Telling your Brand Story with your Body Language

Telling your Brand Story with your Body Language

Body language is a fantastic way to communicate your message and a powerful aspect of brand photography. Whether it's your facial expression, hand gestures or posture, they all tell a story. Here we'll explore how we can use body language in our images to share our brand values and attract our ideal clients.


Our faces can be brilliantly expressive and a great place to start in conveying your message. There are some obvious ones: smiling shows happiness, friendliness and that you are approachable. Important for many business owners in their welcome images such as profile pictures. Less seen in imagery but equally as impactful: raised eyebrows can indicate curiosity or surprise whilst frowning conveys anger, confusion or sadness. These could be great expressions for signposting storytelling content. They will stand out for their difference to the usual smiles too.

Our eyes alone can tell a story. From wide open and bright showing pleasure to narrowed eyes indicating suspicion; or rolling eyes suggesting annoyance. It's also important to note that it's human nature for someone looking at your image, to follow the direction of your eyes. You can use this to your advantage in brand images by looking into a space where you can write your marketing message. It will encourage your audience to read your text.

In the same way that eye contact when meeting in person makes an impression, it has an impact through imagery too. Looking directly at the camera shows confidence and authenticity whilst looking away can indicate shyness or reflection

Often a faceless image can be very powerful too. Showing the back of your head whilst looking out onto water, for example, can be very thought provoking and show mindfulness


Are you someone that talks with their hands? I know I am! How we use our hands can be very expressive and telling of our values. Again, there are some obvious points: a thumbs up to say yes! you approve; or thumbs down for disagreeing with the point in question. But, also ways to show deeper meanings: a hand to your face when being thoughtful, or a hand on someones back to show your support and warmth.

For someone that works with corporates or more formally, a firm handshake is a great image as a sign of confidence and being trustworthy. Having your arms folded can say you mean business and are an authority in your field. Just be mindful that it can also signal defensiveness so ensure the facial expression is still welcoming to soften the intention

What's fantastic for your marketing is to have a series of images which are naturally you in the way you express yourself with your hands. They are powerful tools for your messaging and I've seen them used successfully in so many ways. Whether it's pointing to something of interest or inviting your audience to respond...whatever is naturally your style is the best for your brand expression images


How we hold ourselves has a direct correlation to how we feel and are seen.

The Health Psychology Journal published a study where participants were split into two groups:

Group 1 were strapped with physiotherapy tape in a slouched posture

Group 2 were strapped with good posture

After carrying out a psychologically stressful task, the individuals were then assessed. Group 2 were reported to have much higher self esteem and more positivity than Group 1. There upright posture had made them feel more resilient

In brand imagery, upright posture shows confidence and will also make you feel more positive about being photographed. The camera never lies! It can sense your energy and confidence. Often it's as simple as rolling your shoulders back and lifting up through your spine, to make all the difference.

Leaning forward is a great way to show interest and that you're engaged in the conversation. These images will give the impression that you are approachable and welcoming your audience in. Leaning back on the other hand can suggest you're relaxed but potentially indicates detachment, so be mindful of that


Where you work with clients in person it's great to reflect this in your brand images so your audience can see how you work. If you are positioned close to someone, this will suggest a warm, intimate approach whilst having some distance between you will indicate a more formal interaction. There's no right or wrong, it's what is right for your brand

For many business owners, connection with your clients is a key value. This can be shown in many ways, capturing engaging conversation and personal interaction. Mirroring (where you are mimicking each other's body language) is powerful too for showing rapport.

As with all our articles and ideas, it's key to reflect and champion the ones that resonate with you, your values and brand. Context is really important here too when interpreting body language, as well as considering cultural interpretations which can vary immensely.

It's definitely something to have fun with within your imagery as you can create very powerful visuals full of personality.

Want to understand how this could work for you and your brand? Let's chat! Book your complimentary Connection Call HERE

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