Ten actions to protect the ozone layer
KENDU | In-Store Visual Solutions
Even if it is imperceptible, it is always there, at the stratosphere. The ozone layer protects us from the harmful effects of the sun. Sometimes, even if we forget it, the ozone layer plays a protective role as a barrier against external aggressions.
It was discovered in 1913, but it was not until the Montreal Protocol came into force in 1989 that it began to be taken seriously. This international convention has taken on the task of ensuring their protection through various actions. In this way, the aim is to progressively eliminate any production that poses a threat to the environment.
Responsibility is individual and begins with every small action. From the products we consume to the most insignificant decision we make in our daily lives.
From Ecología Verde, they propose the following 10 actions, which personally, will not cost you much and will help the collective good.
At Kendu, designing and manufacturing from an ethical point of view and being faithful to our circular economy model is our philosophy. Considering our eco manifesto, we work daily for sustainable products & services based on an ethical retail.
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