Tell Me You Have "All the Funding You Need"?...

Tell Me You Have "All the Funding You Need"...

"Tell me you have all the Funding you need." That's what I told him.

This non-profit and I had spoken before. Now he's calling me back. I want to help, but I need to get him out of the headspace he's in before we really start or it will be 6 more months of wasted time.

"We've talked before," I said.

"Yeah, I think we have." He absolutely knew we had.

"Tell me you have all the funding you need. Tell me in the last 4-6 months you've gotten everything."

"Well..." Not a great answer. I know, because as I was growing my business, I said that a lot. It was always about something I should have long since moved on but hadn't. "People like the idea (it really is a great idea, btw), but when I ask for money... crickets!"

That's when we review. Why ask a business (especially in this economy) for money off their bottom line? Ask them instead of writing you a check, to let Visa/MC write you the check. You're a non-profit. Easey-Peasey.

  1. The business gets a savings.
  2. They donate automatically to you, the charity.
  3. They get to put a door sticker with your charity logo on it.
  4. They get good vibes from the customers.
  5. You get long-term, automatic funding.
  6. You get free advertising.
  7. Rejoice.


Doing Good Is Good Business



