Walking Be A Skill...
Sports means to me as health which doesn’t have any substitute. The simplest way of doing sports could walk which everyone does in their day to day routine. Everyone has an individual pace for walking which might be regular or fast. Walking could be a tool that acts as a medicine for thought, body posture, reflexes, socialize and few more….
I love to walk at a nice pace, particularly in the evening time. But walking at the nice pace I would consider as a skill which takes habit on the one side and other side observing others walk… It could be putting long strides for a nice pace or small stride but at a fast pace. It takes extra effort to walk at a fast pace which also works on the technique.
And how I feel while putting my feet in the ground at the time of walking say “athlete is everyone who loves their health even going for walk as a habit which could be walking in a regular or fast pace….So accessibility to health is the subset of sports” As a sports lover act of walk in the step of sports….where it doesn’t matter win or lose… only one thing wins that is SPORTS…