Temporary possession under a DCO or a TWAO – when does the limitation period start?

Temporary possession under a DCO or a TWAO – when does the limitation period start?

With land acquisition there is usually a clear single acquisition date on which the limitation period for a compensation claim commences. This is not the case with temporary possession, where the accepted view is that temporary possession results in a rolling daily claim for losses arising due to the possession. So when does the limitation period start?


The Limitation Act 1980 s.9 provides as follows.


Time limit for actions for sums recoverable by statute.

(1) An action to recover any sum recoverable by virtue of any enactment shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.’


The Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 s.23 provides that the limitation period for temporary possession applies from the last day of the temporary possession, as shown below. However, these provisions have not yet come into force and await regulations via statutory instrument.


(1) This section applies if an acquiring authority takes or is authorised to take temporary possession of land compulsorily by virtue of section 18(2).

(6) For the purposes of section 9 of the Limitation Act 1980, a cause of action for compensation under this section which, apart from this subsection, would accrue before or during a period of compulsory temporary possession for which notice is given under section 20 is to be treated as accruing on the last day of the period.


If this issue was put before the Tribunal or higher courts would the ruling be that s.23 should apply because Parliament has enacted this legislation, although not activated it yet and therefore it would be unfair to rule otherwise? Or would the ruling be that the Tribunal or court can only rule based on the current law? I am not a lawyer but I think it would be the latter. Therefore, as a claim for loss for temporary possession is a rolling daily claim for losses, any losses that were incurred on days that were more than six years before the Tribunal reference are statute barred.


Although a CPO cannot provide for temporary occupation of land, acquiring authorities often occupy land temporarily by acquiring new rights to occupy for a specific and effectively time limited purpose in relation to the project. Therefore if land is occupied on a temporary basis under a CPO, the limitation period will start when the acquiring authority takes possession of the land and has activated its rights, because this is the valuation date for the purposes of assessing compensation for the acquisition of new rights.


Thoughts welcome.? ???



