Telling Your Story
Greg Spielman
Premium Ghostwriter Helping Content Creators Tell Their Stories and Grow Their Credibilty
Career Change
So, you have been doing your job and are very good at it, but you have decided it is time for a change. You want to do something that is going to help people and make an impact in their lives. Have you ever considered being a public speaker? Yes, it is a very competitive field, but if you can crack that field; it is worth the effort.
Essentials Of A Public Speaker
Just like any high-paying job, there are certain characteristics that a successful speaker needs to have. Leadership is one quality people are looking for when hiring a public speaker, along with the ability to engage with the audience and have confidence and passion. There are other skills but one of the most important is telling a story that your audience will always remember. It may seem hard to believe, but many different industries and event organizers are constantly looking for speakers for their events.
Great, I want to be a public speaker, but no one knows me, so how do I get started? Well truly, it will depend on what you want to do. Are you a natural leader, that a business agency may want to hire to help groom leaders? Are you a successful salesperson who can give a powerful motivating speech to car salesmen who have struggled and are burnt out? Are you someone who has been through a lot and can inspire people to help them continue to push through what they are going through? Are you a faith-filled person who wants to share your journey with God and how he has impacted your life? There are huge opportunities and we have only talked about a few.
Your Story
I promise you this, your story needs to be told. We have all been through some things in life, but the truth of the matter is, is that no matter what you have been through, it is not just for you. People need to hear your story so they know that they can get through what life is throwing their way. I do not care what you have been through, I do not care how many people have told you, you will never be successful, your dreams will not come true, and you are not valuable. I am here to tell you that you need to tell your story because no one else can tell it the way you will. There are event organizers out there that need you for a key-note speech at a college or high school, or at a church function, and yes they will pay for you to come in and set it off. Just remember, even if you have never done it before, they will hire you if your story is something that they want to highlight.
I am a motivator and an encourager who believes people can overcome anything that life has thrown their way, and my story is proof that it can happen to anyone for anyone. We are all created with gifts and callings that God has blessed us with, tell people about it and showcase your skills. People are waiting for you to show up and show off.
So, you are probably wondering, what do most public speakers make? According to The Speaker Lab, brand-new speakers should start anywhere from $2500-$5,000, and for celebrities and the like they should look at charging $50,000. Of course, the rates may go up if you have to fly and stay in a hotel and depending on whether or not you do break-out sessions, then there is extra fees that you can request. However, let's just say you do one talk a month for your first year at the low end of $2500. You have made $30,000 in your first year alone and you would only go up from there. The key element is if you take your time and hone your skills, at those events you may get more referrals then you can handle.
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