Ten Minutes Fast, Chapter 22, "Baker Receives A Memo From The Universe"

Ten Minutes Fast, Chapter 22, "Baker Receives A Memo From The Universe"

Baker is shaken but not stirred by Ilene's news of the letter from George Phillips. He knows that George is a very special person, an extraordinary person, and that his alleged murder and subsequent disappearance were part of a much greater story ... an ongoing continuum with a much greater and profound meaning.

When he first learned of George's demise he was suspicious of the surrounding circumstances, which were vague, and he was sure that George was not totally gone. Baker had a feeling that George would eventually show up ... one way or another. He expressed this feeling to Ray Hennessy and Hennessy was in total agreement. They both had worked with George and had witnessed him do things that were ... "Aπ?κοσμο?", as Jimmy Ayvaliotis's Greek mother once said of her missing son's circumstance ... "Otherworldly" ...

(Author's Note:?This Thomas Baker novel is largely based on true events. Some chapters are preordained with creative license in order to move the story along. This story follows Baker's 'Sunset Playland', 'Sweet Land of Liberty', 'Something for Nothing', 'Exodus Afghanistan: A Personal Story', and his 'Burnt Bridges and Loose Ends'. All of these books can be seen, posted chapter by chapter in their original and unedited manuscript form in search of a formal publisher, on this LinkedIn web page in the "Featured" and "Activity" sections. Some names and places, and dates, have been changed for privacy, personal protection, and national security)

Baker and Hennessy have just finished their meal. They are sitting at a table on that now moonIit deck patio of their favorite pub/restaurant in Georgetown. It's a warm and pleasant Spring evening ... the last scent of the cherry blossoms still lingering in the air. The subtle outdoor string lighting above the deck is making for a cozy and intimate experience as there are now just a few patrons finishing their meals and talking in low voices. Their waitress, Rene, who they both know, brings two more beers without being asked ... Rolling Rocks in the green bottles. Ilene is on the phone with Baker and she has just informed him of the letter she received today ... from George Phillips.

Phillips death is a mystery. The disappearance of his body and all his belongings is even a bigger mystery. In fact, George Phillips, aka "Deep Throat", has always been a mystery. But Baker and Hennessy, and a very select few others including the President of the United States know of his extraterrestrial background and of his honesty and integrity and his desire to "make things right." They also know of his extraordinary powers to aid in that endeavor.

Baker and Hennessy are scheduled to meet with Detective Roscoe Miller of the Georgetown Police Department in the morning. They will be questioned about George and asked to verify his identity, and if they have any knowledge of just what the hell is up with this guy. It should be an interesting conversation.

But for right now, Baker asks Ilene to read George's letter over the phone to him. And she does. Baker's speaker phone is on so Hennessy can hear too ...

"Dear Tom", she begins ... "I know you have a lot of questions about me, and in time I will answer all of them. I will be out of touch for a while, but I will be back. In one form or another, but you will know me ..."

Ilene pauses ... Baker and Hennessy look at one another in amazement.

She continues ... "... You and Ray are stuck holding the bag answering questions to the police about any circumstances you may know about my alleged death and disappearance. I'm sorry to put you in that position, but I'm sure you two will do the right thing. You always do. But here's what happened ...

... one of Ben Hooper's team got to me. Hooper swore revenge that day at ATC when I shot and killed him, and he followed through like I thought he would. (See 'Burnt Bridges and Loose Ends'). In fact, and I know you will find this amusing, but it was Dr. Helen "Pussy" Galore who entered my room last week and shot me. What goes around comes around, I guess. Anyway, I thought that was pretty ironic ... funny even. But she is gone now and no one will ever find her. I mean like really gone, if you know what I mean ... like not on this planet ..."

Ilene pauses again ... Baker and Hennessy look at each other, then shake their heads and force a subtle laugh. Ilene laughs too, kind of. She knows the story of Ben Hooper and Dr. Pussy Galore ... and the guy with the glasses who turned out to be Kahil the mastermind behind the cruise ship terrorist plot ... the guy who had attacked her and her neighbor Nancy ...

Baker says, "Ilene, please continue with the letter ..."

She continues to read ... "But, Tom, here's the thing. There's trouble ahead. The incident at the White House the other day. The Vice President. They got to her. And if they got to her, they can get to anyone ... and probably have. This is the AI and bio-science business that Ben Hooper was working on, and it continues. It's like a cancer and we must stop it. Hooper is not dead. He's back, but in another form. A human form. And we will have no idea of who or where he is until somehow he surfaces again. Same with Kahil. Same with Dr. Galore ... same with me, but I will come to you and you will know me ..."

Ilene pauses again and says, "My God, Tom! ..."

Baker answers, "That's it?"

Ilene: "No. There's more."

Baker: "Please ... keep reading ..."

She continues ... "Tom, you and Ray, and Ilene, and I'm sure Ray's wife, Pat ... and the President know of my situation. This situation. Our situation. And although my role in all of this is not clearly defined, I can tell you with all certainty that we must act before the election in November. It doesn't matter who wins the presidency, but at all costs it must not be "Goldfinger", as you like to call him. He's not an evil man but he is a monster waiting in the wings. An idiot. He's a puppet for no good, and in the bigger scheme of things, in the bigger picture, he's a force that can trigger a definitive national, and a global ... even a Universal chain reaction toward a total breakdown and a corruption of what we were all put here for in the first place ...

... it's all in play right now, Tom, all around us, and we don't have much time to change the paradigm. If that is even possible now. Look at what's happening in the Middle-east, Russia,China, North Korea, Iran, Syria ... and not to mention the divisive insanity that is intensifying right here in your own country. And this is all contributing to the climatic and physical issues of the entire plane ...

... in the end, Tom, "the meek will inherit the earth", it is written ... it is our fate and destiny. But it may not be us who inherits the Earth ... it could be the grasshoppers or the ants ... the butterflies or the bees. Or the cockroaches. It has happened on other planets before. But we can avoid a tragic path to that end if we act now and make a few course corrections ...

... you, we, are a primitive species on this Earth relative to time and space and the Universe. Just a snapshot in time. There are civilizations that are so much more advanced than us, wiser and more civilized than us ... and there are some who are just beginning, going through the same growing pains as you are ... we are. But there is a natural order of things. A time and a place for everyone and everything. And a stupidly orchestrated nuclear holocaust based on fear and greed would set us back for centuries, for millennia, and change the natural order of everything for the worst ...

... there are some planets in the Universe where this has happened and the result is, for lack of a better word ... evil. Evil forces have developed and matured. This is where Ben Hooper comes from. And it is why he wants to recruit people like your "Goldfinger" to be President. It's his work that has corrupted your Vice President to do what she did ...

... I don't have all the answers about how to manage and mitigate this oncoming freight train of tragedy and heartache. But we're a team, and now that you and Ray Hennessy have a leg up on all this, we can work together. You two have proven to have the resources and the determination and tenacity, and the courage to see it through ...

... it is my firm belief that a good place to start, Tom, is by convincing the President to select your nephew, Jerome Little Wolf, to fill in as interim Vice President right now, and continue on to run with him toward the election in November ...

... the President will win, Tom, putting Goldfinger on ice ... but I foresee another tragedy ... and this will put Jerome in the White House as President ..."

Ilene pauses again. They are all silent ... trying to absorb what she has just read. Baked asks, "Is that it?"

Ilene answers, "No. There's a little more ... as if that isn't enough ... good Lord ..."

Baker: "Ilene, please, finish reading George's letter ..."

She finishes, "... Tom, that's all I have for right now. There will be more from me, and we will meet again. But tell Jimmy Ayvaliotis's mother and his family that he will be coming home soon. Same for Marty ... and same for his crew. They are safe and well. Tell the President about this letter, and to get Jerome on board as soon as possible, but leave out the part about ... you know. Tell Ray Hennessy I'm counting on him ... and give Ilene my best."

Ilene stops.

Baker: "That it?"

Ilene: "No. Just one more thing."

Baker: "What is it?"

Ilene is somewhat overcome now with what she has just read and trying to absorb at the same time. She paraphrases here ...

... "He says to be sure to always keep your watch set ten minutes fast. That it's important. That you saw the power of time and the Universe in that hotel room with Kahil ... it's how you saved the cruise ships from terrorists. He says this will come up again. The time thing. He says you know what he means ..."

Baker: "That it, then?"

Ilene: "That's it, Tom ... all he wrote. What does he mean, 'it will come up again'?"

Baker: "God only knows ..."

John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah



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