Ten Minutes Fast, Chapter 24, "This business will get out of control..."
"... it will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."
The Nation is reeling after the murder-suicide at the White House. A dark cloud spreads over the Country. A funeral pall, similar to when JFK was killed, and way beyond the political drama currently mesmerizing most Americans. Way beyond the international drama unfolding in Israel and Ukraine, and all the other places where the U.S. has become the tarnished city on a hill. It's as if the United States were coming unglued. Even more un-united, politically, socially, and economically than ever before ... not to mention the time-honored, hall of fame, and the most popular divisive catalysts of race and ethnicity.
And the recent UFO and suspected alien activities of the past year over northern Utah have also thrown a new curve into the mix.
An instability is broadening. At first it was a gradual slide and hardly noticeable by most Americans. Only the more aware saw it coming, they felt it coming ... and many more saw it coming from the outside. But now, suddenly, widespread fear of the Country being plunged into a state of anarchy is upon us and has become a frightening reality ...
... long-standing institutions are failing. The government appears to be on its last legs. You can't even trust the Supreme Court anymore.
(Author's Note:?This Thomas Baker novel is largely based on true events. Some chapters are preordained with creative license in order to move the story along. This story follows Baker's 'Sunset Playland', 'Sweet Land of Liberty', 'Something for Nothing', 'Exodus Afghanistan: A Personal Story', and his 'Burnt Bridges and Loose Ends'. All of these books can be seen, posted chapter by chapter in their original and unedited manuscript form in search of a formal publisher, on this LinkedIn web page in the "Featured" and "Activity" sections. Some names and places, and dates, have been changed for privacy, personal protection, and national security)
It is impossible for the White House to contain the story about the murder and suicide regarding the Vice President and the Secret Service agent, or about the wound to the President's arm. Speculation about what had happened is getting out of control. There are more conspiracy theories brewing on social media than with the JFK assassination, when there was no social media. Be that as it may, the mainstream media is just as bad. Absolutely giddy over any bad news that it can milk for all it's worth. And it's worth a lot in advertising dollars and ratings.
The Secret Service has become the main target of suspicion. How could they let something like this happen? Was their own man a Lee Harvey Oswald? Or was he a Jack Ruby? ...
Who shot who? Who stabbed the President? How was the Vice President killed? What the hell actually happened there?
The media wanted all the details. And although the President was not seriously injured and now back at work after his surgery, and after the blood was cleaned up in the Oval Office, he wanted the attack by the Vice President to be covered up as much as possible to protect her reputation and her legacy. And to protect his as well. Something caused her to snap, and the President ... and Baker and Hennessy, and definitely George, wherever he is ... have a good idea about what that is.
Meanwhile, and unconscionably, many in Congress, you know who they are ... all the usual suspects ... and a few other misdirected psycho sycophants, all travel to New York in a shameless and an idiotic show of support for DT, Goldfinger on trial for fraud in covering up his affairs with porn stars, rather than show respect and attend the state funeral for the Vice President.
Baker shares his letter from George with the President. They consult with Dr. Val Grantham regarding the AI and bio-science aspect of the apparently alien-based plot which seems to not just be unfolding, but now accelerating. And of which an indicted DT, Goldfinger seems to be involved.
Grantham is a confidant and a trusted ally on Baker's team, which has over the years become referred to in inner circles as "Baker's Dozen", a loosely based and covert group of "as needed" professional and skill-oriented patriots. Grantham is up to speed regarding the alien issue, and he has now been brought up to speed regarding the Vice President tragedy, and the recent developments with George Phillips.
Grantham confirms that the AI/bio-science is sound, and left out of control, that it is a clear and present danger to national security.
They are meeting with the President in the Oval Office ... Baker, Hennessy, and Dr. Grantham ...
Grantham: "How's the arm, Mr. President?"
The President: "Hurts like hell, Val, but it could have been worse."
Grantham: "Yes ... I guess you were lucky, all things considered."
The President: "Lucky or not, this business will get out of control ... it'll get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. I'll be lucky to live through it! ...
... I've asked Jerome Little Wolf to join us. He'll be here shortly. Tom, I think I'm going to ask him to be the interim Vice President. Interim, meaning to ride out this upcoming election with me. I like him, and you were right, he's a good one."
Baker: "I'm sure he will accept, Mr. President, but what after that?"
The President: "After that, if we win ... he stays if he wants to. And I think he will. If we win."
Baker: I'm sure he will be honored to serve, sir."
The President: "Beating Goldfinger in November is going to be tough. I know I'm old, and maybe I walk funny, but my mind is clear and I am an American patriot for Christ's sake! My Vice President just gave her life for this Country. She's an American hero and that's how I want her to be remembered. I can't believe half the Country is buying what this Goldfinger boob in that funny red hat is selling. What's wrong with them?! It's not him that's nuts, he's easy to figure, it's them!"
Baker: "I can't believe it either, sir. I mean what ever happened to reason? Who in their right mind would vote for this guy? There must be something else going on in the American conscience. But you need to calm down, Mr. President. Take a deep breath. Don't let this guy get to you. He is a jackass ... he's always been a jackass ... and he'll always be a jackass. But he won't be president again. Not if we can help it. And I am sure that Jerome will give your campaign a huge boost."
The President: "Tom, what's the story on George Phillips. I mean, talk about 'out of control' ... what the hell's going on there? ... and what's this 'ten minutes fast' business? What does he mean?"
Baker: "That's a real wild card, sir. I think he is offering us some special help that only he is able to give. I witnessed, and so did Hennessy here, the kind of power he's capable of. I know it sounds crazy, but considering his background, and his ... 'origins', whatever and wherever they are ... he has proven to be trusted and on our side ... thank God."
Hennessy: "Sir, it's more complicated to comprehend. Hard, if not impossible, to wrap you head around, at least my head, but he saved those cruise ships from a disaster. And that's a hard fact. I'm with George ... wherever he is, and I hope he is coming back. We need him."
The President: "That's good enough for me, Ray. Please keep me posted. Oh ... a Detective Roscoe Miller from the Georgetown Police Department is following up on the Phillips murder, or whatever that was, and his subsequent disappearance. He's a very puzzled man. Join the club, right? ...
... he called the number you gave him, Tom, and keep me out of this. Please. He has contacted our CIA special operations unit and will be informed that the case is being handled by them, and be redirected."
Baker: "Thank you, Mr. President. He seems like a good man."
Hennessy: "Times like this I wish we had one of those red flashy light things that erase memory, like they had in 'Men in Black'."
They all laugh ...
Just then Jerome Little Wolf is escorted into the Oval Office by an aide. They all stand to shake hands and greet him. Baker is happy to see him, and he's proud of his nephew. Jerome is wearing a light gray suit, crisp white shirt with a red tie, and highly polished black cordovan shoes ... and he's wearing the blue "Don't Let Me Down" campaign hat with the airborne Screaming Eagle logo.
(Baker and George Lotus designed the hat, thought it was a good idea at the time ... yeah, even a good idea now, it's a good looking, patriotic cap and makes the red MAGA hats look clownish and silly. Baker's son-in-law who owns a hat company and produced a thousand hats at his own expense ... for cost, that is)
Jerome is another wild card. He's an orphan that Baker took under his wing after a friend in the military who was killed in Vietnam asked him to look after his son. Baker saw to it that Jerome received a good education, which he did. He proved to be a brilliant mind with a good sense of responsibility and direction. He was a Marine sniper, and a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, although he was against both wars. He worked as community organizer, then as an aide for the governor of Delaware, and he was recently appointed Lieutenant Governor. At the age of 34, Jerome Little Wolf is a well spoken young man with a law degree, has a good sense of humor, and most of all he is a true American patriot as a full-blooded Cheyenne Indian ...
... and except for the fact that he almost assassinated "President Goldfinger" at a rally in South Dakota a few years ago (see 'Sweet Land of Liberty', Chapter 1, "Carved in Stone" and Chapter 14, "Seamless") ... his record is clean.
Jerome's sense of humor shows through as he greets the President and Dr. Grantham ... then his Uncle Tommy, and then Ray Hennessy, one of his favorite people. He and Hennessy always joked and traded gibes about Jerome's native background ...
... Jerome greets Hennessy, "Hello, Kimosabe ... good to see you ..."
They all laugh again, but Baker recalls the "trouble" that George Phillips referred to in his letter ... the tragedy regarding the Vice President murder-suicide at the White House ... and the other "tragedy" he referred to that would presumedly put Jerome Little Wolf in the White House ... as President ...
John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah