Telephone Answering Standards
Listed below are some points that should reflect in our voices when we answer the telephone:
Answer each call cheerfully. It shows you are attentive & eager to help.
Put a smile in your voice. Personalize the call by using the caller’s name. Some people suggest to have a mirror in front so you can see your smile while answering a phone call.
Avoid slang & technical terms. Use plain & simple language.
Speak clearly & carefully into the telephone transmitter / mouth piece.
Use the phrases please, thank you & sorry with sincerity when needed.
Modulate your voice well.
Use your natural tone of voice.
Control your rate of speech.
Put expression into what you say.
Answer all calls by the third ring.
Return all telephone messages the same day.
Use phrases like, "I'm sorry Principal is away from her desk now, may I take a message or could I assist you myself. Avoid saying, "She is doing this or that"
Know all facilities, people & latest happenings in the school or whatever organization you are working for.
Sense the urgency & the tone of the caller & react accordingly.
?Gauge whether caller is upset, in a hurry, angry etc.
Calmness during Emergency
Be calm & composed always especially during an emergency.
Be aware of the procedure in the event of an emergency.