The Ten Arts: a conclusion
Seumas Next
Senior Vice-President of Business Affairs and Operations at the Office of Scientific Intelligence
Overwhelmed at your enthusiasm and support of my 2013 announcement that "Food is the 8th Art: a cultural and artistic movement every bit as definitive as Impressionism in 19th-century France or Film in the early 20th-century" I'm delighted to conclude my study with the 9th and 10th Arts.
Inspired by Georg Hagel's "Lectures on Aesethetics" (1835) and following Ricciotto Canudo's declaration of Film as the 7th Art (Paris 1923) it is my pleasure to declare Sport as the 9th and Information as the 10th and final Art.
My final thesis will be published shortly and I look forward to the pleasure of your considerations!
Georg Hagel: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Poetry
Ricciotto Canudo: Dance, Film
Seumas Next: Food, Sport, Information