Ten years old - but more relevant than ever
Dr. J?rg Ehmer
Leidenschaftlicher unternehmerischer CEO und Treiber wertebasierter Unternehmensführung. Erfahrener Aufsichtsrat, Beirat und Angel Investor. Senior Advisor. Speaker. Engagiert für D.E.I.B.
By chance, I stumbled across a post on my blog (ehmers-blog.de) that I wrote more than ten years ago during my time as CEO of ElectronicPartner. It's amazing how current some topics still are - or have become - with a time lag. For attentive observers, it was already clear back then that something had to change - and that this would offer opportunities. Below is the English translation of the article from July 2012.
At first glance, it's surprising: energy suppliers are investing a lot of effort to motivate their customers to save energy. For someone who makes a living selling electricity and gas, this seems strange. Almost like the former post Telecom slogan "Keep it short".
Surely this is also due to the fact that, despite all the liberalization, energy suppliers do not operate purely in a market economy, but in some cases have a high degree of political dependency and state ties. But that alone does not explain it.
Global CO2 emissions can only be kept under control to some extent if the traditional industrialized countries make considerable efforts. This is because emerging and developing countries will not allow themselves to be limited or slowed down in their efforts to grow and prosper by a global CO2 policy. Germany has accordingly committed itself to a massive reduction in CO2 emissions. This goal can only be achieved if the use of fossil fuels for energy generation is reduced very substantially. This is not a political creed, but simply chemistry.
Nuclear energy is not a politically realistic way out, so renewable energy is at the top of the list - especially since it makes us less dependent on energy supplies from other countries. However, in addition to the unmet need for additional grids, renewable energy has the disadvantage of not being continuously available. Thus, on cold, windless and overcast winter mornings, there is a demand for energy that has to be met by burning coal, oil or gas. This is one of the reasons why the available CO2 emission quotas are used up, if not utilized. This initial situation has several consequences, all of which bring opportunities for the specialized trade.
For example, there is a need to cushion load peaks and to use energy in times of high availability (windy, sunny day). So it's all about "smart grids" and "smart consumers" - both of which require qualified advice and support.
Against this background, the activities of the leading electrical appliance manufacturers also open up. If the use of energy for washing and drying is shifted to such availability phases, if the freezer is cooled down by an additional 5 degrees when the regenerative energy supply is high, then this serves to avoid load at the wrong moment and to "store" energy - because the freezer cooled down in this way will not require any further electricity for some time. But who, please, is supposed to not only sell such household appliances, but also connect them and perform the necessary integration into the home network or Internet connection? That's right, the specialist retailer who gets himself and his team interested and qualified in this topic at an early stage.
Intelligent load control is only one part. The essential basic measure is energy saving itself. Electrical appliances have made considerable progress in efficiency in recent years. In addition to the cost benefits that can be achieved, many customers - especially those with high financial means - can be persuaded to buy such products for ecological reasons. If you speak their language and inspire them, you will win the loyalty of this (often young and therefore coveted) customer group.
There are therefore ever-growing opportunities here for specialist retailers to distinguish themselves by providing first-class advice and to gain the consumer confidence that will also unlock other doors. Advice does not stop at reading out the energy label - what is the customer's usage behavior, which product is the best in terms of an overall ecological balance (e.g. because it can be repaired), how much electricity (and possibly water) and therefore money does the customer save, how much CO2 is saved...? Those who score points here also benefit in other areas. That's why it was important to me that ElectronicPartner provides its affiliated entrepreneurs with an energy-saving consulting app that facilitates this and further reinforces the high level of expertise.
Furthermore, there are great products (solutions!) for saving energy in the lighting sector with LED technology. If you, as a specialist retailer, get smart here and advise and accompany customers at home (or in their company) in the conversion process, you can earn money with something useful and certainly find points of contact for additional business on this occasion.
And there are also opportunities on the energy generation side. Despite the foreseeable significant reduction in subsidies, photovoltaics remain in high demand. Many specialist dealers have the basic prerequisites to provide services and earn money here - too few have taken advantage of this opportunity so far.
Another opportunity for the local entrepreneur is to sweep in front of his own front door. How is the store lit and heated/air-conditioned, what possibilities are there to reduce personal energy consumption and thus reduce one's own costs? A campaign is currently being run by the Mittelstandsverbund (association of small and medium-sized businesses), in which entrepreneurs are offered free advice on ways to save energy when they get started. I am proud that the pilot retailer is an EP:Unternehmer and hope that all retailers will take advantage of this opportunity.
Saving energy is not only good for the conscience and for future generations, it is also good for the wallet and the future of the entrepreneur, provided he takes advantage of the opportunity. So, let's go, preferably today!