Tell me again!
“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.” Reading Earl Wilson’s comment made me think and have another go at convincing you that you can become the “Obvious Conference Alternative.”
What you believe at the end is of little consequence, the only thing of consequence is what you do, it’s not true that “Three o’clock” is always too late or too early. So then do you believe that Courage is the way forward? ?here is a quick reminder visit
Do I have to remind you that the Conference landscape is changing, and the independent operators are taking the lead, what’s more, the new generation of corporate conference organizers is looking at a creative “hip” & “stylish” culture over a “COOKIE-CUTTER” shelve type Branded Corporate conference venues and packages.
Ok, now that we have that out of the way, let me remind you that all you must do is let me have your rates for the following conference/meeting packages. (obviously, if you have the facilities to host the meetings;
The full-day overnight package; Must include venue hire, tea/ coffee and biscuits, on arrival, two refreshment breaks, Lunch, Dinner & Breakfast and standard presentation equipment; Single rate; R 0 00 Per person sharing; R0:00
In closing, remember, that one determined person who cares can make a significant difference, and a group of "Conference Alternatives Venues" can change the Conference Landscape.
Please do not hesitate to give me a call (WhatsApp 061 178 5013) should you have any questions