Tell Me What You Want

Tell Me What You Want

Triple Espresso:

If you can tell me what you want...

I can tell you how to get it.

I've promised you this for over a decade and I've made good on that promise to more people than I can count.

The problem is that most can't tell me what they want.

Many will tell me what they DON'T want:

- I don't want to be broke...

- I don't want all this debt...

- I don't want to be alone...

- I don't want to be overweight and out of shape...

- I don't want these problem clients...

- I don't want to have no clients...

- I don't want to have this tight cash flow...

The list is endless.

What you DON'T want is NOT what you want.

Energy flows where attention goes.

But here's possibly even a greater problem:

EVEN if you tell me what you want, that's MOST PROBABLY NOT what you REALLY want.

Let that sink in.

For at least 97% of the people I meet are products of the system. You might tell me what you want in affirmative terms. That's a good start.?

Yet, chances are great that EVEN THAT is not what you want.

It's what you've been programmed and conditioned to BELIEVE you should want.

You've been programmed and conditioned to BELIEVE that a particular acquisition or accomplishment will give you what you REALLY want.

Ponder that long and hard if you're wise.

You can only know what you truly want when you have enough Self-Awareness and Autonomy to know who you are and to think for yourself.

This is no easy task.

Even if you think you think for yourself are you 100% certain?

Please don't be too quick to answer. You may need to think again.

Self-Awareness is job #1 of leadership both in your life and business;

And Self-Awareness leads to Autonomy.

BTW, it takes a LOT of Self-Awareness to KNOW you're NOT Self-Aware.

Let me know how I can help you get what you want. The Hermetics Experience is where the NEW YOU is born. Seating is limited. The entire course including practicum runs from Feb. 28, 2022 – Jan 30, 2023. Grab your early bird seat while it’s available through January 31, 2022. Details here:

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