Ten ways to spot assassins
Ten ways to spot assassins
You cannot spot it on their faces. They are daring and bold. They are professionals to the core. They are timely and precise. They will get you if you let your guards down. They have experience. Some are retired military personnel and others grew in rank over the years.
They target the high and mighty. They are more professional than hit men are. Hit men are criminals or untrained persons asked to kill for peanuts. Hires pay assassins handsomely. They are wealthy and live lavish, sometimes, secretive lifestyles. Some are everyday office colleagues, friends, and associates. They eat with you, play with you, and laugh with you. Some have families. Unfortunately, they have a dangerous side hustle, that of assassination.
They are dangerous, deadly, and unpredictable. It is one thing to step on someone’s toes; it is another to avoid their wrath. You might have hurt some people unknowingly and you might think they have forgotten and forgiven. You assume they have moved on with their lives. However, you had better watch your back because they could be coming for you. It might not be them to do the dirty job but a hired assassin.
Nobody is perfect and we never could know whom we might have offended. That is why this article highlight tips on how to spot an assassin. You cannot tell what an assassin looks like: it does not appear on their faces. Nevertheless, you can learn from these tips below and stay out of their lanes.
Below is the modus operandi of assassins
1. They are precise
Most of them are precise. They do not allow distractions to derail their plans. When they mark you, you have no choice but to expect the unexpected. The worrying aspect of it is that you do not even know them nor expect any visitor of that nature.
Again, these men of death know what they want and they prepare the strategies and formula that they believe works for them. They do not beat about the bush because of their training and experiences. Hires reward assassins for doing their jobs. They delivered what they promise their clients. Therefore, they eliminate distractions so that it does not stand as an obstacle.
Losing their target is one big failure for them. Therefore, they plan, strategize, and execute. Assassins do not like to miss their targets because of their training.
Now, for you to avoid their wrath, you must be alert as ever. You must watch your back and if you can, hire a bodyguard. This also depends on the nature of your job. If your job involve high security risk, you must take precaution to mitigate unexpected targets.
2. They are unpredictable
Assassins are unpredictable. They take you when you least expect it. Assassins are humans just like you but they are dangerous. They are into contracts and they make sure they execute it to the latter. Pray you do not fall into their trap and pray they stay away from you and your family.
Since they are unpredictable, it will be hard to avoid their wrath. They sometimes hide under different sobriquets, alias, and personalities. They will keep hunting you until they bring you down. Assassins believe in the motto of, ‘die or I die.’ They can lay down their lives to achieve their aims.
How do you avoid their unpredictability? Try to be unpredictable yourself. Have you taken some time to reflect if you have stepped on someone toes before? Do you believe someone in your office is potentially dangerous? Try to stay ahead. Know who you think can bring you down in order to take your positions. Do you think someone like to talk down on you using threats? Is someone envious or jealous of your achievements?
3. They don’t harm secondary targets
Assassins have a code, which they live by. They do not harm secondary targets. When I mean secondary targets, I mean your family members; wife, children and relatives. They are principled and tried to avoid killing innocent people except situations call for it: like error of elimination, identity errors, etc. Assassins only target those contracted to take down. If it involves family members, it is a contract and they follow it to the latter.
Assassins can sometimes go out of their way to harm family members and it is against their principle. They believe in the law of karma. Karma always catches up with dangerous people like them.
Again, the hires can force them to harm secondary targets. This could mean going against their principles. Assassins most times reject this directive because it does not tally well for them.
You should contact the police if you think some people are out to harm your family members. However, it is very difficult since they are methodical in their approach. Just be vigilant and look out for things that are out of the ordinary.
Install CCTV cameras in your home to monitor who moves around. Use access control to monitor who enter and exit your premises.
4. They carry out feasibility study and research
Just like any other businesses, assassins carry out feasibility study of their targets before execution. They do not just go out and kill. They plan and envisioned; making sure everything goes accordingly. Assassins meditate, clearing their mind of distractions that could act as hindrances to their successes. They can come to your home disguising as a deliveryman, police officer, artisan, etc. They can monitor you for days and weeks without your knowledge.
Therefore, it is important you embark on counter measures to monitor your movement. You can hire a private detective; a train security consultant can offer advice on what to do. I cannot emphasize this enough. Always watches your back. Do not be carried unaware by unknown persons. Do your homework too.
5. They work with time
They are timely and do so without blinking an eye. They work with time. If they miss their targets outside their timing, they go back to the drawing board and re-strategize. Time is important with the nature of their job.
They believe that if they work beyond their time, they can get into trouble. Therefore, timely planning and strategizing, timely follow up and timely execution.
Their employers give them a time limit to execute. Still, if they do not meet up, it might seem like failure.
Be careful where you go. Do not go to highly volatile areas or places. Dark spots can put you in danger of looking like chopped meat. Stay away from crowded places you believe can put your life at risk. Be on the alert at all time. Like I mentioned before, hire a personal bodyguard and private detective.
6. They are mostly ex-service men
In most cases, they are experienced people with military backgrounds. They are daring and bold. Assassins are courageous, brave and determine. They have the characteristics of ex-military personnel. That is why employers are willing to work with them.
When they come for you, pray they mistake somebody else for you. You can hardly escape their wrath. They will not rest until they succeed. Timing is important.
The only advice I have for you is to pray you do not fall into their bull’s eyes. They never relent. They will likely get you. Get a tinted and bulletproof vehicle that can withstand high caliber weapons. Hire an expert driver.
7. They are unforgiving
They do not forgive. They can delay for years but they will come after you. Even if you are the person that hired them, they will harm you. That is why I said they are highly unpredictable. They are on the move all the time. They monitor and make their move at the right time. They are vicious; deadly and poisonous.
Assassins do forgive even if it is their families, friends and whoever happens to cross their path. They are the most principled and ethical being you can ever imagine. Assassins are curious. They ask themselves questions to get answers to nagging problems.
Pray God distract you from their life. Pray they do not remember you exist. They are as dangerous as a bull in a bullfight. Keep your family members safe at all times. Before you leave home, scan your environment for people lurking around, strange vehicles parked suspiciously. Make sure your environment is clear before you go out.
Tell your driver to drive out of the compound and see if somebody or an unmarked vehicle is trailing him. Be vigilant!
8. They are loyal
They are loyal to their hires. They are dedicated. However, they can turn around and stinking the person that fed them. Assassin gives hires their rules of engagement; their do’s and don’ts. They live by what they stand for and do not go against it.
It is a contract job and both parties must abide by it. If one goes against the rules, lives go to waste.
This can be in your favor because they now turn against themselves and leave you alone for the main time. Being loyal has it boundaries as well. Both parties always respect one another's boundaries.
Assassins can even work for the person they were ask to terminate. They like people who are willing to live by their words. If their hires is cunning and deceitful, they can kill.
9. They are ready to lay down their lives
They work like military men. They know that one day, they will die. They know that their job is unpredictable just as they are unpredictable. They are willing to die so that they can accomplish their aims.
Unfortunately, if an assassin can die because of his aim, it means that if you are the target, you are forty percent likely to avoid their wrath.
Get a licensed gun. Keep pepper sprayer with you. Secure your home and offices. Pay a professional private detective to protect you.
10. They have codes of conduct
Assassins have codes of conduct. They follow these codes of conduct and do not deviate from it. Assassins are dangerous beings. These codes of conduct depend on the countries involved. North Americans have theirs, Europe has theirs, and Asia has their codes of conduct.
Sadly, these codes of conduct are not within the reach of the public; it is secretive.
Stay safe, safe secure, and hire a security consultant to advise you.
Photo Credit: quora