Ten myths about food you should know

Ten myths about food you should know

Discussions about food are a serious topic of contention today, and everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should and should not consume. Of course, People will always have various reasons for eating or not eating certain foods based on certain factors like availability, culture, religion, personal beliefs and even income. Regardless of the region, culture or beliefs, certain myths are associated with the different foods we consume. This has affected how people view these foods and goes a long way to determine how much or less of them are consumed. Some common myths associated with foods are:???

Myth One: You cannot lose weight with detox

We live in a world where there is a lot of pressure to look a certain way, and there are lots of restrictions people put themselves.

If I can get a penny for how many detox orders or weight loss recipe questions I have gotten, I would be a billionaire now. there is this fad reigning that if you detox with just fruits and vegetables for some days, you would lose weight. Well, you would lose weight but the bad news is, it is just water weight which you would eventually gain back because juice fasting is not sustainable in the long run.

Do you want to?lose weight, or do you want to embark on a healthy journey?

There is no shortcut to the truth; create sustainable healthy habits. Start with the simple things that won’t be tiring to be sustainable in the long run.

You can start with a 30 minutes brisk walk daily or swap that bottle of soda for a?natural smoothie or juice?or imbibing portion control in your diet. Whatever you do, make sure you do your research first and talk to professionals that can help you instead of restricting yourself based on some marketing advertisement or what you see on social media.

Myth two: Consuming Vitamin C can prevent cold

Taking vitamin C supplements is unlikely to prevent a cold. It may, however, make a cold less severe and may shorten its duration. This could result from its ability to fight infection, inflammation and provide immunity. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the human diet, but instead of supplements, we should choose vitamin C-rich foods, such as peppers, citrus fruits; like oranges, lemons, and vegetables such as dark leafy greens, broccoli, strawberries and, importantly, fruit juices or smoothies?examples of which can be found here.

Myth three: Low carbs diet help reduce weight!

Low-carbohydrate diets are popular for weight loss. Although these diets eventually lead to rapid, short-term weight loss, they are no better than other weight loss diets over the long term, and most people following a low-carb diet often gain the weight back. Adherence to a low-carb diet is also associated with an increased risk of “all-cause” mortality. Low-carb diets may lead to perceived short-term benefits, but they are at the expense of our long-term and overall health.

Myth four: Egg whites Are Better Than Egg Yolk

Egg yolks and whites contain different vitamins and minerals. The egg white is a great source of protein, riboflavin and selenium, but most of the egg’s nutrients and nearly half of its protein are found in the yolk. People often prefer egg whites to the yolk because it does not raise the bad cholesterol, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The yolk contains a relatively low amount of saturated fats, which is very important for healthy living.

Myth five: The only source of OMEGA-3 is fish

Omega-3 has many benefits to the body; sometimes, there is a misconception that it can only be gotten through fish. Omega-3 supports the heart and brain function, it promotes bone and joint health, helps with cognition and memory, and so on. But what is rarely said is that Chia and flax seeds are good dietary additions as they are rich in alpha-linolenic acids, which help the heart and brain just as much as omega-3.

Myth Six: Eating Carrots helps Eyesight

Carrots are rich in beta carotene, an orange pigment that our bodies can convert into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for good eye health, but eating more than required will not improve eyesight or make you see more than normal! The British used this misconception during World War II. They had developed a radar technology that enabled their pilots to track and shoot down German planes at night. To keep people na?ve to this new technology, they released propaganda stating that their pilots were eating a lot of carrots to boost their eyesight to help them see in the dark!?

Myth Seven: Eating Once a Day is a good way to Lose Weight

?Infrequent or inconsistent mealtimes can cause your body to go into starvation mode.

It’s true that fad diets like “intermittent fasting” or eating all of your calories in one large meal a day can cause temporary weight loss. However, your weight loss will stall—or possibly reverse over time. And it can cause you to feel more sluggish, making it less sustainable in the long run. When your body doesn’t know when to expect its next meal, it can enter starvation mode, so it holds onto calories. Instead, eat smaller, healthier portions of food every few hours to provide your metabolism with the nutrients it needs!.

Myth eight: Frozen Fruits and Veggies Less Nutritious Than Fresh Ones?

With fruits and vegetables, people often ask, which is healthier, fresh or frozen, cooked or raw? The best answer is, “whichever way you eat them”. There are a few nutrients that are inactivated when frozen and some nutrients that are destroyed when cooked. Still, these details pale compared to the many health benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.?Check here to see varieties of available 100% fruit smoothies.?

Myth nine: Several Small Meals are Better than Three Large Ones

Regarding health, what we eat is far more important than how often we eat. Whether we eat six small or two larger meals, both can be fine as long as they are centred on healthy feeding.

Myth ten: Eating At Night Cause Weight Gain

Again, what we eat is far more important than when we eat. Eating at night is often blamed for weight gain, but it likely has more to do with what we’re eating, as we choose less healthy, high-calorie foods late at night (ice cream, cookies, popcorn, small chops, etc.) Most people aren’t chomping on celery sticks and carrots for a late-night snack. That said, there may be a metabolic benefit to extending our overnight fast.?



