The Ten Commandments are IRRELEVANT without Relationship

In recent weeks I have had communication with a number of people who have arrogantly ignorant opinions of the matters of the Almighty and of what is according to the Will of the Almighty and what not.  These people have come from different religions and denominations and all at some level believe they have THE truth when, in fact, they are seriously off the mark.


In the light of this and through observing the society in which I live, which quite actively seeks to obey the Ten Commandments and live “good” lives I have come to realise that, in fact, the Ten Commandments and all other laws, commandments and precepts relating to the matters of the Creator are IRRELEVANT unless one has a RELATIONSHIP with the Almighty Creator.


  1. Love Yah TOTALLY

The fundamental commandment is “Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, your Mighty One with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and ALL your strength!” – if you are NOT doing this your life is NOT worth much in the greater scheme of things – we were CREATED to have a deep personal relationship with our Creator.  Note that “Yah” is His true, essential name NOT “God”, “The LORD”, etc.


  1. Only believe? à Outer Darkness

If all you have done is at some moment in time believe that the Creator exists but have continued to live as though He does NOT exist you will be judged according to the Ten Commandments and probably spend considerable time in torment in Hell but, most critically, you will end up in the Outer Darkness for eternity a place of intense cold and darkness, the “trash heap of Heaven”.  A highly undesirable outcome!


  1. Believe with commitment? à Commandments are CRITICAL

If you believe and are making some material effort to serve the Almighty then the Ten Commandments provide you with essential guidance as to how to live your life and you would be strongly advised to pray regularly for deep revelation of the TRUE meaning of the Commandments and then energetically clean up your life accordingly.  See the Commandments page on the website at for more information.


  1. Relationship? – Commandments should be AXIOMATIC

IF you are seriously seeking a deep personal relationship with the Creator then you should DEEPLY understand that He desires you to clean up your act and FULLY comply with ALL TEN of the Commandments.  If you are sloppy in this area then you are fooling yourself IF you think you have a deep personal relationship with Father Yah.


  1. Do NOT believe? à Commandments are IRRELEVANT!

The Ten Commandments were given to BELIVERS FOR BELIEVERS.  So, if you do NOT believe in the Creator your moral, ethical, principled “good” life is totally futile.  You might as well go out blaspheming, lying, whoring and killing wholesale – you will still die and become a demon and spend the remainder of the 7,000 years eking out some sort of meaningless spiritual existence, much as you have done during your life to date.


  1. Good life? à IRRELEVANT!

One of the huge errors in the world today is the belief that a “GOOD” life is what counts.  It does NOT, personal relationship with the Creator is what COUNTS – read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” at and the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at for detailed information to discover what this is about and how to attain it.


  1. Understanding of the Commandments is CONFUSED!

Then, to compound the problem, most of what is taught and believed about the Commandments is SO corrupt and full of error that whatever attempts you MAY be making to keep them are close to futile, see


If this article has gotten your attention I urge you to resolve now to stop playing games and choose to seek a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator.

May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you


May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish

Warm regards and blessings,



James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

28 May 2016


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