Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Welcome to my first attempt at a LinkedIn newsletter! I have too many thoughts in my head so I figured why not release some of them onto here… and hopefully provide you with some value for your life and/or business.

I plan for this newsletter to be a weekly roundup of random insights, ideas, and inspiration that I’ve gathered in three primary areas: Life, Law, and Business. My goal is to stimulate new ways of thinking, share unique perspectives, distinguish facts from fiction, spark conversations, and ideally provide everyone with at least one piece of value every week.

In order to make this valuable for you and worthwhile for me, I want to provide content that you actually WANT to read and that I actually want to write.

Please fill out this short survey with your preferences on topics to highlight and those to avoid! I will take the results and begin with the first real edition of the Rainman Round-Up at the start of next week.

1 Minute Survey.

Share this newsletter with your network if you think they’d enjoy it. I appreciate you!



