Ten Writing Tips I Follow - I
Over the previous two weeks, I presented Mary Walker's piece, Ten Habits Of An Unsuccessful Writer. It was a delightful narrative submitted to one of the Marion County Writers Workshop critique group meetings.
Over the next couple of weeks, I'd like to go back to those ten habits and see how I handle them. In no way is this disparagement against Ms. Walker's material or method of writing. I just thought I'd comment on how I do things and see if any resonate with you.
She started with Soul Searching. Why do we write? I remember a promo for a musician and the album she had to do. As if there was a force compelling her to make the album. Well, maybe so.
I guess since I began writing as a child and then more seriously in my twenties and thirties, I've felt compelled to write. When I joined my first critique group, I wanted to have something every week. After 25 years, I'm still part of that original group—albeit with a lengthy break because of work commitments—and the aforementioned MCWW.
I still feel compelled to write. I want to finish stories. I want to write stories. I want to be published and to do well in sales.
Is that a bad habit? I suppose it would be if it turned into an obsession that took me away from doing other activities, you know, like a real job. LOL.
Mary next discussed the Great Idea. Where ideas come from. How one gets started. I guess you could go back to previous blogs from several months ago and read about that topic.
However, usually, ideas come to me from everyday life. I take them, let them take root if they want. If they settle in, I'll start working with them, perhaps creating an outline, develop a few characters, and see where it goes.
The third habit Mary discussed was a Room With A View. This was about the places and getting yourself set up to write. The warning here, I think, was not to get so detailed that it takes you away from, you know, writing.
However, I do like a certain setting. If I'm at home, I like to have soft jazz playing, a beverage nearby, the cat not bothering me, maybe the window open for fresh air.
Now this is when I'm at my computer, so usually, I'm editing. (More on that later.) I may write new material, but usually, I'm reviewing a scene or chapters for improvements.
I also will do this in a park, at a picnic table. I have two parks in Carlisle I go to. Each has a shelter house under which I can still enjoy the outdoors while not getting direct sunlight. Each has electrical outlets for convenience. Again, I'll have the jazz playing on the computer and a beverage at hand.
The other place I write is at a coffee shop with a friend. Yes, it's a stereotypical and oft-jested-about setting, but, hey, others are there working on their laptops and writing away on something.
This is where I will write new material. Pen in hand, notebook or legal pad ready for words. Beverage nearby.
Suggestions often include reducing or eliminating distractions. You have to exhibit willpower not to check that email at home or elsewhere. I can do that. At the coffee shop, though, you have chatter in the background, the coffee-making machines erupting with sound and outside goings-on. Usually, I can tune out everything. I just shove it all to background static.
Let's get two more in this week. The fourth habit discussed was to Gather Equipment. This accompanies the previous point and includes the food and beverage mentions. computer on, music on, drink at hand, phone out of sight but nearby.
Just Do It. I can't say it any better than Mary did. Writing is a commitment. I'm going to further refine that and say that writing is a commitment. Not the research, outline, character profiles, gather of equipment, getting yourself in the right place, or anything else. I'm talking about the actual writing.
You have to do it. Otherwise, what's the point? You can't rewrite or edit or submit queries unless you do the writing first. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it take determination but you have to do it. If it's important, you'll make time. If it's not, you'll make excuses.
Let's discuss the final five points next week.