Telegram Ads: what it is, how it works and how to run it

Telegram Ads: what it is, how it works and how to run it

Telegram advertising is an effective marketing tool that should be used to monetize your content. Thanks to its wide audience reach and targeting capabilities, Telegram Ads helps you attract exactly those customers who are interested in your product or service.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to properly set up advertising in Telegram for monetization, what exchanges are, and also talk about existing restrictions.

How Telegram Ads work

Telegram Ads works as a tool that allows channel owners on the platform to monetize their content using ads. The basic idea is that advertisers can buy advertising spots, and the revenue from these advertising campaigns is shared between the Telegram company and channel owners. In particular, the latter receive 50% of the revenue from ads displayed on their sites. For this, Telegram uses the toncoin cryptocurrency on the TON blockchain, which provides fast and transparent payments.

Advertisements are created through the official Telegram Ads platform, where advertisers can configure the target audience, choose parameters targeting, and optimize your advertising campaigns to achieve maximum effect. An important point is that ads are shown only to those users who do not have a premium subscription, which makes it possible to reach a large audience. This approach allows not only owners to generate revenue, but also advertisers to achieve their marketing goals using the powerful Telegram ecosystem.

Advantages and disadvantages of Telegram Ads

Let’s start with the advantages of advertising on the platform.

  1. Helps attract new audiences and increase reach Telegram Ads effectively increase reach and help attract new audiences. Thanks to the fact that advertising in Telegram appears in relevant places, it is shown to the maximum number of potential customers. This makes Telegram Ads an ideal tool for expanding your brand’s exposure.
  2. Ads look organic and unobtrusive. Telegram advertising looks natural, because it is integrated into the content of the channel in such a way that it does not distract from the main information. This creates a positive experience for users, because advertising remains invisible, but effective. Thanks to this, Telegram ads does not cause negative emotions, which is important for successful monetization. In Ukraine, where market competition is growing, such advertising becomes an indispensable part of the promotion strategy.
  3. Detailed targeting in the settings. Advertising in Telegram provides the ability to configure targeting in detail, which allows you to find an audience that is really interested in your product or service. This includes customization based on demographics, interests, behavior and other characteristics. Telegram ads offers tools for customizing targeting, which significantly increases the relevance of ads and helps reduce the cost of impressions, ensuring the maximum effectiveness of your campaign.
  4. Advertising corresponds to the topic. Telegram Ads allows you to place advertising that exactly matches the topic of the channel where it is shown. This ensures that ads are relevant to users’ interests, which increases the chances of successful monetization. Thanks to the fact that Telegram allows you to carefully select places for display, you can be sure that your ad reaches exactly the audience that is ready to buy your product or service, and it is worth every euro spent on advertising.

Disadvantages of Telegram Ads:

  1. The size of the ad is no more than 160 characters. Such a limit significantly limits the possibility of creative self-expression. It is difficult for advertisers to fit their message into a short text, which makes it difficult to attract the attention of the audience and convey the value of the product or service. This may reduce the effectiveness of advertising on Telegram, especially compared to other platforms where longer ads are allowed.
  2. The starting amount of the deposit to start showing ads is €2 million. The high barrier to entry to Telegram Ads in the form of an initial deposit of €2 million makes advertising inaccessible to small and medium-sized businesses. This limits the number of companies that can afford to advertise on this platform. Such an amount can scare away even those advertisers who are interested, but are not ready to invest such significant funds at the start.

Types of advertising in Telegram and prices

There are two main types of advertising in Telegram: official and unofficial. Let’s consider each in more detail.

Official advertisement in Telegram

These are short ads that appear in channels at the bottom of the post feed. This advertising format is convenient because you don’t need to search for groups on the exchange, then negotiate with administrators to place ads. Telegram Ads works according to the CPM (Cost Per Mille) principle, that is, the cost of advertising is calculated for 1000 impressions.

Prices for official advertising depend on the format of the ad:

  1. Regular ad: €1.5 per 1000 impressions.
  2. Ads with Premium Emoji: €1.8 per 1000 impressions.
  3. Channel or site image ads: €1.95 per 1000 impressions.
  4. Image Ads and Premium Emoji: €2.25 per 1000 impressions.

An initial deposit of €2 million is required to launch official advertising. Half of this amount (€1 million) is used for advertising campaigns, and the other million is returned after a year if advertising costs exceed €10 million.

For small businesses that cannot allocate such a large budget, there are alternative options through advertising exchanges. In such cases, the minimum budget can start from €1,500, plus agency fees, which can be up to 20%. It should be taken into account that commissions may differ depending on the subject of advertising.

For example, for educational campaigns, the commission is 25%, for cryptocurrencies – 30%, and for real estate – 20%. This means that the total costs can be between €2,160 and €2,340, depending on the theme.

Unofficial advertisement

This is the placement of advertising posts in different groups by agreement with administrators or through exchanges. The cost of such advertising depends on the popularity of the channel, the number of subscribers and audience activity. You can find such sites on exchanges on the Internet.

The cost of a click through the exchange may vary depending on the subject of the campaign.

For example:

Cryptocurrency: $0.10 to $0.15 per click.

Marketing: $0.12 to $0.14 per click.

Education: $0.08 to $0.10 per click.

Financial services: $0.18 to $0.20 per click.

Home Decor: $0.20 to $0.30 per click.

Affiliate: $0.08 to $0.10 per click.

Selling cars: from $0.18 to $0.20 per click.

Real Estate: $0.16 to $0.18 per click.

Women’s Clothing: $0.12 to $0.15 per click.

Shoes: $0.13 to $0.16 per click.

When choosing an advertising agency or exchange, it is important to pay attention to several factors:

  1. Conditions of prices and commissions of the exchange (average commission is about 20%).
  2. Access to the advertising cabinet after its creation.
  3. Availability of help at the start.
  4. Additional exchange services such as account auditing.
  5. Unique techniques to improve analytics and campaign management.

Launching unofficial advertising through Telegram exchanges is an effective way of monetization, suitable for both small and large businesses, especially since advertising through exchanges is gaining momentum in Ukraine.

For those who want to buy advertising on Telegram, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with all possible options in advance and take into account all factors, including the price, in order to get the maximum result from the advertising campaign.

Target through exchanges

As we said earlier, running ads through Telegram exchanges is a great way to reach a large audience through affiliate channels. Exchanges such as Epicstars, ADsell, and TeLeAds provide the ability to post ads, promotional posts, and messages on their platforms. To start advertising through the exchange, you must first register, then create an advertising campaign, and adjust targeting to your audience.

Each exchange has its own list of places for placement, which allows you to choose the best sites for placing content. Using an exchange provides an efficient and convenient approach to promoting products and services on Telegram.

How to run an ad in Telegram Ads

Placing advertising through sponsored messages is quite simple. Here is the detailed process:

Step 1: Login to Telegram Ads

  • open the official Telegram Ads website;
  • log in to your Telegram account using your mobile phone number. If you don’t have an account, download the Telegram app from the App Store or Google Play, register, enter your phone number, and sign in.

Step 2: Create an organization and prepare for the campaign

  • after logging in, create an advertising campaign by linking it to your Telegram channel or group;
  • you can create a new organization using your Telegram channel or group. After that, all administrators will have access to manage ads.

Step 3: Create a sponsored post

On the ad management page, click Create ad. A template for creating a sponsored message will appear before you. Fill in all required fields:

  • enter the text of your advertising message (up to 160 characters);
  • include a link that will be part of the button in your sponsored post. This can be a link to your Telegram channel, a bot, or a specific post.

Make sure your message meets all of Telegram’s advertising requirements:

  • the message should be concise and clear;
  • avoid prohibited language or links;
  • add a call to action with a relevant link.

Step 4: Costing and budgeting

  • set the cost per thousand views (CPM). The minimum bet is 0.1 TonCoin;
  • depending on the popularity of your selected groups and the competition for advertising space, the rates may change.

Step 5: Select channels to display

  • choose those on which you want to show your ad;
  • you can search for them by name or browse categories for selection;
  • additionally, you can target ads to specific users or groups by geolocation and language.

Step 6: Completion of creation

Review all the entered data, accept the terms and click “Create ad”.

After that, your ad will start appearing in the selected Telegram channels according to the configured budget and targeting.

This process allows you to quickly set up and launch an advertising campaign in Telegram Ads using an intuitive interface and minimal configuration requirements.

Setting up targeting in Telegram Ads

Targeting in Telegram Ads is very important for accurate reach target audience, and includes two main types: per users and per channels. These two types of settings are located in the upper right corner of the Telegram advertising cabinet. When switching between them, the entered data is not saved, which should be taken into account when creating campaigns.

When targeting users, you can specify location, language, interests, and other audience segments. Geotargeting makes it possible to show advertising in Telegram to users whose IP addresses match a given region. If the user uses a VPN or is outside the target region, they will not see the ad. You can segment your audience by language preferences and device type, as well as target subscribers of specific channels, which ensures maximum ad relevance.

Channel targeting allows you to customize ads by language and channel topic, select specific channels for display, and exclude unwanted topics.

The topic of channels is determined by Telegram Ads algorithms and includes more than 40 categories, which helps to ensure that the content of the announcement matches the content of the channel. For precise targeting, you can choose up to 100 channels where advertising will be shown, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the campaign.

Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of audience segmentation by device type — all devices, iOS, Android, Desktop or Mobile. This ensures maximum accuracy of ad serving, increasing the chances of successful ad monetization through the Telegram Ads ad exchange. Excluding certain topics or channels also allows you to avoid showing advertising on channels with unwanted topics, such as politics or religion, which ensures even greater relevance and effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

Restrictions and rules of advertising in Telegram

Consider these tips to get your ads moderated quickly.

Formatting and content:

  1. The ad cannot contain photos or videos.
  2. Formatting text or using lists is not allowed.
  3. The use of profanity is prohibited.
  4. Ads with unclear content, repetition of words or links that lead to private channels will be rejected.
  5. Valid link formats: @link,, or

Prohibited topics:

  1. Political: political campaigns, parties, elections and political movements.
  2. Gambling: casino, addictive games.
  3. Financial products: harmful services, microcredits, financial pyramids.
  4. Medical services: Dietary supplements, medicines, non-certified medical services.
  5. Harmful substances: drugs, tobacco, alcohol.
  6. Shocking content: sexual material, content promoting hatred, violence, discrimination.
  7. Others: weapons, ammunition, explosives, malware, spam, hacking, plagiarism, copyright infringement.

Requirements for the content of advertising in Telegram:

  1. Ads must not promote offensive, shocking or sexual content, products or services.
  2. It is forbidden to promote hatred, violence, discrimination.
  3. Advertising that violates the rights of third parties (copyright, trademark, privacy) is not allowed.
  4. Ads containing false or misleading information are prohibited.
  5. Advertising of political campaigns, gambling, casinos, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, and malware is prohibited.

Reasons for rejection of advertising in Telegram

If an advertising post in Telegram is rejected, one of the reasons may be that the ad does not meet the requirements of the Telegram platform.

It is recommended to make the ad more native, take into account the guidelines, and resubmit it for moderation. Reread the text, simplify it, check for repetitions, review the URL.

Adhering to the rules and avoiding prohibited topics will ensure successful moderation of your ads in Telegram.

To summarize

In its ten years of existence, Telegram has transformed from a simple messenger to a powerful platform with a large audience and unique opportunities for advertising. The use of Telegram Ads opens up new perspectives for attracting the target audience, however, to achieve the desired results, it is important to carefully follow all the rules for setting up the target. Correct segmentation of the audience and correctly set parameters will help to effectively convey the advertising message to the right users and ensure high conversion.

