Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

???? Bugün i? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

?? 三星电子 , CES 2024’te Tesla ile i? birli?i yapt???n? duyurdu.

?? Volkswagen , ara?lar?na ChatGPT'yi entegre ediyor.

?? Lima’da g?rme engelliler i?in dokunsal kald?r?mlar yap?l?yor.

?? Tar?m de?er zincirini dijitalle?tiren Tarfin , 2023 y?l?nda Türkiye ve Romanya’da yüzde 35 büyüdü.

??? Kornea hastal??? tedavilerine odaklanan son klinik a?amadaki biyoteknoloji ?irketi Claris Bio yat?r?m ald?.

??? Rusya ve ?in, uydu üzerinden kuantum ileti?iminde bir ilke imza att?. ?in'in kuantum uydusu Mozi üzerinden 3200km mesafe aras?nda iki g?rüntü transfer edildi.

?? Togg , tüketici elektroni?i ve bili?im fuar? CES 2024'te sergilenmesi beklenen yeni sedan modeline ili?kin ilk tan?t?m videosunu payla?t?.

?? ?in'deki Lanzhou üniversitesi'nden bilim insanlar?, cilt alt?na yerle?tirilebilecek bir "kablosuz ?arj ?ipi" geli?tirdi.

?? ?stanbul'da bir grup lise ??rencisi, olas? bir depremde kullan?lmas? i?in düdük, fener ve i?erisinde ki?isel bilgilerin yer ald??? anahtarl?k ?eklinde deprem kiti tasarlad?.

?? Siber güvenlik giri?imi Aqua Security, 60 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald?.

?? Bugün d?? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

? New NIST report sounds the alarm on growing threat of AI attacks.

?? Siemens and Microsoft have teamed up to drive cross-industry adoption for artificial intelligence.

?? The European Union's competition regulator said Tuesday it was looking into Microsoft's investment into ChatGPT developer OpenAI to see if it merits further investigation under the bloc's merger rules.

??? The U.S. retail mortgage lender loanDepot is struggling to recover from a cyberattack that impacted its loan processing and phone service.

?? CES 2024 updates: The most interesting news and gadgets from tech's big show.

?? Apple's Vision Pro headset available in US on February 2.

?? EU approves 900-mn-euro German aid for battery plant.

?? Rolls-Royce Motor Cars delivered a record number of luxury vehicles last year when clients also began taking possession of its first all-electric Spectre model, the German-owned brand said Monday.

?? In a new study, scientists have introduced octopus-inspired deception and signaling systems using a stable nonacene-like molecule, marking a significant advancement in camouflage technology with potential applications in diverse fields.

?? Scientists create DNA hydrogel-based, solar-powered evaporation system for highly efficient seawater desalination.

?? A trio of robotics engineers at Stanford University, working with colleagues from Google's Deep Mind, has built on Google's ALOHA system to create a mobile robot capable of carrying out a wide variety of household chores—they have named it Mobile ALOHA.

?? Scientists engineer smart bacteria that live in your skin to treat acne.

?? Google-backed MathGPT sets record, beats ChatGPT and Microsoft AI models. Mathpresso, the maker of Asia's largest AI-based learning platform QANDA, announced that its math-specific large language model set a new world record.

?? Samsung’s new smart home features include household maps with ‘AI characters’.

?? Stellantis uses Amazon cloud to cut in-car software development to a day.

?? VW vehicles to converse with drivers via ChatGPT by mid-year.

??? Getty is adding an AI image generator to iStock with legal protections for users.


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