Telegram Agrees to Share User Data With Authorities for Criminal Investigations

Telegram Agrees to Share User Data With Authorities for Criminal Investigations

Telegram has made a significant policy shift by announcing that it will now share users' IP addresses and phone numbers with authorities in response to valid legal requests aimed at curbing criminal activity on the platform.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov confirmed in a post that the company will disclose this information for users who violate its rules if a valid judicial order is provided. "If Telegram receives a valid order from relevant authorities confirming a user is involved in criminal activities violating our Terms of Service, we will assess the request and may share the IP address and phone number," he said.

The company also stated that such disclosures will be reflected in its transparency reports and highlighted its collection of metadata like IP addresses, device information, and username history to combat spam and abuse.

Previously, Telegram's policy was limited to disclosing information only for terror suspects. This recent update marks a significant departure from the company’s earlier stance, as it has long resisted regulating activity on its platform, which has been linked to cybercrime, drug trafficking, child exploitation, and money laundering.

The changes come in the wake of Durov's arrest in France over accusations that the platform ignored criminal activity. He was released on bail but remains under investigation.

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