Ten Principles To Create A Customer-Centric Company

Ten Principles To Create A Customer-Centric Company

Customer-centric companies put their customers at the center of all decisions. That means the customer is always considered as decisions are made, even if the decision will not make the customer happy.

Annette Franz is a customer experience expert and is known for her work helping her clients create journey maps, plotting out the interactions between customers and the company, and looking for ways to create the best customer experience. I had a chance to interview her on?Amazing Business Radio ?about her new book,?Built to Win: Designing a Customer-Centric Culture that Drives Value for Your Business . During the interview, she gave an overview of the ten drivers of a customer-centric culture. Here they are with my take on what they mean.

1.?Culture Is the Foundation:?There is a reason why this is No. 1. Without this, you don’t get a customer-centric organization. It starts with leadership defining core values. Then you layer behavior on top of that, and you have the foundation of the culture.

2.?Leadership Commitment and Alignment Are Critical:?This ties to the culture. Franz says, “You get the culture you design or the one you allow.” Leadership must stay focused and committed to core values. They must be the role models and demonstrate through their behavior. They set the example for employees to follow.

3.?Employees More First:?That’s not a typo. If a company puts customers first, Franz says, “Employees must be more first.” What you want the customer to experience starts with what employees experience. If they are fulfilled with their jobs, they will be more engaged and productive.

4.?People Before Products:?Seth Godin once asked, “Do you find customers for your products or products for your customers?” Once you understand your customers, you can develop products that they need. Sometimes a company will develop a product because they think it’s a good idea, which reminds me of the line from the movie?Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come.” That may work in the movies, but not in business. Make sure customers want what you sell.

5.?People Before Profits:?Profits and shareholder value are outcomes. Focus on what drives those outcomes, which are your people, both employees and customers. Employees taking care of customers, who keep coming back, are what will give you the favorable results you’re looking for. It’s okay to start your thinking with the end in mind (profit and shareholder value), but when you start to execute, do what’s right for your people first.

6.?People Before Metrics:?While metrics are very important, you have to empower your people. Franz says, “If you focus on moving the needle on those numbers you will do things differently than if you focus on the experience, which will ultimately improve the numbers.” And it is your people who will drive that experience and impact your numbers.

7.?Customer Understanding:?This is making the customer the cornerstone of your business. Franz emphatically states, “No discussions, no decisions and no designs without bringing the customer’s voice into the conversation.” Listen to the customer, know your customer and understand your customer.

8.?Governance Bridges Organizational Gaps:?Structure in any organization is needed, which includes executives, teams and departments within an organization. Then there is the operating model, which includes the tools and processes that allow you to execute. These must work together. That requires organization and governance.

9.?Outside In Versus Inside Out:?Outside in?thinking is bringing the customer’s voice into the decisions we make.?Inside out?is when we think we know what’s best for our customers, and that’s what we’re going to do. It’s not that every decision you make has to be favorable for the customer, but every decision you make should take the customer into consideration. Throughout the entire book, Franz makes the case that your focus must be on?outside in?thinking.

10.?Forget the Golden Rule:?The Golden Rule as we know it is to treat others as you would want to be treated. The Platinum Rule (with credit to Dr. Tony Alessandra) is to treat others the way?they?want to be treated. Not everyone wants to be treated the same way you do. This is what customer-centricity is all about. Focusing on customers and what they want!

At the end of our interview, I commented that all ten of these are important. Typically you try to get one or two ideas from a book. In this case, you get ten. And more than ideas, they are principles. Furthermore, you don’t have a choice of which one of the ten to implement. If you really want to have a customer-centric organization, then you must do all of them. Practice these principles, focus on people, both customers and employees, and watch the customer-centric culture come to life.

Follow me on?Twitter .?Check out?my?website .?

Shep Hyken ?is a customer service and customer experience expert, keynote speaker, and New York Times, bestselling business author.?For information on Shep's virtual?training programs, go to?www.thecustomerfocus.com . Follow him on?Twitter .?

This article was originally published on?Forbes.com .

Check out Shep's latest research in his?Achieving Customer Amazement Study .

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Howard Tiersky

WSJ Best Selling author & founder of QCard, a SaaS platform designed to empower professionals to showcase their expertise, grow their reach, and lead their markets.

2 年

Love this! I agree that culture is definitely the foundation. If the company doesn’t practice a human-centric culture, they can’t provide an excellent employee and customer experience. The core values should be bold and specific. An excellent experience comes from within.

Penny Steckly, CCXP

Customer Experience Professional

2 年

Great summary - thank you for sharing. The Principles are simple and absolutely make sense - achieving all ten may be a continual work in progress but that is how you truly evolve as an organization. It is the journey as much as the destination!

Anita Toth

Hidden Revenue Hunter | Find your first $5K - $50k in hidden revenue without adding new clients | Curiosity score 10/10 |

2 年

I've got this queued up to listen to this afternoon. Looking forward to it.

Jose Antonio Herrezuelo

Marketing & Sales | Put the customer first to grow

2 年

Food for thought is the platinum rule, Shep, and recommendable episode to listening as usual.

Edward A.

“Never let nostalgia become the enemy of vision.” ~Dr. Phillip Pointer

2 年

? Shep Hyken The Platinum rule has been the cornerstone of my service philosophy since learning about Dr. Alessandra’s work around 2003-2004. The way he uses the relationship to results spectrum to hone in on the “how to” treat others the way they want to be treated is pragmatic and useful both in person and in remote settings (contact centers). The list is great and #10 is the tie that binds them all together.


