Telehealth: The lessons I learned from pro-football about surviving this crisis

Telehealth: The lessons I learned from pro-football about surviving this crisis

Now that Britain is officially in “lock down” for another 3 weeks (at least), it’s safe to assume it is going to be closer to June before there’s any sign of normality in our private practices... 

It means some clinics will go almost an entire 3 months without cash. 

I suspect that many clinics are going to think that the year is already over in terms of their profitability.

However, I don't think it has to be the case.

Let me share something with you from days in professional football physio: 

In case you didn’t know it, I worked for a couple of pro football teams (Middlesbrough and Darlington F.C ) and on many occasions the team would come into the changing room at half team getting BEAT - sometimes badly. 

And each time that happened, all that the best managers wanted to know was this: 

“How are we going to play the second half?”

They wouldn’t dwell too much on what had happened - only on what needed to happen to turn the score around. 

I wonder how you plan to play the second half of the financial year? 

Do you have a plan? 

Are you worried about the future and that is causing you to FREEZE right now not knowing what to do for the best?

I still believe that I can make the same profit in my business as I planned for 2020 before the year is up. 

I have the ENTIRE second half in front of me. 

I look at it as though I am getting beat 3-0 right now. 

But, with the right strategy and a concerted effort from me and my team, I am going to back us to finish the year 3-4 UP. 

The reality is that if you want to take home the money you’re used to - or what you planned to - you’re going to have make some changes.

Those changes will likely need to include:

1. How you market and who you market to (in a recession, you look for LESS people, but find ones happy to spend more)

2. Your prices and whether you’ll continue to accept insurance (cash will be king in a recession - insurance companies will want to keep their prices even lower)

3. How you mange your cash FLOW - most clinic owners don’t realise it, but this is THE most important part of surviving a crisis. 

When you have a cash flow forecast, you can see into the future about when you might run out of cash and make decision ahead of time to avoid it. 

4. How you prioritize your teams activity - in the good times it is easy to be a little lax…to let your team “get away” with a few things. 

Now that the good times are gone - every second that your people are not productive is going to hurt you. 

Every single one of these topics will be covered and more at the upcoming meeting of the UK / EU's top clinic owners.

Do you need to be there?

Yes! I Want To Join Paul Gough’s Virtual Mastermind Meeting On April 27-28th.

If you’re looking for some assistance on how to deal with the coming recession - and you want to know what the top clinic owners are doing to make their business safe in the next 12 months - I invite you to join the VIRTUAL Mastermind Event I am hosting on April 27-28th. 

For the first time ever we’re opening it to non-members of my Mastermind and this will be your one and only chance to join in. 

We’ll cover everything from:

* Recession Immunization – 5 essential protections you must put in place now

* Boosting cashflow in a downturn – how to get more cash, fast

* Low/Zero cost Marketing to increase new patient acquisition

* Worst case scenario planning. How to be smart and think ahead with your marketing

* Online advancements – how to use Google/Facebook and your website to generate the patients you need 24/7, regardless of the economy

* What changes you should be making to your marketing message, your sales process and your prices in a recession

* How the top 1% of business owners think and act during a recession

* How to market and sell in a recession (this is my second recession – I learned a lot from the 2008 crisis)

* How to manage your team and what standards to hold them to during the recession

* How much cash should you be carrying? And if you haven’t got enough, how to get more…

* And much more across the two days that you can access online including special guests from the United States that I will be bringing the sessions.


Right now you can join for just $499. 

On Sunday at 11pm UK time that fee will rise to $650. 

Please enrol now to avoid missing out as space on the conference call is limited to 35 clinics only:

Yes! I Want To Join Paul Gough’s Virtual Mastermind Meeting On April 27-28th.


Paul Gough 


