Telephone based entry explained...
Far too little is known about this range of Innovative British products, a compliment of telephone based door entry, communications & control units, that allow access to your home, from the tone of your phone. This video has been produced to help explain the basic functions and ease of installation.
From single dwellings through to large multi-users sites of many homes, offices and business units.
Surface fitted as standard the range is avaliable in flush format as well as having an option of alternative free standing support posts.
With or without display and or keypad, units can be land line, mobile or even Internet SIP compliant. Vertually cable free installations allow systems to be fitted even before the site is completely developed, offering temporary site security if required.
This solution also means that we can install units without having to gain access to individual properties, adding and removing, or replacing call locations and PIN numbers remotely.
Even the in-built alert facility enables us to monitor site conditions and be notified when a gate is forced or left open.
These products can be great for retro-fitting or they can be used as a temporary option while the alternative is out-of-order, or the site is under a different method of use.
Schools and collages with roaming caretakers and golf clubs, or sports centres with premises managers on walk-about, find the flexibility of using mobile phones an absolute must, in today's demanding environment.
Over the last five years, running costs have fallen dramatically with GSM now far cheaper than ever and still reducing, even though network coverage is getting wider, stronger and more reliable, all the time.
For your Gates, doors or barrier needs give us a call and we will help were we can.