Ten Minutes Fast, Chapter 13, "Fallen Dark Angels ..."
Baker, Ray Hennessy, and George Phillips are sitting in the Oval Office with the President, reporting on the recent crisis averted. They are all friends and trusted allies, and they share a unique and intuitive bond. They are committed to protect America. And they know how and when to keep their mouths shut ... and where and when to act.
Only they know of the issues regarding the late Ben Hooper ... and now the late Kahil. There seems to be some outstanding issues with alien infiltration into our American society, and now our government. Not just foreign adversary aliens ... but aliens from other worlds ... other galaxies. Some good, some bad. Just like us. There is an ongoing plot, years in the making, and unbelievable as this may sound, a classic battle between good and evil, involving none other than former president, "Goldfinger", and using the down through the ages inherited influence of ancient, biblical, fallen angels like Satan, Moloch, and Beelzebub ... and those more current and popular ones like Hitler, Putin, and Trump. Then there are the wannabe villain dark angels like Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley, and the menacing Stephen Miller, all slowly and methodically being used by our adversaries to tear down America from the inside out ... and the outside in.
(Author's Note:?This Thomas Baker novel is largely based on true events. Some chapters are preordained with creative license in order to move the story along. This story follows Baker's 'Sunset Playland', 'Sweet Land of Liberty', 'Something for Nothing', 'Exodus Afghanistan: A Personal Story', and his 'Burnt Bridges and Loose Ends'. All of these books can be seen, posted chapter by chapter in their original and unedited manuscript form in search of a formal publisher, on this LinkedIn web page in the "Featured" and "Activity" sections. Some names and places, and dates, have been changed for privacy, personal protection, and national security)
The President is on the ropes regarding the upcoming 2024 election .. and so is America. Somehow, and unbelievably, "Goldfinger" (Trump) is beating him and all other comers in the polls. Half of America seems to have lost its collective mind elevating this dangerous buffoon into a godlike icon. We are not 'We the People' anymore, we are now 'Us and Them'. Every time this sick man opens his mouth he hurts the Nation and damages democracy, but more important, our traditional way of life. And it is all and only for his own personal gain. "From the inside out ... and the outside in."
The President, and most thinking and reasonable Americans, are looking for a way to beat "Goldfinger" in the upcoming election. We are running out of options short of hoping someone just shoots the son of a bitch. All the grabassing and name-calling, the political rhetoric and the stink of mendacity, has all reached a new low as the Country becomes even more divided and dangerously vulnerable to outside forces who are taking advantage of social media, mainstream media, and AI (artificial intelligence) by diverting attention, taking America's eye off the ball, off the big picture, which is "Goldfinger's" personalized picture of chaos and disaster. "He loves only gold."
The golden sneakers ... are you kidding me?! ... C'mon man!!!
(The author, Baker, realizes he may be pushing the envelope regarding his views and political commentary. But how can anyone not be concerned about the crisis that America, and the world, is facing running up to this landmark 2024 election? I won't get too deep into the political weeds, and will remain true to this story on its own merit. But you have to admit the political minutiae is entertaining. Sadly. But I will leave that to CNN ...)
The President speaks, "George! You shot him? Killed him? Why? He could have proven that 'Goldfinger' was involved in the cruise ship terror plot. That could have been the wooden stake in his black heart, our silver bullet to beat him in the election."
George Phillips: "Mr. President, just think about it. His base would probably love him for it. You know how they think. Besides, they wouldn't believe it and say it was just the democrats making it up, lying. The GOP would turn that around to make us look ridiculous. We can't bring aliens and UFOs into this ... otherwise it will turn into an even bigger circus than it is already."
Hennessy Speaks up, "I agree sir. We need to beat him fair and square. Beat him at his own game. Put him away for good ...
... and by the way, George, that was some nifty 'look into the future' trick that you pulled. Pat and I thought it was the end of the world! Can my watch do that too?"
George: "In time, Ray. When you learn to use it. When you're ready. I apologize for the distress I caused you and Pat. But it had to be done."
Hennessy: "I understand. No problem. Good work."
Baker jumps in, "Yeah, that was amazing. Never seen anything like it. Glad you're on our side, George."
The President breaks up this kumbaya saying, "Okay, okay, I get it. And thank you, George, you saved thousands of lives, most of them American lives, and we will be forever in your debt ..."
George, who is starting to take his cues from Hennessy and becoming sort of a smart-ass too, says, "Aw, shucks, Mr. President ... 'twas nothing. Don't mention it."
The President continues ... "Don't be a smart-ass, George, or I'll send you back to the State Department ... or wherever the hell you came from before that ...
(They all laugh)
... but this doesn't solve the election problem. We simply can not let this jackass back into the White House. Even if it means a better democratic candidate. Or a better republican candidate. I'll bow out if we can come up with a stronger plan or even a stronger candidate. My VP wants out, she will not run in 2024. I really can't blame her, she's taken a lot of flack. Look, I know I'm old, but I know I can do the job ... but they're killing me with the age thing and I don't want to leverage the Country into a vulnerable position of having to make a choice between 'the lesser of two evils'. That's why I asked you, Tom, to run as my VP, and you too, Ray. You'd make me look good, like a stronger candidate."
This revelation, or confession, silenced the room ...
Baker speaks first, "You are a saint, Joe, for what you have done. And don't ever forget it. You're a true American hero right up there with George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and JFK for what you have done for this Country. And what I mean by that is, not just by your performance as Commander and Chief, and policies and resolve, but by beating Trump in the 2020 election. That was huge. Bigger than most Americans will ever realize. It was your Valley Forge. You contained the cancer. Turned the tide. But you, we, need to finish the job and destroy the cancer once and for all."
The President: "Thank you for that, Tom. I appreciate your good words ... and I know you mean what you say ... but what do we do? Just look around. Look at the 'leaders' people are choosing, electing, to offices of responsibility. I barely beat him in 2020. Half of America still thinks he won. Politics has become even more of a personality contest than it always has, but now with a nasty twist that is indicative of these new times, this new America ...
... our leaders are supposed to be our best and our brightest. Honorable. Smart. Wise. Or at least intelligent, literate, and responsible. Age is no factor. But look around. From the small-town mayors to the big city administrations, to our state and our national representatives of the people. Leaders. Lawmakers. Sworn to protect and serve. For the most part, many of them seem to be merely holding down a good job with a golden parachute, stroking their own egos. They're not our best and brightest by a long shot, rather, our worst and most incompetent ...
...sadly, and I'm sorry to say ...
... I don't know how it all happened, but we don't seem to be a 'We the People' America anymore. It's like you say above, we're an 'Us and Them' America now. Divided among ourselves eight ways from Sunday. Confused, misinformed ... misdirected. An America that seems to be on its last legs. Just between us, I'm starting to lose hope."
Baker: "Well, Mr. President. 'Hope is not a course of action'. George told me that a long time ago. And he was right. I have a few ideas ...
... first, you may want to consider Jerome Little Wolf as your VP running mate. That would throw a new loop into the whole 2024 election picture. A full-blooded Cheyenne Indian with the potential to become President. Just think about that ... wouldn't that be something for the American electorate to chew on?"
George breaks in, "I told you that, Tom? ... about hope?"
Baker: "You did."
Hennessy cuts in, "Wait ... I thought it was me that told you that, about hope not being a course of action."
Baker, "No. It was George, Ray. I'm sure of it. He told me a few years ago in an email when he was with the State Department ... when he was 'Deep Throat' ... when we were trying to get Abbas's brother out of Afghanistan, remember? ... " (see 'Exodus Afghanistan: A Personal Story').
The President interrupts, "Look, guys ... I hate to break up your night club act, but can we get down to business here? Do you have any other ideas, Tom?"
Baker: "Oh, yes, Mr. President. There's a lot more. And the fallen dark angles are about to fall for good ..."
Hennessy: " ... 'fall for good' ... good one, Tom."
John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah