Ten Note Commandments
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
There are a lot of different rules you have to keep in mind when you’re buying notes because there’s a lot of moving parts to the note business and lots of nuts and bolts. There are a lot of them, but these are probably the ten biggest ones you need to keep in mind when you’re looking at buying distressed notes. This is just a start to get more information to understand things a little better. Grab a pen and paper and write these Ten Note Commandments down so that you’re rock and rolling.
I had the idea to do the Ten Note Commandments. If you’re listening to this, you probably want to grab a pen and paper. Write some of these Ten Note Commandments down so that you’re rock and rolling. There are a lot of different rules you have to keep in mind when you’re buying notes. There are a lot of commandments but these are probably the ten biggest ones you need to keep in mind when you’re looking at buying distressed notes. It’s a little bit different for the first versus second. I focused on the first side. That’s what we’re going to talk about basically.
The number ten commandment is if you’re going to be a note investor, you’ve got to look outside your own market. You’re going to see deals, but most of them are not going to be in your backyard. Look outside your own market for number ten. I live in Austin, Texas. I haven’t bought anything here in years because it’s an overpriced, crazy market, and there’s very little inventory because we’ve got a very booming market. The thing is you can’t find stuff in Dallas. I’m not saying you can’t find stuff in Houston. We just don’t see that much stuff in Austin.
Ideally, if you live in a state like Ohio or Michigan or Indiana or Illinois, you may have enough inventory in your backyard to be able to find that. If you’re in California, Arizona, even Florida, you don’t see that much stuff. You probably got to look to buy in a couple of different states. As a new note investor, look to buy outside of your own backyard. If you’re just looking to stay in your immediate back yard, your immediate city, you’re probably going to go broke in the long run. That’s number ten. Keep that line initially. If that’s not something you don’t want to do, then the note business is not for you.
Listen to the full podcast episode here: https://weclosenotes.com/ep-307-ten-note-commandments/