Telling a True Authentic Story
Howard A Lim
Business and Brand Architect ? Global Presentor and Keynote ? Certified Speaker at Vistage Worldwide ? Author of Authentic Branding
Every brand is a story. For a brand to succeed in the short term and be sustainable over the long term, that story must be authentic.
The story you tell is ongoing. It unfolds over time, bit by bit, with each new touchpoint a customer encounters. This is the power of authentic branding: it allows brands to create meaningful dialogues over time, cultivating and deepening customer relationships with each touchpoint encounter, guiding them from awareness to engagement, to purchase, and ultimately to loyalty.
Consumers trust good storytellers, and trust is crucial for that emotional connection.
An authentic story is true. Your story must be factually accurate. Truth has become a rare quality in today’s marketplace—practically a collectible. Consumers are thrilled and inspired by stories that turn out to be true; in other words, brands that meet or exceed their expectations.
If you tell customers they can trust your brand because all your products are made from all-natural ingredients, they better be made from all-natural ingredients. If you claim your products are safe for kids, they must be safe for kids. If you say your restaurant serves only fresh, home-cooked food, you better not get caught serving store-bought frozen food.
Consider Enron’s fall from grace. They painted a fraudulent picture of the company’s financial health and raided employees’ pension funds. Once the accounting scandals were uncovered, Enron was done. Nothing they could say would ever restore public trust. If you get caught lying, whether it is in an ad or a speech made by your CEO, your brand is a liar. You have betrayed the customer, and odds are nothing you say afterward will reinstate trust.
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