Tenet #1
Jeff Kinsey, Jonah
Entrepreneur, Founder & Creative Director @ RhinoIsland Media | Keynote Speaker | Educator | Author | USMC Veteran
Today's issue is brought to you by my next book: SKI on Marketing!
Tenet #1: Get the facts before committing
This is might sound a lot like common sense... and once upon a time, I might have even suggested as much. But it is not. There is nothing "common" about comprehending this statement. Quick example: "Hey SKI, can I get your help with my roof?" Sure.
It turned out that the fiberglass "hardtop" roof for a 4-door Jeep is not all that light. Especially if there are just two of you. Then, consider the most exercise I get is a 30min walk a couple three, or four times a week. #ouch
Is there a business lesson here
Absolutely. But first, consider the opening image [above] of the Purple, Green, and Red curves. When I first met Eli Goldratt at a workshop in Indianapolis, Indiana in November of 2000, he was explaining business and at a high level how his Theory of Constraints (TOC) worked. When he pointed to his diagram it only had two curves, Red and Green. He went on to make a point that he labeled them at the time he drew them based solely on the fact that he had both a red and green marker at hand.
I introduced the Purple curve to help explain how much better businesses could do by applying focus. Not just profits, but as Goldratt himself suggested, by removing the "one weakest link" in your business, you could begin down the path to unlimited revenues!
Therefore, let us explore the concept of Focus
According to the Free Dictionary:
can?be?clearly perceived
It was that word "clearly" that forced me to demand the facts. Which then prescribed the very first Tenet of the Purple Curve Effect. May I state that if you try to apply focus to understanding why the Sun rises in the West every morning, you are doomed to eternal failure?
Furthermore, allow me to share what King Solomon suggested:
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
P.S. Is this helping? Give me a shout in the comments.
P.P.S. My book is out of print, but you may get a FREE copy of the PDF version. Printing has been disabled, but there are some cool audio clips in the link.