Tell us your startup tale using #StartupNotEasy – Because it isn’t!
Hardik Lashkari
This LinkedIn TOP Voice is actually trying to find his ACTUAL Voice!
Starting a business isn’t easy, it never was and will never be. Good things take time and the business blooms eventually!
The same is the case with start-ups, the term often heard nowadays, a term that has taken over the world. As a result of which, there have been gazillion start-ups across the country and the world.
Some start-ups have it all, some are struggling, and some are on the verge of taking over big businesses. All of this comes with time and experience and the struggle to reach somewhere is real. Not all start-ups have the resources, some have it yet are devoid of its knowledge, and some are making the best use of it.
All in all, ‘Start-up’- a term so short has a journey of an ‘idea’ so long, only the founder knows and only he can anticipate.
The struggle of a start-up!
When I say the struggle -
- It means having endless meetings with uninterested people only to witness a negative response.
- The struggle in terms of how there are ten people to criticize and only one or maybe none to support the idea of starting a business.
- The struggle persists of spending endless nights to come up with a compelling business proposal only to get rejected because they don’t see the ‘scope’ in the idea.
- All of it becomes nerve-wracking when one proceeds to seek funds from investors but comes back empty-handed. The reasons for it might be many, a few inclusive of how the investor was unequipped with knowledge, of how the investor had zero plans of investing yet didn’t resent to a meeting, the risk that the investor was not willing to take.
- The struggle doubles up when one quits their high-end jobs for starting a new venture.
There comes all the negativity from almost everyone, with no one to support your idea.
You end up exhausting all your savings but to no avail because there is no one who believes in you.
You thrive and thrive more, spend each minute of your life to make it happen and sometimes things do not turn out the way you want and if you quit again, there’s the end of the start-up.
- It requires a lot of courage to survive in the real world and qualifications are no bar when it comes to start-ups. A college drop-out needs a driven idea to make it happen and it can do wonders and compete at par with big companies with qualified CEOs.
- The struggle sets in when big investors, people do not consider college-drop outs’ capabilities of making it happen.
The struggle, it is hence real and we understand your plight.
#StartupNotEasy – A Tale To Remember!
With a lot of thought put into how we can serve you better, Opined has come out with a hashtag ‘Start-up Not Easy’ (#StartupNotEasy). This hashtag empowers your struggle tale because we know good things don’t come easily!
The idea of starting a new venture from scratch, from being a no one to establishing your name, from rags to riches – the tale is yours, the platform is ours.
The purpose of Opined is simple at this juncture – to commemorate your tales and letting the world know that start-ups are not easy and no one should take it easy. Each start-up has an objective of its own that’s unique and no one can take that away. When one doesn’t believe in it, you move on and prove it by making it happen.
#StartupNotEasy aims at bringing out the story of -
- grit and determination,
- perseverance and hard work,
- dedication and strong will power,
- a non-giving up attitude
Altogether, Opined is yours with this hashtag to narrate your struggles of a start-up, give out your opinions on it and inspire others to come out of their closet and address the problems too. There is a success tale in every start-up, every venture, irrespective of its position in the market.
Log on and share your struggle tales!
The way to go about it is simple. Log on to, register and share your struggle tales using the hashtag #StartupNotEasy.
Let the world know you exist and address your struggles out in the open to sensitize people on this. There is a need to let the world know how you’ve come up against all odds, all struggles to reach where you are. Let your hard work and efforts speak for yourself.
Meanwhile, you deserve a little praise for what you’ve gone through and we’re there with you in this. Your tale is ours; we’re all in this together. What you’ve suffered, we’ve too and it’s time we come in support of it.
Start-ups haven’t been easy but it becomes easy when we know there are people like us around who’re facing it together.
Come on Opined and speak it all, share it all.
Founder at Akaybee Media Studios Pvt.Ltd. | Digital Marketing Agency
5 年Nice article mate! Insightful.
Swiss Knife of Business Growth Solutions | Marketing Maestro | Communication Expert | Sales & Negotiations Coach | Deciphering Purple Ocean Strategy for Brands
5 年A reality check of a startup journey is desperately required in today’s time. Great one Hardik Lashkari ! ??
Vice President - Data | AI | Gen AI | Data Engineering | Data Modernization | Data & Analytics | Data Ops | Next 100 Future CIO (2023) Award winner
5 年good one!
From Talk to Tact - Strategizing Content for Real Impact | Content Strategist | Lawyer | Writer
5 年Yash Saxena Maybe you could write all about it!