"Ten Things Never, Ever To Wear To Work" ??????????
I felt I should toss my hat into the ring about this Forbes article that's trending in London.
You dress for your audience. I may wear Burberry and Versace to the office on Monday and a beat up old hoodie and faded drop-crotch denim on Wednesday. I could look like an NFL club owner one week and a homeless wizard the next. It's deliberately handled so that nobody either thinks I'm a humourless supercorp office goth or that I'm an idiot chancer who tricked HR into hiring him.
So when Forbes say never to wear anything faded, the wrong size or even pyjamas to work, they're asking you to sell yourself short. Don't just take my word for it though; Machiavelli urged rulers to take precautions against the unpredictable, Shakespeare made a career out of highlighting that when things get weird that all the foolproof plans of princes and kings turn to dust and death, Law 17 of the Rules of Power commends "Cultivate An Air Of Unpredictability".
So yeah, maybe take a risk on wearing scuffed shoes to work. Neuroscience also shows that while how you look directly influences the first impression someone has of you, what you said and how you said it have a more lasting impression. Top of the list though is how you made them feel. So maybe concentrate on that instead of making sure you look like a stock photo of an office worker or that you're using enough buzzwords in your presentation. Real life isn't an awkward pitch meeting from The Apprentice, stop acting like it is.
PS, as I write this I am currently wearing an item of pyjamas.
I follow your philosophy... and I blow minds at work with my Jen Stark shirts. https://www.jenstark.com/store/mens-t-shirt