the Agreement, especially during the limited time he was given to read and comprehend the document.
That practical necessity distinguishes this case from those involving purely voluntary or recreational activities, which generally do not affect the public interest or raise public policy concerns.
Based on the circumstances of the parties, including contemporary societal expectations, we conclude that enforcement of the Agreement against a member of the public in Mr. Copeland's position would be contrary to the public interest.
The court went through the five steps necessary to write a valid release in Tennessee.
First, a party may not, for public policy reasons, exempt itself from liability for gross negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional wrongdoing.
Second, exculpatory provisions in contracts involving common carriers are unenforceable on the grounds of public policy and disparity of bargaining power.
Third, although exculpatory agreements are generally enforceable, in many states they are disfavored.
Fourth, most courts require that the exculpatory language be unequivocal and clear. An exculpatory clause must "clearly, unequivocally, specifically, and unmistakably" state the intention to exempt one of the parties from liability for its own negligence.
Fifth, most jurisdictions do not enforce exculpatory provisions that are contrary to public policy.
Releases in Tennessee are still valid in Tennessee.
After reviewing precedent in this state and across the country, we conclude that the public policy in Tennessee has historically favored freedom of contract. Thus, contracts exempting one party from liability for negligence are not disfavored and are generally enforceable.
However, the court tightened up the requirements for a release to be valid. The court then created 3 factors that any release must meet to be valid in Tennessee.
…we hold that the enforceability of an exculpatory agreement should be determined by considering the totality of the circumstances and weighing these non-exclusive factors: (1) relative bargaining power of the parties; (2) clarity. of the exculpatory language, which should be clear, unambiguous, and unmistakable about what the party who signs the agreement is giving up; and (3) public policy and public interest implications.
The court also decided the bargaining power of the parties should also be taken into consideration.
Relative bargaining power. Although there is no precise rule by which to define sufficient disparity in bargaining power between the parties to invalidate an exculpatory agreement, two key criteria are the importance of the service at issue for the physical or economic well-being of the party signing the agreement and the amount of free choice that party has in seeking alternate services.
The court did carve out a specific exception, to some extent for recreational activities.
That practical necessity distinguishes this case from those involving purely voluntary or recreational activities, which generally do not affect the public interest or raise public policy concerns.
So Now What?
If your activities are in Tennessee or your business is in Tennessee you need to check to make sure your release meets these new requirements.
Copyright 2019 Recreation Law (720) 334 8529
James H. (Jim) Moss, J.D., Attorney and Counselor at Law
www.Recreation-Law.com https://summitmagicpublishing.com/
Phone: 720 334 8529 Social: @RecreationLaw
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