Tell Me What You Want (What You Really Really Want)

Want - "have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for"

In an age where every whim and seemingly impossible need or desire (no matter how outrageous) can be met with almost instant gratification, it both amazes and amuses me how so many candidates find it difficult to articulate clearly what they want, be it a job, a career or a company. In spite of a kaleidoscopic array of choices, because of the bombardment of noise and distraction that assails us on a daily basis, many of us find it difficult to identify the critical needs/desires we wish to have met in our choice of employment.

The modern jobs market (and online job boards) is a veritable smorgasbord of options. Time was when you graduated from a Business/Finance course, your only real options were a job in the bank or accounting firm, thereby limiting your career to one or two possible paths, with little or no room for deviation. That type of mindset is considered outdated and no longer applicable. Today in the job seekers market, the more flexible in terms of your outlook and the more willing to deviate from the straightforward path, the more options you will have and the more appealing you'll be to a prospective employer.

And herein lies the dilemma. We've so many choices available to us now when it comes to choosing a job or career, that it is difficult to pin down exactly what we want when it comes to either. So imagine how frustrating is is when your recruiter asks you "What do you want?" and you either don't know the answer or you waffle your way through one anyway. The single biggest turnoff for any prospective employer or recruiter is indecisiveness.

For some it may be simpler to define what they don't want. I call these "false positive candidates", so sure are they with what they don't want their next job to be. In any job search it can be a journey of twists and turns but if you begin that journey with no clear idea of where/what your ultimate destination is, then it becomes mission impossible for you and your recruiter. We're not miracle workers but we're sometimes called upon to perform them nonetheless.

A piece of advice that I regularly pass on to the candidates that find themselves in this predicament is to break that journey down into short-medium term set of goals. Forgetting about where they'll be twenty years from now and focus on the next two to five. Chances are that your mindset and attitude towards life generally will evolve and change during that period, so it's important to factor this in your decision making process when it comes to your next role. It's a given that many candidates will change jobs (and in some cases careers) frequently but what's most important is the purpose of those changes. Identifying the "why" in any job move is a major part of understanding what you really want. Does it align with your own values, beliefs and objectives. Is the company one where the culture aligns with these also? If neither of these stack up, chances are you will be back on the job hunt again within twelve months.

My question to any candidate faced with the above dilemma - what's your passion in life? What are your dreams and goals? Have you written them down or are they just dreams? It is possible to fulfill your dreams from a job and career perspective but it entirely depends on you taking action now. Doing nothing is not an option or you're likely to stay stuck in a rut forever. I'm challenging you today to take that first step and call your recruiter/career counselor and to tell them what you want, (what you really, really want).

If you are finding yourself at a career crossroads and want to brainstorm your next move, why not contact Campbell Rochford today for some impartial, informed advice?

Campbell Rochford - Turning Good To Great!


