Teknoloji ve ?novasyon
Teknoloji ve ?novasyon
Teknoloji, inovasyon, pazarlama, reklam ve ileti?im dünyas?ndan haberler ve ilgi ?ekici i?erikler. Taze, günlük, s?cak.
Bugün i? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:
???? General Motors, gücünü OpenAI’?n yapay zeka destekli dil modeli ChatGPT'den alacak yeni bir sanal asistan üzerinde ?al???yor.
?? adidas, kad?nlar?n ko?arken kendilerini güvende hissetmek i?in ald??? ?nlemleri ortaya koyan ara?t?rmas?ndan hareketle yeni bir reklam filmi yay?nlad?.
? Meta Ticaret ve Finansal Teknolojiler Ba?kan? Instagram ve Facebook i?in NFT deste?ini azaltma karar? ald?klar?n? duyurdu.
?? Elektrikli minibüs üreticisi Arrival, 300 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald?.
?? Siber sald?r?lara y?nelik ?nlemler geli?tiren Cado Security, 20 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald?.
?? Kidolog, ?ocuklar i?in interaktif kitaplar ve oyunlar geli?tiren Ludus E?itim Teknolojileri’ni sat?n ald?.
?? Sanal ger?eklik teknolojisi geli?tiren yerli giri?im AMAZOI SOFTWARE, Limak Group of Companies ile i? birli?i yapt?.
? Füzyon teknolojisi derin jeotermal enerji ?al??malar?n? h?zland?rd?.
?? GE, 17-18 megavatl?k (MW) bir Haliade-X a??k deniz rüzgar türbini geli?tirdiklerini a??klad?.
?? Porsche, 2022 y?l?na dair mali raporunu yay?nlad?.
Bugün d?? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:
?? Mechanical engineers at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering have developed a full-sized humanoid robot with first-of-its-kind technology.
?? Crab shells could help power the next generation of rechargeable batteries. A team reporting in ACS Omega has used this "crab carbon" to create anode materials for sodium-ion batteries—an up-and-coming competitor to lithium-ion chemistries.
?? Porsche backs synthetic option in EU fossil fuels row. The CEO of German auto giant Volkswagen and its luxury subsidiary Porsche on Monday backed moves by Berlin to block a European ban on new combustion engines from 2035.
?? Researchers at Columbia University, CMU, UC Berkeley and other institutes in the U.S. recently created RoboNinja, a machine learning-based system that could allow robots to cut multi-material objects, particularly soft objects with hard cores.?
?? Volkswagen Group to build first non-European battery gigafactory in Canada.
?? MIT has introduced mix-and-match robots that can be assembled into countless configurations useful for different tasks in space.
?? In a first, a Sony CubeSat propeled itself in orbit using water vapor.
?? Sony Electronics has released the DSC-HX99RNV kit, a new retinal projection camera kit that uses lasers to help people with low vision see well enough to capture the world around them, according to a press release published on Monday.
?? Computer scientist from Yale scores Oscar wins for animation.
?? US startup plans to launch world's first ammonia-powered ship this year.
?? Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub have now developed an algorithm that can be applied to different languages and can expand word lists significantly better than others.
?? A team of engineers has developed a fire-resistant cladding using recycled glass particles. Researchers at RMIT University in Australia claim their solution is cheap, structurally robust, and fire-resistant.
?? Meta to cut another 10,000 jobs, Zuckerberg says.
?? Meta gives up on NFTs for Facebook and Instagram.
?Why is TikTok being banned from government devices?