The Temple is You.

The Temple is You.

This is a Genesis story.

I get all my truths from the bible because this is where truth exists. ?

I found myself in Genesis, and this connection jumped out as I read. ?

Genesis 2:25 says, "Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

When it says naked and felt no shame, it is not because they have 6-pack abs and muscles building everywhere. ?

It is not because they take their peptides and testosterone injections every morning.

And it is certainly not because they live in such a calorie deficit that they are proud of the restraint they have shown. ?

Instead, I interpret it as they are naked and feel no shame because they are living life in a way that honors the image they had been created in...that of Gods (Genesis 1:24).

Knowing that they are living right. Eating well. Moving and working. Sleeping well.

Connected to God and connected to one another.

Naked and NO SHAME because of how they were living.

If we fast forward a few verses, I don't think it is ironic that they both ATE something (the fruit of the tree of knowledge of right and wrong) that suddenly made them aware of their nakedness and were suddenly filled with fear and shame. ?

The first sin came from an attack on the body. ?

It's exactly what happens with us today. ?

We make poor food choices, and eventually, we feel ashamed of our bodies.

We miss a workout, and we feel guilty.

We don't get to bed at night and feel emotional the next day.

Don't think it is ironic that the fall of man happened with an act against our bodies, rather than stealing, cheating, or lying.

It came against the one thing that is supposed to be kept optimal so that we can carry out the callings of our lives and stay closely connected to our creator because we were made in his image.

This revelation came to me and convinced me to share it because I think often we struggle with how hard exercise and nutrition are for us, and we wonder why no matter what we do, there is a spirit of shame and guilt around it.

When you do it for vanity or you do it for a certain look, or you do it because the world told you so...that simply won't be is only once you align spiritually and commit to living differently, being willing to do whatever it takes, that freedom comes over you. ?

OWN IT was built on the verse Romans 12:1-2 and 7 key words stand out: "This is your true and proper worship". ?

How you are living.

The food you eat.

The training you do. ?

The way you recover your body.

The way you work. ?

The relationships you hold.

The habits and behaviors you develop. ?

That is your true and proper worship.

So when the choices are out of alignment and happen unintentionally, shame and guilt are the by-products. ?

The naked and feeling no shame comes from knowing you are making the right decisions, you are living well, and you are on the path to what you have been called....protect the temple...the temple is you.

Tiny Win

Why do I workout in the morning?

I have had many people ask me this question.

Wouldn't it be better to get work done first and workout at noon when you are more awake or later in the evening when testosterone production is highest (this reality has little to no added benefits btw)?

A workout is finite.

There is a set time for you to invest, which is complete. ?

Unlike working on a presentation, diving into deep work or creative time, or a vast array of other things you could invest your time into, there is no drop dead time. It is too easy to bleed into your workout or 'me time'. ?It is too easy to get lost in the 'flow state' created and altogether skip over what helps to empower that flow state, which is movement, exercise, and training.

When you start your training routine, it empowers you to lean into the rest of the day with openness and freedom, knowing you have already completed the HARD thing. ? You can stay in your flow state and avoid interruptions. At the end of the day, you can come home and be present with your family.

Structure equals freedom.

Live different #ownit

Ownership Moment

Big changes start with small actions done over long periods of time.

It's funny to look at my data this week as it validates the power of consistency.

Let me reiterate that statement.

Consistency, NOT perfection. ?

Travel has been far less this past month, and I have been able to settle into a routine of getting up at 5:45 am, getting right into my workout routine, and getting to bed at 9:30 pm.

My HRV average has been 102 for the past month, compared to 91 for the previous six months.

Last week, my HRV average was 113. ?

Nothing has changed in the intensity or frequency of my training, but what has changed is the consistency. Fewer days have been missed, fewer workouts have been cut short due to time, and fewer workout days have been switched because of days on the road.

What I want to celebrate here and be a testimony for you, is that consistency works.

It's a choice and requires a decision.?

Content Piece I'm Loving?

JP has been coming and working out at the house for about three months now.

In today's episode, we share his journey of transforming leadership through fitness, faith, and accountability. Discover how building a strong team and integrating personal values can enhance your performance and lead to sustainable results.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The importance of having a supportive team
  • How fitness impacts leadership and personal well-being
  • The role of faith in personal and professional growth
  • The power of accountability and ownership
  • Practical tips for maintaining work-life balance
  • Whether you're a leader looking to improve your team's performance or someone seeking motivation to transform your own life, this interview is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice.

Key Quotes:

  • "When you have a great team around you, you feel a lot better. It's a lot more exciting."
  • "Fitness has transformed not only how I look but how I feel, impacting the way I lead."
  • "Accountability. That's everything. It's your responsibility. It's not on anybody else. It's on you."
  • "I don't want to be affiliated with my faith. I want to be integrated with my faith and my faith community."

Listen now.

Additional Tool - Commitment Ladder

JP has been coming and working out at the house for about three months now.

________ Whatever it takes

________ yes/no

________ Ill do it but...if...until...

________ Ill think about it

________ ill try

Too many people say they are committed to improving their health and fitness; however, that commitment is low on the ladder, and thus, they have lost before they have even begun. ?

The people we work with are on the top 2 rungs. ?

"I'll try" simply means you are saying it to make yourself feel better but have no intention of following through, and thus, you have a way out before you even start.

I'll think about means that you will put some time into thinking about it, but the thinking about it usually comes in the form of thinking about why you "can't" do something.

"I'll do it until, but or if," means that you will make an effort, but the moment something gets in the way, circumstances change, or an obstacle hits, the effort to press through will not be there.

"Yes/No" means we have hit the moment of living based on standards. ?

This is where you can start to win.

Committing and saying yes means that you have set a standard and committed. ? At this point, it is a display of character to determine whether you keep your word or not.

Whatever it takes. ?

This is the person who gets results. ?

The coachable one.

They will make changes and adjustments as necessary because of their journey, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. ?

That is the uncommon person—the person who wins.?


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