Ten Things to do After Getting Laid Off
Sweta Singh
HR-Probe CX | 45K+ Followers LinkedIn| Trained 1000+ Students | Start Up HR Leader | Soft Skills Trainer and Speaker | Featured for Ted Talk at Eat My News, Delhi Todays
In your life as an adult, you must be applying to various internships and jobs. You must be getting selected for some, while you must have also faced rejection from the others. But among all of this, there must be those times when you think everything is going awesome with you and your job, but one fine day, you get laid off.
Sometimes you see it coming, and sometimes you don’t. Either way, now you have nothing to engage yourself with and you are stuck with one question looming over your head, “What do I do now?”
Chances are you ended up here because you searched, “What to do after getting laid off?”
So here we are with an answer to your question.
Ten things to do after getting laid off:
- Handle your termination: When you are terminated from your job, there is a difference if you have been laid off or fired for a cause. If you have been terminated because of downsizing or lack of work, then you must be entitled to some benefits or the other. You are entitled to ask for the reason for your termination. It is natural to feel angry, sad, frustrated in such situations. Try to gain control over them and reason things out. Have a conversation with your employer regarding the termination and ask relevant questions regarding it. Asking for a justification can help you move forward with the protection of your job, as employers have a manual that protects employees from being fired under certain circumstances. This could also help you improve your work habits and perform better.
- Appeal: If you are protected by a contract, then you have the right to seek a justification regarding your termination. If you want to keep your job, you can write an appeal letter to your employer as they usually have a manual that protects employees from being fired under certain circumstances.
- Resignation: Try to ask if you can resign instead of being fired if you want to avoid the stigma of being fired. But this may also jeopardize your unemployment benefits and payments. Thus, every claim has to be understood and made wisely.
- Get rid of the paperwork: Once you have finalized whether you want to take a resignation or continue with the termination, it is best to get rid of the paperwork as quickly as possible. Layoffs often entail a lot of paperwork and cause stress, thus, it is important to get done with them as quickly as possible.
- Take a break: Terminations are often very unexpected and come as a shocker, leaving us feeling vulnerable. Moreover, the stress of job hunting often causes even more panic. In such a case it is very important to take a break, let your emotions out, clear your mind and then plan and organize things before getting back into action.
- Rebuild your resume: Whether you choose to continue with the same role or you choose to go for a career change, it requires you to rebuild your resume. Following your termination, spend time updating your resume that reflects your experiences and skills you have gained over the years, and add numbers and figures. Numerical data adds more truth to your resume and makes it look more attractive.
- Start applying: Once you are done furnishing your resume, go ahead and write a cover letter. Now you have an added advantage of work experience and outlook, which will help place you in your dream job. Now that you are out of your job, you have the freedom to apply for all the companies you wished to work with, your dream companies too! Use this freedom wisely, and apply to the places you think you are capable of contributing to with your values, and will also have the opportunity to grow.
- Start networking: Layoffs often bring along with them a lot of free time. They also come with a lot of emotional and mental exhaustion. The monotonous process of applying and reapplying to jobs and getting rejected all over again is very tiresome. One way to cope with this is to start networking, and investing in your hobbies. Although terminations come with a lot of embarrassment, they are a fact of life. You need to accept that and not let this embarrassment stop you from networking. Catch up with your friends and invest time in developing skills that you could not do earlier because of your job. Your networking can also help you land up a job.
- Interviews: Irrespective of the reason for your layoff, you are going to have to explain to your recruiters why you are back on the job market. This may be very tricky to handle. So, take your time, and plan how to answer it, articulate your feelings towards your termination into a polite and professional answer.
- Use freedom wisely: Termination brings along with it, a lot of extra and free time. However, no matter how much free time we have, it is often difficult for us to cope with it and relax. However, it is wise to do your best in such times, and motivate yourself to not give up. Enjoy this time away from your daily grind and take this time to heal and come out as a better person on the other side. Staying positive and productive during the lay off is key to performing better in interviews.