Template vs Custom Website
Deqoderz - Custom Software Development Company
Software development company with expertise in Web Development, Mobile App Development, Digital Marketing, Blockchain
Working with a Template
There are a ton of themes and website providers out there that can provide you with a website theme. For some clients, a website that services a few simple purposes that require little to no custom requirements, a themed approach works fine. Some of the money they save on design and development time can be invested back into the site’s SEO structure and link building for specific traffic generation. However, this approach can reach a breaking point. Your themed site will only be able to load so fast, or you may get boxed in by design issues later on.?
Also, finding support or making edits to the theme may be difficult if your web company doesn’t offer ongoing help since the code will likely be written in a format that is difficult to just jump into and edit. Since WordPress is so widespread, there are limitless ways to write code for a site, and no two developers operate exactly the same way.
Pros for Templates
1. Faster to market
2. Less expensive
3. Access to more third-party applications
4. Industry-specific themes (Construction, law firm, restaurant, etc.)?
Cons for Templates
1. Limited options for design, end up with a site that is limited to a boxy theme that’s difficult to support
2. Difficult to find support
3. Not always built with mobile responsiveness
4. Themes are built to accommodate a lot of add-ons and third parties, which slow the site down.?
5. Organic SEO isn’t built into the system
Working with a Custom Website Design
There’s a reason why larger companies choose a custom design, rather than work within a set theme. Custom sites are more effective in generating business.?
Since they are built with one company in mind, you don’t have to worry that your site has additional features you won’t use. Much of the issue with templated sites is that they are built for all types of after-market alterations, whereas a custom design is streamlined to offer your company what YOU need. Also, since your code will be cleaner and written for your company, your SEO value will also start at a higher level with a custom site.??
While the major con of custom design is that it takes longer (and therefore is more expensive), it may turn out to be a good thing in the long run. Rather than trying to rush perfection, the custom site allows both teams the opportunity to look closely at every design, or even every page if necessary, to ensure that it is what the user needs. This level of detail can result in a massive difference when analyzing your return on investment.?
Pros for Custom Design
1. Custom to your company and target market?
2. Site is built to be search engine optimized from the start
3. Your site will be tested for all browser and device types
4. Ongoing support is offered by a web company
Cons for Custom Design
1. Longer to implement
2. More expensive
3. Requires more time and effort?during the build process
It usually comes down to your business needs and personal preferences that will influence your choice between a website template and custom web design. Would you go for a custom web design or a website template??
For more information visit www.deqoderz.com