Ten Things to Look for Yourself When You Apply People Analytics to Talent Acquisition
In this article:
* Big ideas I have learned about talent acquisition from people analytics
* Things you can analyze at your company that relate to talent acquisition
* Talent theories you can either confirm or reject with your data
When you look at talent acquisition, you should be mindful of both the short-term needs and goals of the recruiting function as well as the long-term needs and objectives of the company as a whole. The ever-present danger is that if you launch into a data effort without understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you’re looking for, you will get lost and come up with nothing. In this article, I set you on the right path so that you can stay focused on what matters. Perhaps my suggestions fit your company, and maybe they don't — it’s your job to find out. Here are ten things that may inspire the next brilliant analysis you use to help your company think differently about talent acquisition!
Less Effort Isn’t Necessarily Better
The natural temptation in measuring talent acquisition is to start out measuring the efficiency of the recruiting process.
Be careful what you ask for; measuring efficiency may create the wrong incentive. An old maxim holds; sometimes less effort upfront can cost your more effort in the long run.
First of all, if the effort required to acquire a worker from another company is small, then the energy needed for another company to get that same worker from you later is probably not much either. Remember that the more general the skills of a worker, the less effort required to obtain qualified workers. The flip side of this is that if the employee’s skills are generalizable, the employee will also be challenging to keep. These principles will be reflected in the Cost Per Hire, Time to Hire, as well as the Attrition Rate per job family. You will observe that if you hire proportionally more people with general skills than a comparable organization, your recruiting measure benchmarks will look better, while your attrition rate will look worse. Unless you are proportionally the same jobs families, at the same time, what are you really measuring through the benchmark comparison?
Always ask, what am I really measuring here? Then for good measure, "why?"
If the nature of the worker's contribution is easily substitutable, then it may not matter if you have churn, but if you have unique work requirements, churn matters. For example, if the work at your company requires investment in training, then a recruiting approach that produces hires that churn frequently will just shift the effort necessary to run your workforce from the recruiting side to the training and managing side. I don't know what you think, but I think it would be better to be less efficient in recruiting but more efficient overall.
Are you robbing Peter to pay Paul (or Paul to pay Peter)?
A little bit of friction, in the beginning, maybe a good thing at the end, when it produces candidates that are a better fit and therefore stay longer. Customize outreach effort and value proposition to address a specific need and address a particular audience, as opposed to trying to convince everyone to join your company.
The goal shouldn't be to find the easiest option, but rather the best option. Aside from the obvious “best is better” statement — the more important point is that you should align your measurement-and-analysis system to your goals. Otherwise, what you measure may pull you in a direction where you don’t want to go.
There’s Always a Trade-Off
With most things, you have a choice when it comes to what improvements you want: Should it be better, faster, cheaper, or more reliable? For this reason, data-savvy recruiting teams try to measure and balance three different key performance indicators (KPIs): cost-per-hire, time-to-fill, and quality-of-hire. (Some companies add the candidate experience as a fourth dimension KPI.) In a different universe, you may be able to maximize all these KPIs; however, on earth, there’s almost always some trade-off.
If you're partial to looking for the most certain hiring option when it comes to candidates, for example, it will take more effort, and it will take you longer, which will cost you more. If you value quality, you have two options: Spend more time upfront developing evaluation criteria that increase your certainty of choosing the best hire, or spend more time replacing hires when you were wrong. The option you choose depends on where you want to spend your time.
If you’re looking to reduce cost, you should minimize wasted effort but preserve efforts that are important to quality. For example, it’s more expensive to evaluate ten people than five people. And yet you can imagine that evaluating ten people might make it two times more likely that you find the best hire. If so, this expense may be worth it. However, if you extend this logic to one thousand people, would evaluating one thousand people make you two hundred times more likely to find the best hire?
In most cases, no.
The question is, where is the optimum stopping point? Waste is any number that is above the threshold of certainty required. For this reason, investments in analysis — establishing clear criteria for quality — may be more time-consuming in the beginning but will reduce time spent in the long run. Investments in analysis minimize the time spent in the long wrong by making decisions criteria more certain and by producing fewer process errors.
All Else Being Equal, Choose Sources That Require Fewer Interviews to Produce a Hire
If you have just two sources of hires over one year and Source A produces 1000 candidates that yield ten hires, whereas Source B produces 100 candidates that generate ten hires, then Source B is much better than Source A. It’s correct that both sources provided ten hires; however, Source A required a lot more effort. The fact that such a smaller percentage of Source A made it indicates that Source A has a much lower-quality pool of candidates than Source B.
What I am describing here abstractly often represents the difference in the recruiting funnel found between job boards (active candidates) and recruiter-discovered candidates who were not actively looking for jobs (passive candidates). I cannot know what sources you use to identify candidates or how those sources perform for you. However, this is a simple problem to solve by just tracking candidates, recording how each candidate began the process, and counting how many of those candidates pass through each subsequent stage. There’s no wrong or right answer for everyone, but all else being equal, the sources that produce the most hires for you with the least effort are the best. I’m not here to tell you how to recruit, but your applicant tracking data can.
(The best options may take some hard upfront effort — for example, identifying screening criteria and having conversations with people who aren’t even looking for jobs. It is true this takes some effort, but it’s more effort to fail over and over again until you get the right candidate.)
The More People Analytics Are Used, The Better They Get
In two decades of working with data, I have always found that when a company first starts to analyze something, it finds many problems in how it is recording data. As painful as it is to show other people a report or an analysis that isn’t perfect, you still need to push forward. The more you show the good and the bad, the more likely it is for others to take an interest in helping you correct the problems to improve the report or analysis.
In all the work I have done with HR data, the worst data is usually the data captured by recruiters. The reason for this is that the recruiter’s job is to produce hires, not to record data. It’s a fast-paced, high-volume job that requires much talking. It isn’t likely that recruiters will go into a system to record a detail that seems trivial to them, particularly if they don’t see why they particularly need to log it. To them, it looks like a waste of time. And I can understand this take — if you don’t use the data, they were right to think of it as a waste of time. If you do use the data and it provides insight, however, you've proven this wrong.
You can’t make data perfect on your own or wait for other people to make it ideal for no apparent reason. You have to start a conversation somewhere. It just requires a decision that working on it matters, followed by persistence in getting the job done. The more you use data, the more likely it is to get collected and get collected the right way. The less you use data, the more likely it is not to get data collected right.
“This Can’t Be True” Is the Beginning of a Journey to an Important New Insight
If everything you ever found with analytics were already apparent, there would be little point to analytics. In science, the answer to the most valuable insights is sometimes found on a journey to understand some unexpected findings. Why don’t the bacteria grow here near this mold? I don’t know the answer, but the result was penicillin, and penicillin changed the world. How is it that light is both a particle and a wave? I don’t know the answer to that one either, having avoided Physics class in college, but the conundrum posed by this observation led to the development of quantum mechanics. Sometimes scientific findings can be challenging to absorb, but challenging puzzles foreshadow new learning.
In the application of people analytics to recruiting, I have observed many disturbing findings that beg several questions. For example, Google began its recruiting efforts with the safe assumption that those people who went to the best schools with the best grades would also make the best hires. Upon careful inspection, they found this wasn’t right — other hires performed equally well, if not better. This started a journey to answer the question, "What does predict performance?” If you can’t screen hires using the safest assumptions, what’s left?
Another, “this can’t be true” finding at Google, and many other researchers (both before and after Google’s work) is that most people believe bias exists, but believe they have no bias. "I know I am not sexist or racist" is the common refrain. However, upon careful inspection of data and illustrated with silly games, plenty of these professed non-racists and non-sexists reveal patterns of systematic bias. The fact of the matter is, how we perceive others is always already influenced by bias.
When evaluating a large number of earlier interview ratings against a history of actual job performance, it turned out that nearly all interviewers failed to make reliable predictions. That is, they were wrong more often than they were right.
However, paradoxically, when they averaged the scores of individual interviewers together, the average was right much more often than it was wrong. It turns out that, while we are flawed, all of us are smarter as a collective than each of us individually.
Intrigued by this problem, Google launched a long-term effort to understand what makes the best hiring decisions and how bias manifests itself. The profound observation is that the problem may be the same — the efforts to curb bias are not different from the problem of discovering how to hire for characteristics that predict performance.
The solution for now? 1,) Establish what are the important characteristic differences between the highest performing workers and the worst, per job family. 2.) Create hiring teams of five or more different people. 3.) Have each interviewer ask carefully curated questions from a structured interview guide for each important dimension of performance (these vary per job family). 4.) ave interviewers provide numeric ratings per dimension. 5.) average the scores. 6.) track the actual performance of hires on the job. 7.) Associates the prehire interview conclusions, and refine the methodology over time. This more deliberate manner of recruiting produces higher-performing hires and more diverse hires, putting more attention to job-relating criteria by averaging out signals tainted by bias.
While it is painful to uncover problems, attention to the problem stimulates the thinking needed to move to something better.
Visualization Is Just the End of a Very Long Journey
Many people believe that if they could visualize data better, they would be able to see all the insights hiding in the data. Suddenly, the answers to all questions would be made more evident, and people would use the reports regularly. The universality of data visualization is an excellent idea for people who sell data visualization applications, but not a great idea for people who buy them and are accountable for results.
Figure C-1 shows the winding technical path to get to the promised land of insight.
Figure C1: The winding system journey.
In the figure, you can see that to get to the promised land, you ***can’t*** take data directly the way it is from source systems and put it into a data visualization application. Additional work is required. The illustration summarizes the reality that several important steps must occur in-between — actions that may require many more applications to be strung together.
What data you show, what parts of it you highlight, and how you present it must vary based on the nature of the questions you’re trying to answer, the kind of the data you have, and the quality of finding pursued. You can use some standard tools and create some efficiencies, but there’s no universal workflow for every insight. You first have to define what you’re looking for and bend the workflow to produce the answer. Data visualization is just the end of the workflow.
Earliest Decisions Have the Greatest Impact
Here are several ways that the earliest decisions can have the most significant impact.
The decision you make about whom to prescreen determines the quality of the people you pass from prescreening to an onsite interview, as well as the work required to thin further. You can't put in later what you left out before, but if you let too many people through at the start, you have to do more work later. Remember, the earliest decisions matter most.
That's just the start of it. Considers the hires you make. the decision you make early in the life of the company or team has more impact than the people you hire later. If or no other reason than that the people you hire before are involved in hiring the people you hire later. It’s best to start with a high-quality bar and replicate than begin with people who may not recognize quality the same way when they see it. Also, when you go to hire people later, one of the main evaluation criteria they use is, “Whom will I be working with?” Talented teams attract talented people. Average groups attract average people. Lastly, the earliest hires have the longest runway to contribute value if your company survives, and they have more impact on whether this happens than those who join later.
Here is another way that earlier decisions matter more. When you do analysis, most of the attention is on the quality of the result; however, your ability to achieve a quality end result is determined by your clarity about the question your likely going to need to answer. The more you have clarity about the questions you want to be able to answer in the end, the better decisions you will make about what data to go after early to help you get there in the end. Sometimes, you may have to collect data for years before you can answer an important question. The most important decisions you make when setting up people analytics are the ones you made early in the process. If you have done it right, you have anticipated the questions that others don’t yet know they will ask you later. What data you capture is an early decision that has enormous consequences. Your most important challenge is to convince people to support your effort to collect data that they don’t yet know they need.
Because Few Companies Pay Commensurately for Outlier Performance, Your Business Can Excel If You Have an Eye for Outlier Talent
Many companies make some effort to tie employee pay increases and bonuses to performance. Whether they know why they do this doesn't matter — it just seems like the right thing to do. However, what is interesting is that these efforts typically fall far short of providing commensurate increases in base pay and bonuses for the level of superior performance. By this, I mean that if someone can produce 300 percent more widgets than the average person, they may be paid ten percent more than the average person, or even thirty percent, but they've never paid 300 percent more than average. I don’t know the precise amount to use, but because the highest performers produce results at such a greater magnitude than the average, imagine the collective results you could achieve if you have more of these people. Then imagine how much more money you would have to spend to attract more such people. That’s how you create a great company.
In situations where performance matters, you can offer candidates that demonstrate high-performance characteristics much more money than their current employer does. Few employers value performance beyond a token gesture. Their ignorance is your gain. Paying more for performance expresses the fact that you value what the highest performers bring to the table, even if nobody else does — a powerful signal to send current and prospective employees.
(Pay for performance is contingent upon your ability to identify the differentiating characteristics of high performance by the job, which requires more work. Also, the range of performance variability for each job is different. Some jobs have a small performance range, and others have wider ranges. Real Pay for Performance requires you define performance carefully, observe it, and also observe the differentiating characteristics that anticipate or signal its presence.)
Balance Hires and Exits to Get to Budgeted Headcount
Imagine that you were putting water in a bucket, and there was a hole in that bucket. Your objective of carrying precisely a gallon of water from Point A to Point B requires that you understand how much water you’re putting in and how much you will lose on the journey. Since there is a hole, obviously you have to put in more water than one gallon — the question is how much. Now imagine while you’re carrying the bucket that you’re adding water and losing water at the same time. Water is coming in and going out, but you don’t precisely know the rate. In other words, the goal is changing. The leaky bucket is what trying to reach a specific budgeted headcount figure is like for most companies.
It’s possible to do a much better job of getting to budget headcount in the right time frames if you can measure the average number of hires produced per recruiter (for a given segment) in a given time frame and the expected number of exits in that segment in a given time frame. You can then calculate in advance the number of imminent departures and plan those into your hiring assumptions, which may imply that you either need to add recruiters or speed them up.
If you understand the essential inputs, it’s a simple problem answered by a simple equation. The better you are at forecasting the number of hires and exits in a given time frame, the better your chance to get the right amount by the correct date.
Ten Analyses for Managing Talent Acquisition
Here's my top ten list of the analyses you can use to improve the efficiency of your hiring processes:
* Cost-Per-Hire Analysis
* Time-To-Fill Analysis
* Time-To-Start (Candidate Perspective) Analysis
* Hiring Quality Analysis
* Yield % Analysis
* Headcount Plan % Achieved
* Employment Brand Survey
* Candidate Experience — Pre-Onsite Survey
* Candidate Experience — Post-Onsite Survey
* Post-Hire Reverse Exit Interview Survey
A description of the first six analyses in the list is in Chapter 9 in my book: People Analytics For Dummies and all metrics are defined carefully in the Appendix: HR Metrics Definitions Guide. A description of the last four analyses in the list is in Chapter 8, and sample survey items are in the Appendix: Great Survey Questions.
This is an excerpt from the book People Analytics for Dummies, published by Wiley, written by me. Please buy it.
More on People Analytics For Dummies here
More samples here: Introduction to People Analytics for Dummies, Introducing People Analytics, Making the Business Case for People Analytics, Contrasting People Analytics Approaches, Segmenting for Perspective, Finding Useful Insight in Differences, Making Sense of HR Metrics, Estimating Employee Lifetime Value, Mapping the Employee Journey, Survey Questions To Collect Analyzable Data For Your Employee Journey Map, Attraction: Quantifying the Talent Acquisition Phase, Activating Employee Value, Analyzing Employee Attrition
The beloved tens: Ten Counterintuitive but Unifying People Analytics Design Principles, Ten Myths of People Analytics, Ten Pitfalls of People Analytics, Ten Things to Look for Yourself When You Apply People Analytics to Talent Acquisition
You will find many differences between these samples and the physical copy in the book - notably my posts lack the excellent editing, finish, and binding applied by the print publisher. If you find these samples interesting, you think the book sounds useful; please buy a copy, or two, or twenty-four.
Three Easy Steps
- Follow and connect with me on LinkedIn here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/michaelcwest
- Join the People Analytics Community here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/6663060
- Check out an index of my writing and other resources here: Index of my writing on people analytics on PeopleAnalyst.com
Employee Experience - Job Analysis - Business Process Improvement
4 年Great article! I've been thinking about a piece of this lately..That is the movement has been for companies to always make processes more efficient, faster, leaner, and optimize the value stream. But for HR does this approach lead to good quality candidates? I would argue that candidate quality evaluation needs to be seen separately from the hiring process efficiency evaluation. That sounds counterintuitive but so many companies report that they struggle with finding"good candidates" and finding "culture fit". Perhaps the attempts at speed by implementing screening software and only reviewing a resume for the proverbial "7 seconds" has something to with it???? Sometimes automation and AI doesn't eliminate bias (but actually bakes it in to the process) nor does it have the capability of analysis and insight into a candidate's quality, talent, and passion for the job. Humans do that better and if they can be trained to be conscious of biases and consider things like #networkgap and #transferableskills then I believe companies will find "good candidates" again.