Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

Bugün i? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

???Google, beta kullan?c?larda test edilen SGE isimli yapay zeka destekli arama motoruna g?rsel olu?turma ?zelli?i ekledi.

??SpaceX ?irketi Starlink ile 2024 y?l?nda ak?ll? telefonlar i?in hücresel veri hizmeti sunmaya ba?layacak

??Netflix, 2025’te hayranlar?n?n oyun oynayabilece?i, al??veri? yapabilece?i ve yemek yiyebilece?i mekanlar a?may? planl?yor.

?? Papara, kullan?c?lar?na kendi zevklerine g?re Papara Card tasarlama imkan? sunuyor.

??Endüstriyel güvenlik ??zümlerine odaklanan Trio Mobil, 100. Y?l Giri?im Sermayesi ve 212’den yat?r?m ald?.

??Reklam teknolojileri odakl? yerli giri?im ingosa.ai , 1,5 milyon dolar de?erleme üzerinden yat?r?m ald?.

???GoTradeGo, ithalat/ihracat yapan firmalar? dijitalde bulu?turarak firmalara yard?mc? oluyor.

Bugün d?? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

?? A team of scientists and medical professionals from UNC-Chapel Hill has demonstrated a robotic steerable needle that can autonomously move through living tissue to reach a goal while avoiding anatomical barriers.

?? AI researchers expose critical vulnerabilities within major large language models.

??? Research unveils stretchable high-resolution user-interactive synesthesia displays for visual–acoustic encryption.

? A research team has developed a platform based on building information modeling (BIM) technology for use in the design of hydropower hub buildings

??? MAN to investigate medium-speed hydrogen engine concepts for maritime applications.

?? Cruise opens robotaxi service in Houston.

??? AI brings back the voice of a deceased Cyberpunk 2077 actor for Phantom Liberty.

?? Russian tech firm Astra raises $36 million in Moscow IPO.

?? New catalyst can produce liquid hydrogen fuel in vehicles. A study by a team of researchers at Lund University in Sweden proposed an automobile fuel made of a liquid turned to hydrogen by a solid catalyst.

?? Atlassian to buy enterprise video messaging platform Loom for nearly $1B.

??? Australian researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm to detect and stop a cyberattack on a military robot in seconds.

?? 21-year-old college student and former SpaceX summer intern uses AI to decode a burnt & unopened Herculaneum scroll. He has been awarded $40,000 for decoding an entire word.


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