Is the telephone so 1990's?
Stephen Ward
Nationwide Barristers Chambers with unique online booking software, backed by a 24/7 telephone helpline. 01823 247 247. We are a team of 300 Barristers and Clerks. Outside work is about motorsports, photography & travel.
With the massive rise in the use of email and online communications it seems strange that the number of telephone calls continues to rise. Today we increased our incoming lines to 20 due to our I.T. team advising us that some callers have been given the busy tone over the past month. With a total of 6,675 telephone calls in the past month, it does seem strange that it continues to increase in the day of email and web based portals.
Client behaviour seems to be going down the route of researching online, make a decision based on your online presence and then calling to complete the sale. I had a recent experience of this when buying a new photocopier. I had all the information online, decided on the product, called to get quoted and made the decision based on the way my call was handled. The company I first intended to go with was hopeless on the phone so they lost my business and I told them so.
Never underestimate the power of telephone conversion is my top tip for today.
I recently read the great comment "Nobody will remember what you said, nobody will remember what you did, everyone remembers the way you made them feel". A good lesson and particularly when dealing with clients on the telephone.