Tell Me About Yourself
Daniela Cervantes
Digital Communications, Content Producer, and Social Media Professional
Talking about yourself is not an easy task for some, including me. Thankfully, this week’s main lesson looked into?three beneficial steps you can count on when asked the dreaded interview question "Tell me about yourself."
This week's lesson included a video by Big Interview on Youtube named 'How to Answer: Tell Me About Yourself.' This video is essentially a walkthrough to how to best answer this common question and they cover three main steps to approaching it. The three-steps are the main points that need to be covered when answering the question. These steps cover, one, who you are, two, why you're qualified for the job, and three, why you're here. These steps help outline your pitch for the job.
The first step is the key component to creating a compelling statement about who you are professionally. This part of your pitch should reference your current position and should be an overview of any related experience to the job you are applying for. A tip to better help this part of your pitch is to avoid adding too many unnecessary details. It is best to keep this portion concise. The second step covers any main points you would like to make as to why you are qualified for the job. These points are selling points that would make your interviewer grow more interested in you. It is important to make sure these points emphasize relevant experience and show any proof of your performance. The third step is a chance to express your enthusiasm for the position you are applying for. This section can be used to show that you have done research on the company and that you are qualified for the job. In this last part, you wrap up your pitch quickly and confidently.
One of best tips I received from this video, aside from the three steps, is to prepare for this question by creating bullet points or an outline rather than writing out an entire script. I am guilty of always preparing a script for interviews, even when I don't memorize it half the time, but now I am realizing just how much more efficient it is create an outline. This allows the interview to start out more genuine rather than stiff and fake.
Thankfully, when I interviewed for my current internship position, I was able to create a genuine connection with the supervisors. Now having completed my first week at my internship, I can say I feel comfortable in the office environment.