Temple opening mantras - Pujari 101
Radhika Gopinatha dasa
Professor of Vedic Theology and Religious Studies: Present society needs a new paradigm of devotion to God.
To start Radha Krishna worship is not easy. They are very powerful and proper care must be taken. Following are the mantras at ISKCON Aukland in 2004.
Day ONE Temple Opening - Prayoga
Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari Deva-griha-pravesham – Grand Opening Ceremony - prayog
January 16th – 17th – 18th 2004
Sankalpam Thursday 15th Early Morning:
The almanac for the day and time : Country : NEWZEALAND
PLACE : Auckland DATE : Jan 15, 2004
TIME : 4:00 - 4:50am DAY : Thu
PAKSHA : Krishna TITHI : Saptami
STAR : Chitra YOGA : Siddha yoga
Sun rises at 4:52 AM and sets at 7:20 PM
RAHU KALA begins at 1:55 P.M. and ends at 3:43 P.M.
YAMA KANDA begins at 4:52 A.M. and ends at 6:41 A.M.
remember in real time (DLS) this is 05:00-05:50am to do the sankalpam
Tithi becomes the Asthami @ 06:07am (including DLS adjustment)
Start of the puja Vidhi:
Sri govinda sri govinda sri govinda
om vishnu om tat sat
adya brahmano dvitiya parardhe
sveta varaha kalpe, vaivasvatakhya manvantare
asta-vimsati kali yugasya prathama sandhyayam
brahma vimsatau vartamanayam
......do hasar cha (2004)....…. samvatsare (year) (518 Gaurabda – panch sor artara)
......uttara ..........................…. ayane (course of the sun)
......grishna...........................…rtau (season)
......Madhava mase (Magh).. mase (month)
......krishna…..........................pakse (fortnight)
......Kumbha........................... rasi sthite bhaskare (sun sign)
......saptami…......................... tithau (lunar day)
......shukra…...........................varanvitayam (day of the week)
......chitra...(excellent in nature, looking forward and appropriate)... nakshatra samyutayam (constellation)
jambudvipe bharata khande
medhi bhutasya sumeroh daksine
lavan arna vasyottare kone
gangayah paschime bhage
sri saligrama sila go brahmana vaishnava vahni sannidhau
Formally ask Sri Sri Radha Giridhari, Jagannath Baladev Subhadra, Nitai Gauranga, and Srila Prabhupad to bestow Their blessings upon the proposed function, let there be all success and free from any calamities.
Adivasa – Thursday 15th evening:
7:00pm Arati
Talk – Video – slideshow
Lite Prasadam
Srimad Bhagavatam 8:23:16.
mantratas tantrata chidradea-klrha-vastutasarva karoti nichidramanusakrtana tava
TRANSLATIONThere may be discrepancies in pronouncing the mantras and observing the regulative principles, and, moreover, there may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person and paraphernalia. But when Your Lordships holy name is chanted, everything becomes faultless.
PURPORT Sri Caitanya Mahprabhu has recommended:harer nma harer nmaharer nmaiva kevalamkalau nsty eva nsty evansty eva gatir anyath [Cc. Adi 17.21]
In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way. (Bhan-naradiya Purana 38.126) In this age of Kali, it is extremely difficult to perform Vedic ritualistic ceremonies or sacrifices perfectly. Hardly anyone can chant the Vedic mantras with perfect pronunciation or accumulate the paraphernalia for Vedic performances. Therefore the sacrifice recommended in this age is sankirtana, constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasa (SB 11.5.29). Instead of wasting time performing Vedic sacrifices, those who are intelligent, those who possess good brain substance, should take to the chanting of the Lords holy name and thus perform sacrifice perfectly. I have seen that many religious leaders are addicted to performing yajas and spending hundreds and thousands of rupees for imperfect sacrificial performances. This is a lesson for those who unnecessarily execute such imperfect sacrifices. We should take the advice of Sri Chaitanya Mahprabhu (yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasa). Although Sukracarya was a strict brahmana addicted to ritualistic activities, he also admitted, nischidram anusankirtanam tava: My Lord, constant chanting of the holy name of Your Lordship makes everything perfect. In Kali-yuga the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies cannot be performed as perfectly as before. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has recommended that although one should take care to follow all the principles in every kind of spiritual activity especially in worship of the Deity, there is still a chance of discrepancies, and one should compensate for this by chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In our Krishna consciousness movement we therefore give special stress to the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra in all activities. (Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srimad Bhagavatam. 8:23:16. purport.)DAY ONE - Friday 16th January 2004
Olde Temple – morning program
Breakfast 08:30am
the New Temple
10:00am Purna-kumbha – receive VIPs, sannyasi guests at new temple
declaration of intent by Temple authorities (pratiprathastri)
Short talk to welcome everyone and as introduction to priest:
Priest makes overview of mornings events and makes reference to schedule events board
Harih om
saha na vavatu / saha nau bhunaktu /
saha viryankaravavahai / tejasvi navadhitamastu /
mavidvi sa vahai /
May He, Lord Sri Krishna protect us all together; may He nourish us all together; may we work conjointly with great energy, and enthusiasm together; may our realizations be vigorous and effective; may there not be any dispute between any of us (nor may we not hate anyone inside or outside of this assembly). Let there be peace, and peace, and peace in all assembled here, in our temple environment and in the forces that act upon us. (Maha-Narayanopanisad & Swetasvara Upanishad invocation verse)
om shanti shanti shantih.
from sweteshwar upanishad.
Om dhyauh shanti
urvantariksham shanti
prithivis shanti
apaha shanti
vayuh shanti
tejah shanti
oshadhayah shanti
loka shanti
brahmana shanti
vaishnava shanti
shanti astu dhrtir astu, om shanti shanti shantih
harih om
om jaya sri krsna caitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
Kanka bandanam – wrist binding: PRATISARA BANDHANAM
Place a Tulasi leaf inside the kumbha, some kurchas of kusa grass, 21 blades of grass or wheat stalks, gems such as navaratnam. Put a coconut or a banana if coconut is not available, on top of the kumbha. Take a piece of clean yellow cloth, or a hari nama chaddar on the kumbha and prepare to call Varuna deva into the kumbha:
om varunaya namah avahayami (avahan mudra), sthapayami (sthapanam mudra), pujayami.
Worship Varuna deva in the kumbha with five upacaras, gandah, sugandam pushpam, incense, lamp, naivedyam.
esha gandah om varunaya namah gandah samapayami
idam suganadam pushpam om varunaya namah suganadam pushpam samapayami
esha dhupa om varunaya namah dhupa samapayami
esha dipah varunaya namah dipah samapayami
idam naivedyam varunaya namah naivedyam samapayami
Place enough strings of nine stranded cotton threads on top of the kumbha. Soon they will be used to bind the wrists of the priest and the yajumans. Before binding anoint the threads with candan and turmeric to purify them.
om astraya hetirajaya hum phat
Then touching the threads three times with a mixture of turmeric mixed with ghee whilst meditating on Vasuki chant the following mantra:
triyambakam yajamahe sugandhim pusti vardhanam
urvarukam iva bandhanam mrtyor muksiyam amrtat
Males being bound on the right wrist, females on the left, this is according to Brahmanda Purana.
Also to receive anga-vaastra – chaddars, and other gifts at this time
The yajuman should then place either the kumbha or the coconut into the hands of the priest and tie the priests right wrist with on of the nine strands from the top of the kumbha saying:
om apagacchantu te bhuta
ye bhuta bhuvisamsthitah
ye bhuta vijna kartaya
tve gacchan tvagyaya hare
"May all inauspicious subtle beings that may obstruct our service be gone by the order of the Lord."
Chanters recite:
Purusha Sukta (Krsna yajurved.) excerpt
vedaham edam purusham mahantam,
adityavarnam tamasah parastat
tamevam vidvan amrta iha bhavati,
nanyah pantha vidyate 'yanaya.
prajapatis carati garbhe antah,
ajayamano bahudha vijayate
tasya dhirah parijananti yonim,
maricinam padamicanti vedhasah.
yo devebhya atapati, yo devanam purohitah
purvo yo devebhyo jatah,
namo rucaya brahmaye, rucam brahmam janayantah,
deva agre tadabruvan,
yastaivam brahmano vidyate, tasya deva asanvase.
hrsca te laxmis ca patnyau, ahoratre parsve,
nakshatrani rupam, aswinau vyatam,
istam manisana, amum manisana, sarvam manisana.
harih om santi santi santih !
Breaking of 27 coconuts to remove Dhristi (subtle impediments) of temple to prepare for entrance.
Straw man - personification of Dhristi is then set on fire and is dragged out to N.E. corner of property and left there, un-initiated devotee who took him there is then gifted with daanam, and he goes to take bath and get re-dressed before he returns if he wants to, to be part of the proceedings:
PUNYAVACANA / SWASTI VACHANA (invoking auspiciousness)
Priest will say:
om asya karmanah punyaham bhavanto bruvantu
Let there be good fortune in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om punyaham om punyaham om punyaham
Priest says:
om asya karmanah svasti bhavanto bruvantu ayusmate svasti
Let there be all prosperity in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om svasti om svasti om svasti
Priest says:
om asya karmano rddhim bhavanto bruvantu
Let there be great praise in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om rdhyatam om rdhyatam om rdhyatam
om svasti no govindah
svasti no acyutanantau
svasti no vasudevo visnur dadhatu
svasti no narayana naro vai
svasti na padmanabha purusottama dadhatu
svasti no visvakseno visvaresvarah
svasti no hrsikeso harir dadhatu
svasti no vainateyo harih
svasti no anjana suto hanur bhagavato dadhatu
svasti svasti sumangalaih keso mahan
sri krsna sac-cid ananda ganah sarvesvaresvaro dadhatu
jaya sri krsna caitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
Sri govinda sri govinda sri govinda
om vishnu om tat sat
adya brahmano dvitiya parardhe
sveta varaha kalpe, vaivasvatakhya manvantare
asta-vimsati kali yugasya prathama sandhyayam
brahma vimsatau vartamanayam
......do hasar cha (2004)....…. samvatsare (year) (518 Gaurabda – panch sor artara)
......uttara ..........................…. ayane (course of the sun)
......grishna...........................…rtau (season)
......Madhava mase (Magh).. mase (month)
......krishna…..........................pakse (fortnight)
......Kumbha........................... rasi sthite bhaskare (sun sign)
......navami…......................... tithau (lunar day)
......shukra…...........................varanvitayam (day of the week)
......swati...(moveable, ruled by Vayuh, and appropriate)... nakshatra samyutayam (constellation)
jambudvipe bharata khande
medhi bhutasya sumeroh daksine
lavan arna vas yottare kone
gangayah paschime bhage
sri saligrama sila go brahmana vaishnava vahni sanni dhau
Iskcon pantha achyuta gotrah
sri krsna prityartham ……deva griha pravesham….. karmaham karisyami
Sripad Prabha-vishnu Swami & Ramai Swami to officially open temple doors
Enter Temple room
Brief statement:
First is installation of the Vishvakshena kumbha and puja Then invoke Sudarshan into the waters invoke Sudarshan into the Chakra and puja simultaneously offer ahutis to Sudarshan to oversee and protect us various ahutis to Sudarshan residing in the Chakra
Sudarshan tattwa homa
Sudarshan tatah homa
Sudarshan Santi homa
Dwadasa-naam homa
Purusha sukta homa
Parikrama of inside and then outside the building with Sudarshan jal
13:00 break for lunch prasadam
Request kirtan
11:00am Vishvakshena pujan (like Ganapati – Ganesh puja)
Vishvaksena aradhanam puja - (offer respects to the elephant headed form of Lord Vishnu, the commander of the Devas, and best amongst the assembly) to remove all obstacles.
In case anyone want to know who Vishvakshena is; He’s the plenary portion incarnation of Vishnu:
The incarnation in this period of Manu is Vi?vaksena, who is a friend of ?ambhu and who is born from the womb of Vi?ücé in the house of a br?hma?a named Vi?vasra???.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 8:13th chapter summary 8:13:23., 8:21:16-17. as powerful associate of Vishnu., 11:27:29 With offerings such as prok?a?a one should worship Durg?, Vin?yaka, Vy?sa, Vi?vaksena, the spiritual masters and the various demigods. All these personalities should be in their proper places facing the Deity of the Lord., 12:11:20 Vi?vaksena, the chief among His personal associates, is known to be the personification of the Pa?car?tra and other tantras. CC Madhya 20:327. In the Brahma-s?var?ya-manvantara, the avat?ra is named Vi?vaksena,)
Om yasya dvirata vaktradya
parisadya parasatam
vighnan nighnanti satatam
vishvakshenam samashraye
"Before beginning this work, I take refuge of the plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishvaksena, the elephant faced one, the leader of the assembly. It is He who constantly destroys all obstacles."
dharmaù svanu??hitaù puàs?à
vi?vaksena-kath?su yaù
notp?dayed yadi ratià
?rama eva hi kevalam
The occupational activities a man performs according to his own position are only so much useless labor if they do not provoke attraction for the message of the Personality of Godhead. (Srimad Bhagavatam 1:2:8.)
te??à sva-vibhütén?à loka-p?l?n?à ca vividha-véryopab?àha??ya bhagav?n parama-mah?-puru?o mah?-vibhüti-patir antary?my ?tmano vi?uddha-sattvaà dharma-j??na-vair?gyai?vary?dy-a??a-mah?-siddhy-upalak?a?aà vi?vaksen?dibhiù sva-p?r?ada-pravaraiù pariv?rito nija-var?yudhopa?obhitair nija-bhuja-da?òaiù sandh?rayam??as tasmin giri-vare samant?t sakala-loka-svastaya ?ste.
“The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all transcendental opulences and the master of the spiritual sky. He is the Supreme Person, Bhagav?n, the Supersoul of everyone. The demigods, led by Indra, the King of heaven, are entrusted with seeing to the affairs of the material world. To benefit all living beings in all the varied planets and to increase the power of those elephants and of the demigods, the Lord manifests Himself on top of that mountain in a spiritual body, uncontaminated by the modes of material nature. Surrounded by His personal expansions and assistants like Vi?vaksena, He exhibits all His perfect opulences, such as religion and knowledge, and His mystic powers such as a?im?, laghim? and mahim?. He is beautifully situated, and He is decorated by the different weapons in His four hands.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 5:20:40.)
garuòo bhagav?n stotra-
stobha? chandomayaù prabhuù
rak?atv a?e?a-k?cchrebhyo
vi?vaksenaù sva-n?mabhiù
Lord Garuòa, the carrier of Lord Vi??u, is the most worshipable lord, for he is as powerful as the Supreme Lord Himself. He is the personified Vedas and is worshiped by selected verses. May he protect us from all dangerous conditions, and may Lord Vi?vaksena, the Personality of Godhead, also protect us from all dangers by His holy names.” (Srimad Bhagavatam. 6:8:29.)
esha gandah om vishvakshenaya namah gandah samapayami
idam sugandam pushpam om vishvakshenaya namah sugandam pushpam samapayami
esha dhupa om vishvakshenaya namah dhupa samapayami
esha dipah om vishvakshenaya namah dipah samapayami
idam naivedyam om vishvakshenaya namah naivedyam samapayami
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )First call Sudarshan into waters
While that is happening get hotri to invoke fire and perform ahutis there
Sudarshan Avahan – invoking Sudarshan into the Kalasha waters
With thread joining the container where the waters are in, with Kurcha of kusha grass inside those waters to infuse it with charge linked to the Yajna kund and Sudarshan chakra to be installed.
Sankalpa - Declaration of what the purpose is i.e. Avahan, installation of Sudarshan.
Harih om tat sat
Sri Govinda Sri Govinda Sri Govinda
Shubhe Shobane muhurte bhagavat ajnaya bhagavat kainkarye
baddha nivrrti purvakam
sarva arishta shanti arthagm
bhagavad bhakti abhi vrdhi artham
adya sudarshan avahan puja tathaa homagm aham karishyami
Anga Nyasam
Purificatory preparation of priest for calling Lord Sudarshan, by Bhuta Suddhi, pranayama, and nyasa.
The invocation is done by first performing nyasa on your own body and then holding flower while doing visualisation of chakra-deity - reciting dhyana slokam is helpfull to get the visualisation going. Then the Lord is transferred from your mind into the water displaying the mudras and reciting mula-mantra and dropping the flower into the waters.
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )Dhyanam
Remembering the personal attributes of Lord Sudarshan.
Has 1000's of arms each having divine weapons, firey like the sun, protector of the devotees etc.
shankham chakram cha chapam parashum asi mishum shula paasham kushams ca
bibhraanam vajra ketagm hala musula gadaa kuntagm atyugram dagmshthram
jvaalaa keshagm trinetragm jvaladanala nibhagm haara keyura bhusham
dhyaayet shatkona sagmsthagm sakal ripu kula prana samhara chakram
om sahasraara hum phat sudarshanam dhyaayaami
“I visualize Sudarshana the eliminator of all hostile forces, located within the six-cornered star, bearing the conch, discus, bow, axe, sword, trident, noose, goad, the diamond-shield, plough, kudgel, mace, spear, with aweful sharp fangs, with blazing halo, three eyes, the intensity of a raging inferno, adorned with garlands and anklets.”
Karake Sudarshan aavaahanam
Invoke Lord Sudarshan into the waters using the kusha grass Kurcha - wand.
om namo bhagavate sudarshanaya aagaccha aagaccha (times three).
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )11:15am Sudarshan Pratishtha Nyasam
Anga Nyasam of Sudarshan.
om sagm (touching His head)
om hagm (touching His forehead)
om sraagm (touching the region of His mouth)
om ragm (touching the region of His heart)
om hugm (touching His navel)
om phat (touching His knees)
om aachakraya hrdayaya namah (touch the heart with fist)
om vichakraya shirase svaha (touch sudarshan's head)
om suchakraya shikayai vasat (touch shika showing thumb)
om suryachakraya kavachaya hugm
(touching both shoulders of sudarshan)
om jvalachakraya netrabhyam vaushat (touching both eyes of sudarshan)
om sahasrara chakraya phat (snapping fingers three times, slap to palm)
iti dig bandhanam hum phat
Mula Mantra Nyasam
asya shri sudarshan mahamantrasya ahirbudhnyo bhagavan rshih (touch the head of Chakra)
anustup chandah (touch the mouth)
sri sudarshan chakrarajo bhagavan devata (touch the heart)
kshaugm maha-jvalaya bijagm (touch the navel)
kligm shatru-mardanaya shaktih ( touch the region of the genitals)
kligm sarva bhava nivaranaya kilakagm (touch the feet)
sri bhagavat kainkarye badhaa nivrtti purvakagm avicchinna santaanena vivrddhyerthagm shat-kona madhyasthita vishnu chakra aavaahane viniyogah (show chakra mudra at chest rotating )
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )
Sudarshan Seva Puja Begins (dwadasa seva pujan)
Om sudarshanaya namah Asanam sthapayami samarpayami – requesting to sit.
Om sudarshanaya namah Arghyam samarpayami - offering of Arghya.
Om sudarshanaya namah Padyam samarpayami - offering at feet/foot bath.
Om sudarshanaya namah Achamaniyam samarpayami - offering of scented mouth wash.
Om sudarshanaya namah Snanam samarpayami - the Chakra will be bathed, and dried.
Om sudarshanaya namah Vaastram samarpayami - offering some fresh cloth, dhoti & anga vaastra.
Om sudarshanaya namah Upavitam samarpayami - offer Him the sacred thread.
Om sudarshanaya namah Gandham samarpayami - annoint with sandalwood pulp.
Om sudarshanaya namah Pushpam samarpayami - place flowers at His feet, and shower petals over His head.
Om sudarshanaya namah Dhupam samarpayami - offer fragrant incense.
Om sudarshanaya namah Dipam samarpayami - camphor and ghee lamps.
Om sudarshanaya namah Neivedyam samarpayami - a nice array of foodstuffs.
Om sudarshanaya namah Tambulam samarpayami - betal nuts/supari/anise/cloves/sugar coated fennel/silver coated cardamom.
Om sudarshanaya namah Sarvam samarpayami - pushpa & anjali, for everything & and everything lacking.
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )
Sudarshan Gayatri (times 10). Using ankusha-mudra - elephant goad.
Thread is tied around Yajna kunda to Chakra and around water, Kurcha is in water
Om sudarshanaya vidmahe hetirajaya dhimahi tannas chakra pracodayate
( JTCd & Hari Sauri prabhu )Sudarshan Stotram (seven verses)
(chant in Anustup swara - e.g. Bhagavad Gita)
sudarshana mahajvala
koti surya samaprabhaa
ajnanadhasye me deva
vishnor margam pradarshaya
yasya smarana matrena
vidravanti surarayah
sahasrara namas tubhyam
vishnu pani talaashrayah
kshiptvaa sudarshanam chakram
javal malati bhisanam
sarva roga prashamanam
kurk deva vara-achyuta
sudarshanam maha chakra
govindasya karayudha
tikshna dhara mahavega
surya koti samaprabha
trailokyam raksha raksha tvam
dushtha danava mardana
sudarshana mahajvala
chindhi chindhi mahagadam
chindhi vatam cha pittam cha
chindhi ghoram maha-visham
rujam daham cha shulam cha
nimisham jala gardabham
ye cha kechin mahotpata
karya vighna karas cha nah
sudarshanasya mantrena
graha yantu disho dasha
(consecrating the fire hearth - sthandila, the preliminary rites to homa):
(can be performed before the ceremony by the officiating priest)
Pancha Rekha Sthapana (drawing five lines with five colours as mentioned),:
The priest should take a kusa blade in his right hand and draw in the kunda a line twelve fingers long and pointing east, while meditating on the personality of earth.
He should then say: om rekhe tvam prthvi rupa pitavarnasi
"O line, you are earth, yellow in colour."
From the base of the first line he should draw a second line twenty one fingers long, pointing towards the north while meditating on the cow:
He should then say:
om rekhe tvam go rupa lohita varnasi
"Oh line, you are the cow, reddish in colour."
Parallel to the first line but seven fingers to it's left, starting from the second line, he should draw a third line the length of one pradesa in the eastern direction, while meditating on the Kalindi.
He should then say:
om rekhe tvam kalindi rupa krsna varnasi
"Oh line, you are Yamuna, black in colour."
Parallel to the third line at a distance of seven fingers he should draw a fourth line starting from the second line, in the eastern direction, one pradesa in length, while meditating on Srimati Laksmi Devi:
He should then say:
om rekhe tvam sri rupa svarna varnasi
"Oh line, you are Sri, golden in colour."
At a distance of seven fingers from the last line and parallel to it he should draw a fifth line of one pradesa length in the eastern direction, meditating on Sarasvati.
He should then say:
om rekhe tvam sarasvati rupa sukla varnasi
"Oh line, you are Sarasvati, white in colour."
(Sridam) UTKARA NIRASANA (expelling the impurities):
He should take a pinch of earth from each line with the thumb and ring finger of the right hand and throw out the earth from the fire pit, (sthandilla) saying:
om nirastah paravasuh
"The depleter of fortune has been thrown out and destroyed."
(Sridam) REKHABHYUKSANA (Purifying the lines with water):
Taking water from the sacred pot he should sprinkle it on the lines drawn.
(Sridam) Agni Avahana (calling the fire):
Formally invite Agni, the representitive of Lord Vishnu to come. He should be burning brightly in a copper or brass recepticle on the south eastern side of the yajna sala, and should be brought from there, never light the fire in the kund with matches etc.
sri vishnos teja evayam
"This fire is of the potency of Lord Vishnu."
The priest should call the particular fire for the particular ceremony, (i.e. in the case of the wedding it is called yojaka).
Whilst perfoming avahan, sthapan, abguntha, dig bandana, dhenu, matsya, and cakra mudras call Vaisnava Agni or Mangala Agni to come. Here is the example for Vaisnava Agni.
om vaishnavagni namagne ihagaccha
agne tvam vaishnavagni namasi
"Oh fire named Vaishnavagni, come here. Oh fire, you are called Vaishnavagni."
Place the wood around and on the fire. The fire must be seen to be engulfing the wood before worship of the fire is conducted, or offerings are made.
Sprinkle the now swelling fire with grita to delight Agni, and chant Om Tat Sat
Then with a normal voice (trishthup) one should recite the following mantra with folded hands:
om agni duram purodadhe havyavaham upabruve deva ashadayad iha
om prajapatih vishnu rishi trishsthup candah
sri vishnu devata agni sthapane viniyogah.
Om ihaivayam itaro jata-veda devebhyo havyam vahatu prajanan.
(JTCd) BRAHMA YAJNAM: (first verse of each of the four Vedas)
rk veda -- hari om
agni mile purohitam
yajnasya devam ritvijam
hotaran ratnadataman harih om
"I invoke Agni as the domestic priest, God of sacrifice, ministrant, invoker, best bestower of all treasures." (Rk Veda invocation)
yajur veda -- hari om
ise tworje twa vaya vastam
paya vasta devo vah savita
papayatu sresthatamaya karmane harih om
"For food are thee, for strength thee, ye are the winds, let the God Savitar (the fire of the Sun) impel you to the most excellent offerings." (Vajasaneyi samhita opening verse)
sama veda -- hari om
om agnai ayahi voi toi ayaa
toiaya grinanho vyadatoiaya toiya
ni ho ha ta sa sai baa ho va hi shi harih om
"Oh Agni, come to the banquet, after being extolled, come to the gift of offerings, sit down invoker of Vishnu, take your seat on this standila hearth." (Gramageyagana 'Ganapat' 1-1-3., Rk 6-16-10.)
arthava veda -- hari om
sanno devi rabhistasya
apo bhavantu pitaye
sayor abhis sravantu nah harih om
(Sridam) Sruva Samskara (purifying the sruva spoon):
One should purify the sruva (sruk and sruva) by sprinkling them with water, then passing them through the flames of the fire three times. The grita (ghee) can also be passed through the fire in the same manner.
Agni is the gateway through which man can communicate with higher states of being and spheres of existence and with the devas. It is through fire that man takes part in the cosmic symphony and co-operates with the devas. It is only through fire that the devas can be reached. Agni is the first amongst the devas, the messenger of the devas, manes and other celestial beings and the one who carries the oblations and the prayers to the respective deities. He is the most ancient and the most sacred object of worship. Agni is the lowest amongst the devas and Vishnu is the Highest—all offerings offered into the sacred fire with whatever mantras reach Vishnu alone as He is known as Yaj?a Purusha (The Personification of Sacrifice).
om bhur svaha -----------------------idam visnave idan na mama
om bhuvah svaha ------------- idam achyutanaya idan na mama
om sva svaha -----------------------idam narayanaya idan na mama
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha --- idam anantaya idan na mama
(Sridam) Parisinchana.
om ananta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Ananta."
The priest should pour water on the west side from south to north with his kusha grass kurcha, saying:
om acyuta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Acyuta."
Again he should pour on the north side from west to east with his kurcha, saying:
om sarasvaty anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Sarasvati."
(JTCd) idam vishnur vichakrame
tredhaa nidadhe padagm
samudham asya pagmshure
idam me vishnur vichakra
mayi traidhani dadhaham
samo da ham ma da ham pa ho oh vagm shuree harih om
(Sridam) Sudarshan Tatah Homah.
Mala mantra homa glorifyiong Him
om klim krsnaya govindaya gopijanavalabhaya paraya parama purushaya paramatmane parakarma mantra yantra aushadhayah astra shastraani samhara samhara mrtyor mokshaya mokshaya
om namo bhagavate maha-sudarshanaya dipta jvala paritaya sarva-dikshopanakarya brahmane parama jyotishe hugm phat svaha
Sudarshan gayatri homa
om sudarshanaya vidmahe hetirajaya dhimahi tannas chakra prachodayate sva-ha-a
vagm sugm chakraya cha svaha
om hagm namah, om hagm svaha
om vashat hagmsaya namah, hram maha-sudarshanaya chakraya svaha
om hugm om vausat om phat namas chakraya vidmahe sahasra jvalaya dhimahi tannas chakra prachodayate svaha
(Sridam) Shakti grasa mantra homa.
om pragm mahasudarshan chakraraja mahadhvaga
astagata sarva dushtha bahyamkara chindhi chindhi
bhindhi bhindhi, vidaaraya vidaaraya paramantran grasa grasa,
bhakshaya bhakshaya,
bhutani trasaya trasaya hum phat svaha
(Sridam) Tattva homaH - A?ga Homa
oM makArAya jivAtmakAya sphatikAkArAya svAhA - oM maM nama head
oM bhakArAya sita-varnAya prakrityAtmane namas svAhA - bhaM nama head
oM bakAraya buddhitatvAt makAya sphatikAkArAya svAhA - baM nama heart
oM phakArAya pAtala-varnAya aha?kArAtmane svAhA - phaM nama heart
pakArAya sita-varnAya mano’tmane - paM nama heart
nakArAya SHukla-varnAya SHabda tanmAtrAtmane - naM nama ears
dhakArAya lohita-varnAya sparSHa tanmAtrAtmane - dhaM nama skin
dakArAya karbura-varnAya r upatanmAtrAtmane - daM nama eyes
thakArAya pAndura-varnAya rasatanmAtrAtmane - thaM nama mouth
takArAya sita-varnAya gandha tanmAtrAtmane - taM nama nose
nakArAya pAtala-varnAya SHrdtrAtmane - naM nama ears
dhakArAya hema-varnAya tvagAtmane - dhaM nama skin
dakArAya krishna-varnAya netrAtmane nama - daM nama eyes
thakArAya gaura-varnAya jihvAtmane - thaM nama mouth
takArAya asita-varnAya ghrAnAtmane -taM nama nose
nkArAya sita-varnAya vAgindriyAtmane -NaM nama mouth
jhakAraya rakta-varnAya pAnindriyAtmane -jhaM nama hands
jakArAya rakta-varnAya pAdAtmane - jaM nama feet
chakArAya rakta-varnAya pAyvAtmane - chaM nama posteridr
cakArAya hema-varnAya mehanAtmane - caM nama groin
?akArAya pita-varnAya prithivitatvAya caturaSHrAya - ?aM nama From feet to knees
ghakArAya spha tika-varnAya jalAtmane ardhacandrAkArAya -ghaM nama knees to groin
gakArAya lohita-varnAya teja Atmane trikonAya - gaM nama groin to navel
khakArAya vedikAkArAya dhumra-varnAya vAyvAtmane - khaM nama navel to nose
kakArAya prithvyAtmane - kaM nama nose to top of head
(Sridam) DaSHa-vAyunAM homaH
oM prAnAya svAhA - oM prAnaya nama - Heart
oM apAnAya svAhA - oM apAnAya nama - Posterior
oM samAnAya svAhA - oM samAnAya nama - Navel
oM udAnAya svAhA - oM udAnAya nama - Throat
oM vyAnAya svAhA - oM vyAnAya nama - All limbs
oM nAgAya svAhA – oM nAgAya nama - heart
oM kurmAya svAhA - oM kurmAya nama - posterior
oM krikalAya svAhA – oM krikalAya nama - throat
oM kesarAya svAhA - oM kesarAya nama - Navel
oM dhananjayAya svAhA - oM dhananjayAya nama - All limbs
(Sridam) SAnti homam & Santi homan Sankalpam
oM evaM purvokta guna viSeSHana visiSHthAyAM asyAM Subha tithau bhagavad AjnayA Bhagavad kai?karya rupena asmin ....Iskcon Auckland........ sthapanam-pratiSHthAkarmani nyunAtireka SAntyarthaM SAnti homaM kariSHye.
Find hotris to do this:
_________________East kunda oblate honey 100 times - oM bhuH svAhA
with the mantra bhuM namaH smear on the feet of the icon
_________________South kunda oblate milk - oM bhuvas svAhA with bhuvaM namaH - smear on the Deity’s stomach.
_________________West kunda oblate curd - oM suvas svAha with suvaM namaH - smear on the Deity’s face.
_________________North kunda oblate ghee - oM bhur bhuvas suvas svAha smear on head of Sudarshan bhur bhuvas suvar namaH – then mix all the sampAtam together and smear over the whole body of the chakra.
In the north kunda oblate jaggery, ghee and honey with the visnu gayatri 100 times and smear the face of the Lord with the sampAtam. If using one Kurma kunda then oblate using the ahutis and dravyas as mentioned
(Sridam) Sarva PrAyaScitta Homam
asmin bhagavatpratiSHthA homa karmani jnAtAjnAta doSHa nirhara nArthaM anAjnAta trayam
karmAntaraM karma viparyAsa prAyaScittArthaM Abhirgirbhir iti rikvA?gmaya prAyaScittArthaM yadvidvAMsa iti padAkSHara varna lopa prAyaScittArthaM idaM viSHnuH tryambakamiti sarvopaghAta prAyaScittArthaM punastvAdityA iti sarva prAyaScittArthaM bhur bhuvar ityetair mantrair Ajyahutir hoSHyAmi
1. anAjnAtaM yadAjnAtam yaj nasya kriyate mithu
agne tadasya kalpaya tvagaM hi vettha yathAtathagaM svAhA
agnaye idaM na mama
2. puruSHa sammito yaj no yaj naH puruSHasammitaH
agne tadasya kalpayagaM hi vettha yathAtathagaM svAhA
agnayedaM na mama
3. yat pAkatrA manasA dinadakSHA na yaj nasya manvate martAsaH
agniSH thaddhotA kratuvad vijAnan yajiSH tho devAgaM kratuSo yajAti svAhA agnayedaM na mama
idam vishnur vichakrame
tredhaa nidadhe padagm
samudham asya pagmshure
triyambakam yajamahe sugandhim pusti vardhanam
urvarukam iva bandhanam mrtyor mukshiyam-mamrtat
agnaye vasunithAyedaM
oM bhurbhuvassuvasvAhA prajApataye idaM
(Sridam) Dvadasa Nama Homa
oM evaM purvokta guna viSeSHana visiSHthAyAM asyAM Subha tithau bhagavad AjnayA Bhagavad kai?karya rupena etat karma sAdgunyArthaM keSavAdi dvAdaSa homaM hoSHyami
keSavAya svAhA nArAyanAya svAhA mAdhavAya svAhA govindAya svAhA viSHnave svAhA madhusudanAya svAhA trikivramAya svAhA vAmanAya svAhA SridharAya svAhA hriSHikeSAya svAhA padmanAbhAya svAhA dAmodarAya svAhA
(JTCd) PrArthana (in anustup)
namaste gArhapatyAya namaste dakSHinAgnaye
namaH Ahavani yAya mahAvedyai namo namah
kAnda dvayo papadhyAya karma brahma svarupi nam
svarg Apa varga rupAya yajneSAya namo namah
yajneSha Acyuta govinda mAdhava Ananta keShava
kriSHna viSHno hriSHikeSa vAsudeva namo stute
mantra hinaM kriyA hinaM bhakti hinaM hutASana
yadhutaM tu mayA deva paripurnaM tadastu te
prAyaScitta anya SeSHAni tapaH karmAtma kAni vai
tAni teSHAm aSeSHA nAM kriSHnA anu smaranaM param
yasya smrityA cha nAmoktyA japa homa kriyAdiSHu
nyunaM saMpurnatAM yAti sadyo vande tam achyutam
pramAdAt kurvatAM karma prachya vetA dhvareSHu yat
smaranAdeva tadviSHnoH saMpurnaM syAd iti SrutiH
Sri kriSHna Sri kriSHna Sri kriSHna
Hand Samaghris and call devotees close
The groom should offer four oblation's of ghee:
om bhuh svaha ---------------------idam visnave idan na mama
om bhuvah svaha --------------idam acyutanaya idan na mama
om svah svaha ---------------------idam narayanaya idan na mama
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha - idam anantaya idan na mama
om ananta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Ananta."
The priest should pour water on the west side from south to north with his kusha grass kurcha, saying:
om acyuta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Acyuta."
Again he should pour on the north side from west to east with his kurcha, saying:
om sarasvaty anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Sarasvati."
Then drawing a circle around the standila in the air above it recite visnu shukta in either sama veda or yajur veda.
om ....idam vishnuh vicakrame
tredha nidadhe padam
samudham asya pamsule harih om
"Vishnu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth."
Harih OM
Sahasra sirsha purusha sahasraksha sahasrapat
sa bhumim vishvato vritvatyatishthad dashangulam
"A thousand heads hath the Purusha, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. Though He pervades the universe on all sides, yet He occupies a space ten fingers wide (the heart).
Om - Purusha evedam sarvam yadbhutam yachcha bhavyam.
Utamritatvasyeshano yadannenatirohati
"This Purusha is all that yet hath been and all that is to be. Though Lord of immortality yet through matter He evolves that the jivas may get their karmaphala, the fruits of actions.
Om - Etavanasya mahimato jyayamscha purushah
Pado 'sya vishvabhutani tripadasya mritam divi
"All this proclaims His greatness, but greater than this is the Purusha. All creatures are one-fourth of Him, three-fourths are eternality in the transcendental realm.
Om - Tripadurdhva udait Purusha pado'sye habhavat punah.
Tato vishva vyakramat sashana nashane abhi
"With three fourths the Purusha went up; one-fourth of Him again was here. Thence He strode out to every side over what eats not and what eats.
Om - Tasmad viratajayata virajo adhipurusha;
sajato atya richyata pashchad bhumim atho purah
"From Him Viraja was born; again a Purusha from Viraja was born. As soon as He was born He spread, eastward and westward o'er the earth.
Om - Yat purushena havisha deva yajnam atanvata
Vasanto asyashid ajyam grishma idhmah sharad havih
"When Gods prepared the sacrifice with the Purusha as their offering, its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn, summer was the wood.
Om - Tam yajnam barhishi praukshan purusham jatam agratah
Tena deva ayajanta sadhya rishayah cha ye
"They balmed as victim on the grass the Purusha born in the earliest time. With Him the deities and all Sadhyas and Rishis sacrificed.
Om - Tasmad yajnat sarva hutah sambhritam prishadahyam
Pashun tams chakre vayavyan aranyan gramyash cha ye
"From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up. He formed the creatures of the air, and animals both wild and tame.
Om - Tasmad yajnat sarva huta richah samani jajnire
Chhandamsi jajnire tasmad yajus tasmad ajayata
"From that great general sacrifice Richas and Sama hymns were born; Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it.
Om - Tasmad ashva ajayanta, ye ke cha ubhayadatah
Gavo ha jajnire tasmat, tasmat jatah ajavayah
"From it horses were born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth; From it were generated kine, from it the goat and sheep were born.
Om - Yat Purusham yadaduh katidha vyakalpayan
Mukham kim asya kau bahu ka uru pada uchyete
"When they divided Purusha how many portions did they make? What do they call His mouth, His arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?"
Om - Brahmano'sya mukham asid, bahu Rajanyah kritah
Uru tad asya yad Vaishyah, padbhyam Shudro ajayata
"The Brahmana was His mouth, of both arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaishya, from His feet the Shudra was produced.
Om - Chandraama manaso jatash chakshoh Suryo ajayata
Mukhad Indrash chagnis cha, Pranad Vayur ajayata
"The moon was gendered from His mind, from His eye the sun had birth; Indra and Agni from His mouth were born and Vayu from his breath.
Om - Nabhya asid antariksam shirshno Dyauh samavartata
Padbhyam Bhumir disha shrotrat tathalokan akalpayan
"Forth from His navel came mid-air; the sky was fashioned from His head; Earth from His feet and from His ear the regions. Thus they formed the worlds.
Om - Saptasyasan paridhayas trih sapta samidhah kritah
Deva yad yajnam tanvana abadhnan Purusham pashum
"Seven fencing sticks had He, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared; When the gods offering sacrifice, bound, as their victim, Purusha.
Om - Yajena yajnam ayajanta devas tani dharmani prathamany asan
Te ha nakam mahimanah sachanta yatra purve sadhyah santi devah
"Gods sacrificing, sacrificed the victim. These were the earliest holy ordinances. The mighty ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sadhyas, gods of old, are dwelling.
The groom should offer four oblation's of ghee:
om bhuh svaha ---------------------idam visnave idan na mama
om bhuvah svaha --------------idam acyutanaya idan na mama
om svah svaha ---------------------idam narayanaya idan na mama
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha - idam anantaya idan na mama
om ananta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Ananta."
The priest should pour water on the west side from south to north with his kusha grass kurcha, saying:
om acyuta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Acyuta."
Again he should pour on the north side from west to east with his kurcha, saying:
om sarasvaty anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Sarasvati."
Then drawing a circle around the standila in the air above it recite visnu shukta in either sama veda or yajur veda.
om ....idam vishnuh vicakrame
tredha nidadhe padam
samudham asya pamsule harih om
"Vishnu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth."
12:00pm Sthan-suddhi - Parikrama pravesh – taking the waters invoked into the kumbhas from the Sudarshan homa clock-wise on procession to purify temple – sprinkling as we go……
An assembly of senior devotees carry (1, 3, 5, 8) kumbhas and throw waters around the complex – INSIDE FIRST then outside, all accompanied by Harinam sankirtan, and everyone leaves the building. Security to be posted.
The priest turns to the fire or the Deity and says:
om ajnatam tad anajnatam
yajnasya kriyate mithu
visno tad asya kalpaya
tvam hi vettha yatha tatham svaha
"Oh Vishnu, rectify whatever was performed wrongly, consciously or unconsciously, in this sacrifice. Understand our sincere intention and take care of that."
The priest then recites aloud :
om prajapate visno na tvat etani anyo
visva jatani parita babhuva
yat kamah te jahumah tat no 'stu
vayam svamah patayo rayinam svaha
"Oh Vishnu, master of all creatures, there is no one besides You. The Lord has encompassed everything. With desires we have sacrificed unto You. May those desires be fulfilled. May we become the masters of spiritual wealth."
13:00 - BREAK for LUNCH: lunch will be at the new temple in the tents
15:00 (3:00 pm) Installation of Kalash(s), Dhwaj (flag), Chakra (disc) on the roof tops of new temple.
3 kalashas of water
sandalwood paste
camphor lamp
3 talis with banana, coconut, some sweets
one big pumpkin hollowed out with much camphor inside for dhristi nirbaranam
Pour waters from the Sudarshan homa kalash over the Kalash on the roof – panch upachar seva
esha gandah om varunaya namah gandah samapayami
idam sugandam pushpam om varunaya namah sugandam pushpam samapayami
esha dhupa om varunaya namah dhupa samapayami
esha dipah varunaya namah dipah samapayami
idam naivedyam varunaya namah naivedyam samapayami
Pour waters from the Sudarshan homa kalash over the Chakra on the roof – panch upachar seva
esha gandah om sahasrara namah gandah samapayami
idam sugandam pushpam om sahasrara namah sugandam pushpam samapayami
esha dhupa om sahasrara namah dhupa samapayami
esha dipah sahasrara namah dipah samapayami
idam naivedyam sahasrara namah naivedyam samapayami
Pour waters from the Sudarshan homa kalash over the Flag one the roof – panch upachar seva
esha gandah om vijaya dhwaj namah gandah samapayami
idam sugandam pushpam om vijaya dhwaj namah sugandam pushpam samapayami
esha dhupa om vijaya dhwaj namah dhupa samapayami
esha dipah vijaya dhwaj namah dipah samapayami
idam naivedyam vijaya dhwaj namah naivedyam samapayami
Perform Drishthi nirbaranam (removal of external impediments) from roof top by throwing a pumpkin
om apagacchantu te bhuta
ye bhuta bhuvisamsthitah
ye bhuta vijna kartaya
tve gacchan tvagyaya hare
Return to yajna sala inside new temple
15:30 - JTCd to rekindle the fire
The groom should offer four oblation's of ghee:
om bhuh svaha ---------------------idam visnave idan na mama
om bhuvah svaha --------------idam acyutanaya idan na mama
om svah svaha ---------------------idam narayanaya idan na mama
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha - idam anantaya idan na mama
om ananta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Ananta."
The priest should pour water on the west side from south to north with his kusha grass kurcha, saying:
om acyuta anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Acyuta."
Again he should pour on the north side from west to east with his kurcha, saying:
om sarasvaty anu manya sva "Please allow this rite, Sarasvati."
Then drawing a circle around the standila in the air above it recite visnu shukta in either sama veda or yajur veda.
om ....idam vishnuh vicakrame
tredha nidadhe padam
samudham asya pamsule harih om
"Vishnu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth."
______________East kund – oblate honey
______________South kund – oblate milk
______________West kund – oblate yogurt
______________North kund – oblate ghee
Harih OM
Sahasra sirsha purusha sahasraksha sahasrapat
sa bhumim vishvato vritvatyatishthad dashangulam
"A thousand heads hath the Purusha, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. Though He pervades the universe on all sides, yet He occupies a space ten fingers wide (the heart).
Om - Purusha evedam sarvam yadbhutam yachcha bhavyam.
Utamritatvasyeshano yadannenatirohati
"This Purusha is all that yet hath been and all that is to be. Though Lord of immortality yet through matter He evolves that the jivas may get their karmaphala, the fruits of actions.
Om - Etavanasya mahimato jyayamscha purushah
Pado 'sya vishvabhutani tripadasya mritam divi
"All this proclaims His greatness, but greater than this is the Purusha. All creatures are one-fourth of Him, three-fourths are eternality in the transcendental realm.
Om - Tripadurdhva udait Purusha pado'sye habhavat punah.
Tato vishva vyakramat sashana nashane abhi
"With three fourths the Purusha went up; one-fourth of Him again was here. Thence He strode out to every side over what eats not and what eats.
Om - Tasmad viratajayata virajo adhipurusha;
sajato atya richyata pashchad bhumim atho purah
"From Him Viraja was born; again a Purusha from Viraja was born. As soon as He was born He spread, eastward and westward o'er the earth.
Om - Yat purushena havisha deva yajnam atanvata
Vasanto asyashid ajyam grishma idhmah sharad havih
"When Gods prepared the sacrifice with the Purusha as their offering, its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn, summer was the wood.
Om - Tam yajnam barhishi praukshan purusham jatam agratah
Tena deva ayajanta sadhya rishayah cha ye
"They balmed as victim on the grass the Purusha born in the earliest time. With Him the deities and all Sadhyas and Rishis sacrificed.
Om - Tasmad yajnat sarva hutah sambhritam prishadahyam
Pashun tams chakre vayavyan aranyan gramyash cha ye
"From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up. He formed the creatures of the air, and animals both wild and tame.
Om - Tasmad yajnat sarva huta richah samani jajnire
Chhandamsi jajnire tasmad yajus tasmad ajayata
"From that great general sacrifice Richas and Sama hymns were born; Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it.
Om - Tasmad ashva ajayanta, ye ke cha ubhayadatah
Gavo ha jajnire tasmat, tasmat jatah ajavayah
"From it horses were born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth; From it were generated kine, from it the goat and sheep were born.
Om - Yat Purusham yadaduh katidha vyakalpayan
Mukham kim asya kau bahu ka uru pada uchyete
"When they divided Purusha how many portions did they make? What do they call His mouth, His arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?"
Om - Brahmano'sya mukham asid, bahu Rajanyah kritah
Uru tad asya yad Vaishyah, padbhyam Shudro ajayata
"The Brahmana was His mouth, of both arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaishya, from His feet the Shudra was produced.
Om - Chandraama manaso jatash chakshoh Suryo ajayata
Mukhad Indrash chagnis cha, Pranad Vayur ajayata
"The moon was gendered from His mind, from His eye the sun had birth; Indra and Agni from His mouth were born and Vayu from his breath.
Om - Nabhya asid antariksam shirshno Dyauh samavartata
Padbhyam Bhumir disha shrotrat tathalokan akalpayan
"Forth from His navel came mid-air; the sky was fashioned from His head; Earth from His feet and from His ear the regions. Thus they formed the worlds.
Om - Saptasyasan paridhayas trih sapta samidhah kritah
Deva yad yajnam tanvana abadhnan Purusham pashum
"Seven fencing sticks had He, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared; When the gods offering sacrifice, bound, as their victim, Purusha.
Om - Yajena yajnam ayajanta devas tani dharmani prathamany asan
Te ha nakam mahimanah sachanta yatra purve sadhyah santi devah
"Gods sacrificing, sacrificed the victim. These were the earliest holy ordinances. The mighty ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sadhyas, gods of old, are dwelling.
After mangalacarana, when the fire is fully blazing, one begins the oblations with Maha-vyahrti homa. "Svaha" is pronounced in three beats, "Sva-ha-aa", and the meter is anudatta, anudatta, svarita. On each "Svaha" the hota pours ghee from the spoon into the fire, and the yajumans throw grains using a mudra representing a deer's head (Mrga mudra). The middle and ring fingers and thumb pick up the grains, and the first and little fingers point straight ahead.
om bhur svaha idam visnave idam na mama
om bhuvah svaha idam acyutaya idam na mama
om sva svaha idam narayanaya idam na mama
om bhur bhuvah sva svaha idam anantaya idam na mama
Udakanjali Seka (pouring water around the fire):
Placing his right knee on the earth and his left knee raised, he should pour water from his cupped hands from west to east on the south side of the fire, saying:
om ananta anu manya sva (Please allow this rite, ananta.)
He should pour on the west side from south to north, saying:
om acyuta anu manya sva
He should pour on the north side from west to east saying:
om sarasvaty anu manya sva
om idam vishnuh vicakrame
tredha nidadhe padam
samudham asya pamsule
"Vishnu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth."
JTCd recite mantras – another as hotri
_____________________east only
Distribute samaghris to all devotees present
om ajnana-timirandhasya
jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena
tasmai sri gurave namah
svaha-aa idam gurave idan na mama
sri-caitanya-mano 'bhistam
sthapitam yena bhu-tale
svayam rupah kada mahyam
dadati sva padantikam
svaha-aa idam rasa-acharyaya idan na mama
vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam
sri-gurun vaisnavams ca
sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana raghunathanvitam
tam sa jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam
sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita-
sri visakhanvitams ca
svaha-aa idam guru-gauranga-radha-krsna-sarva-vaishnava-tattvebhyah idan na mama
nama om visnu padaya
krsna presthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-
svamin iti namine
namas te sarasvate deve
gaura-vani pracarine-
svaha-aa idam pratisthacaryaya idan na mama
nama om visnu padaya
krsna presthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktisiddhanta-
sarasvatiti namine
sri varsabhanavi-devi-
dayitaya krpabdhaye
dayine prabhave namah
vigrahaya namo 'stu te
namas te gaura-vani-
sri-murtaye dina-tarine
svaha-aa idam parama gurave idan na mama
namo gaura-kisoraya
padambhujaya te namah
svaha-aa idam para-parat-gurave idan na mama
namo bhaktivinodaya
svaha-aa idam maha gurave idan na mama
gaura avirbhava-bhumes tvam
nirdesta saj-jana-priya
vaisnava-sarvabhauma sri-
jagannathaya te namah
svaha-aa idam paramesthi gurave idan na mama
vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca
krpa-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo
vaisnavebhyo namo namah
svaha-aa idam sarva-vaishnavebhyah idan na mama
namo maha-vadanyaya
krsna-prema-pradaya te
krsnaya krsna-chaitanya-
namne gaura-tvise namah
svaha-aa idam gauraya idan na mama
panca-tattvatmakam krsnam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam
namami bhakta-saktikam
svaha-aa idam panchatattvaya idan na mama
he krsna karuna-sindho
dina-bandho jagat-pate
gopesa gopika-kanta
radha-kanta namo 'stu te
svaha-aa idam krsnaya idan na mama
jayatam suratau pangor mama manda-mater gatih
mat-sarvasva-padambhojau radha-madana-mohanau
svaha-aa idam radha-krsnabhyam idan na mama
presthalibhih sevyamanau smarami
svaha-aa idam radha-krsnabhyam idan na mama
sriman rasa-rasarambhi vamsi-vata-tata-sthitah
karshan venu-svanair gopir gopinathah sriye 'stu nah
svaha-aa idam radha-krsnabhyam idan na mama
tapta kancana-gaurangi
radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi
pranamami hari-priye
svaha-aa idam radhikayai idan na mama
jaya sri krsna caitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
svaha-aa idam panchatattvaya idan na mama
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare (times three)
svaha-aa idam radha-krsnabhyam idan na mama
PURNA HUTA (final & main oblations):
Standing up the hota, priest should make the final offering of, jewels, mahaprasadam, cloth, thread, gandha, garland, sandalwood, flowers, fruit, lobana and betel into the fire, after inviting everyone to recite each word of the following mantra after him:
Maha Purnahuti Sankalpam
oM evaM purvokta guna viSeSHana visiSHthAyAM asyAM Subha tithau bhagavad AjnayA bhagavad kai?karya rupena asmin ...Iskcon Auckland.....sthapanam.......deva griha-rambhan.........pratiSHthAkarmani sampurna phala prApyarthaM vaiSHnava karana nAmagnau purnAhutiM hoSHyAmi
Vaishnava-agnaye purnahutaye idaM
Do pranayama and then parisechanam.
Pranayam - OM bhur bhuvah swah
idam vishnur vichakrame
tredhaa nidadhe padagm
samudham asya pagmshure
adite ’nvamagaM sthAH anumate ’nvamagaM sthAH
sarasvate ’nvamagaM sthAH deva savitaH prAsAviH
Responsive chanting: (in kramapad)
namo brahmanya devaya go
brahmana hitaya ca
jagad hitaya krsnaya
govindaya namo namah times 3
om purnam adah purnam idam
purnat purnam udachyate
purnasya purnam adaya
purnam evavasishyate svaha-aa purnahuti
“The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete. And because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as a complete whole. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete by itself. And because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.” (Isopanishad Invocation)
om purna homam yasase visnave juhomi
yah asmai visnave juhomi
sa varam asmai dadati
visnoh varam vrne
yasasa bhami loke
"I make this final offering to Vishnu, who is fame Personified. Whoever makes an offering to Vishnu gives the most select item as offering. I have choosen the best for items for Vishnu. I therefore remain in this world with fame."
SANKIRTAN in temple room with all devotees:
Then the PRIEST says alone: as he turns to the fire and the Deity and says:
om ajnatam tad anajnatam
yajnasya kriyate mithu
visno tad asya kalpaya
tvam hi vettha yatha tatham svaha-aa
"Oh Vishnu, rectify whatever was performed wrongly, consciously or unconsciously, in this sacrifice. Understand our sincere intention and take care of that."
The priest then recites aloud :
om prajapate visno na tvat etani anyo
visva jatani parita babhuva
yat kamah te jahumah tat no 'stu
vayam svamah patayo rayinam svaha-aa
"Oh Vishnu, master of all creatures, there is no one besides You. The Lord has encompassed everything. With desires we have sacrificed unto You. May those desires be fulfilled. May we become the masters of spiritual wealth."
Introduce and arrange for senior devotee to tell the story of Vamandeva
Ref:-Srimad Bhagavatam.8.23.31
"Whenever the activities of Vamandeva are described in the course of a ritualistic ceremony, whether the ceremony be performed to please the demigods, to please one's forefathers in the Pitrloka, or to celebrate a social event like a marriage, that ceremony should be understood to be extremely auspicious."
Srila Prabhupada's purport:
"There are three kinds of ceremonies -- specifically, ceremonies to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead or the Demigods, those performed for social celebrations like marriages and birthdays, and those meant to please the forefathers like the sraddha ceremony. In all these ceremonies, large amounts of money are spent for various activities, but here it is suggested that if along with this there is recitation of the wonderful activities of Vamanadeva, certainly the ceremony will be caried out successfully and will be free of all discreapancies."
VAMADEVGAM can be chanted now, or recited after by the priest.
Samaveda: Harih Om
ka'5ya - nasca'3itra'3abhuvat // u-ti sadavrdhassa -kha-ou'3ho ha yi
-kaya'23sacayi // stayouho'3 - himma'2 // va '2rto'35 kayi //
ka'5 stva - satyo '3ma'3 danam // ma-histomatsadndha- sa ou'3-
hohayi - drda '23cida // rujouho'3 - himma'2 // va'2 ho'35 hayi //
a'5bhi- suna'3 ssa'3khinas // a-vitajarayiti - nam -ou'23hohayi -
sata'23mbhava // siyouho'3 -himma '2 // ta '2yo'35 ha yi //
"The Lord is worshippable, He is our helper, constantly expanding and He is our mutual friend. He displays this through His wonderful activities.
You are the worshippable Absolute Truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong You break the opposition, the demon-like foes. You are the protector of those who constantly sing Your praises, and You are affectionate to those who accept You as a friend. Please be with us."
Harih om
saha navavatu / saha nau bhunaktu / saha viryankaravavahai /
tejasvi navadhitamastu / mavidvi sa vahai /
om santih(s) santih(s) santih(s)
om dyauh santi / antariksam santi / prthivi santi / apah santi /
vayu santi / tejas santi / osadaya santi / loka santi /
brahmana santi / vaisnava santi /santir astu / dhrtir astu /
om santih(s) santih(s) santih(s)
jaya sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Harinaam party going downtown Auckland
Final Evening Arati in the Old Temple:
19:00 (7:00 pm) Evening Arati with Indradyumna swami
small amount of Maha-prasadam to complete day’s functions
Time References – including Daylight Savings:
The almanac for the day and time : Country : NEWZEALAND
PLACE : Auckland DATE : Jan 16, 2004
TIME : DAY : Fri
PAKSHA : Krishna TITHI : Navami
STAR : Swati YOGA : Siddha yoga
Sun rises at 5:53 AM and sets at 8:20 PM
RAHU KALA begins at 11:18 A.M. and ends at 13:07 P.M.
YAMA KANDA begins at 4:43 P.M. and ends at 6:32 P.M.
Om svasti astu