Temperament Profile Day

Temperament Profile Day


Temperament Profile Day -Team Building Tool

Embracing Our Differences

Have you ever worked on a project with a work colleague or manager and they keep asking more and more questions even though you have answered so many other questions for them already? You are now feeling frustrated and you feel like pulling your hair out?

Welcome to the BLUES!! They want to do everything the RIGHT WAY!!!!

Have you ever been working away on a project with a colleague or manager where you have your own tasks to complete? All of a sudden you are bombarded by emails demanding that you do what they want NOW?? And just like that your anxiety levels are through the roof?

Welcome to the REDS! They want everything done NOW!!!

It is 9.00am on a Monday morning and you are about to start work. You don’t want to talk to anyone, you have a pile of work to do that you plan on getting stuck into it ALONE!! Then all of a sudden your colleague comes bouncing into the office all happy and full of life demanding that you both work together? By 9.10 your head is spinning, your ears are ringing and already you feel exhausted!!

Welcome to the YELLOWS!! They are full of life and want to do everything TOGETHER!!!

Have you ever been stressed in work and you are working through your lunch as you feel you will never get the project finished? Then a colleague comes over to you and they see that you are stressed and overwhelmed. They offer to help and they offer a sympathetic ear. All of a sudden you feel relaxed and calm by just being in their company?

Welcome to the GREENS! They do everything in the CARING WAY!!!

Wouldn’t life be a lot easier if we could understand and ourselves and others to a point where we can embrace the working day and all its challenges?

The Temperament Profile Day is a life changing programme successful companies are using to develop effective communications within their organisations.

Each student will complete a TTI Insights Profile Test before the programme.

The TTI Insights Profile test is the most widely used behavioural assessment tool, measuring for behavioural styles: dominance and influence. This test measures how a person behaves and all employees in an organisation can benefit from these tests.


In this one day powerful programme you will learn the key elements of:

1. Accelerating change through effective interpersonal 


2. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

3. Understanding and embracing the differences in other 


4. Learning the most effective communication style for your 


5. Playing and working to everybody’s strengths.

6. Being a better communicator on an interpersonal and team 



Email us for details: [email protected]


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