Tel Aviv mayor: ‘Dictatorships only become democratic again with bloodshed’
Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai on Reshet 13

Tel Aviv mayor: ‘Dictatorships only become democratic again with bloodshed’

One of the most dangerous aspects of this unfolding crisis is that no one involved understands how serious the situation is here in Israel, and what devastating and irreversible consequences it may have. But everyone thinks they are right. It's a recipe for disaster.

The latest in the local crisis is the mayor of Tel Aviv making some very irresponsible comments: Tel Aviv mayor: ‘Dictatorships only become democratic again with bloodshed’ Times of Israel

I'm just using him as an example but there are hundreds of irresponsible comments like this being made. The latest by former Prime Minister Olmert (who did 16 months in prison on corruption charges) - Former Israeli PM Olmert calls for ‘war’ to stop judicial reform JNS

Ron Huldai, who is 78 years old now, has been the mayor of Tel Aviv since 1998 - almost 25 years. Just FYI, in Israel mayors have an incredible amount of power and freedom in their jurisdiction. They don't really have to answer to anybody. So when a public figure in such a high position in Israel is expressing himself this way - intentionally increasing division and fanning the flames of hate - it has a very big impact on public opinion. He will have to pay a very significant price for that.

The whole world is suffering from division and hate but when it comes to Israel - it's ideological division - the kind we're willing to kill each other over. There's no room for compromise. The hate that's being ignited here in Israel will have a negative impact on the entire world.

This would be a good time for people in high places to let off some steam and think about what's at stake.

As always, the following is for anyone that wants to go slightly deeper.

Brothers Don't Kill Each Other

More than two months have passed since the elections in Israel. And the hopes for stability after the change of government have been snuffed out. The tensions in Israeli society only increased.

Every week there are dozens of demonstrations against the government. Politicians and other leaders are making harsh statements, and inciting the protesters to take action on social media. Some are talking about taking matters into their own hands, like the former pilot / lawyer who said he wanted to kill Netanyahu.

We are once again at a crossroads, and once again, as has happened many times in the past, we have chosen a painful path. History hasn't taught us anything. We still celebrate every argument and disagreement and refuse to make concessions.

This is our curse and it's been going on for centuries. Our relations within the nation have always been extreme: either our opponents recognize our right and reject all their claims, or we fight them to the death. We're not even phased by the fact that whenever we're busy disagreeing about something, our enemies are defeating us. A clear example of this is the destruction of the Temple due to unreasonable hatred among the people.

But no one has ever defeated us if when we're united. So the only real enemy of the Jewish people was and remains only our hatred for each other.

And now we've added a political component into the mix. Today, the interests of the state simply do not exist anymore. Politicians, who only a few years ago expressed the same opinion, today express the complete opposite.

Every issue - from the judicial reform, economic development to safety and security - depends on a political angle. Even if the country collapses, our "leaders" will not give up until they're crowned in glory.

This always happens when a leader gives in to serving their selfish desires, when they can't get their way. They decide that if they can't lead, they'll intervene in everything they can. This is the mindset that dominates Israeli society today.

Our enemies are always happy at the sight of our inner hatred. Like the Romans 2000 years ago, they are going to take advantage of our brokenness and get us out of here. This has happened more than once, and today the threat of a new exile seems quite real.

Throughout history, our people have been exiled, exterminated, tortured and burned. And all these torments we suffer because of our hatred for each other. But despite everything, we still refuse to recognize that the only way to happiness and peace is through investing in social cohesion.

The law of loving your neighbor - mercy, mutual responsibility, brotherly love - are literally the principles our nation was created on.

But then luckily we forgot about them and agreed to love only those who think like us and live like us. We give the world an example of both mercy and cruelty. And unfortunately, in our history, the latter always wins.

King Solomon once said: "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions." (Proverbs 10:12). We do a great job of doing the first part of the verse, but not the second.

Let's not hope that one day we can agree with each other. That will never happen. Our only hope is to realize that despite all our differences, we are one nation.

As our sages said, "All the people of Israel are friends to each other" (Jerusalem Talmud), and "The people of Israel will not reach salvation until they are all one" (Midrash Tanhuma). And Baal Sulam in his article "Freedom of Will" adds: "Unification of society will be the source of happiness and all success."

And because of that, we need to understand that just as brothers don't kill each other when they disagree with each other, we need to remember that we only have one Israel.


