Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

Teknoloji ve ?novasyon Bülteni

Bugün i? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

?? WhatsApp’?n kanallar ?zelli?i Türkiye’de kullan?ma a??l?yor.

?? Adobe, i?erikleri Firefly'? e?itmek i?in kullan?lan Adobe Stock Contributor üyelerine ?deme yapmaya ba?lad?.

?? Yerli e-ticaret platformu Hepsiburada kullan?c? yorumlar?n? ChatGPT ile ?zetliyor.

?? B2B ?irketlerin yapay zeka copilot geli?tirmesini sa?layan yerli giri?im: Searchbase

?? Yapay zeka destekli ve metin tabanl? birinci basamak sa?l?k hizmeti sunan giri?im: Curai Health

?? EY, payla?t??? bir g?nderi ile EY.ai '? yay?na ald???n? duyurdu. Ayr?ca EY, EY.ai EYQ isimli bir büyük/geni? dil modelini piyasaya sürece?ini de a??klad?.

?? ?ip üreticisi Arm, 54,5 milyar dolar de?erleme ile halka arz ger?ekle?tirdi.

?? Tesla ve SpaceX ?irketlerinin üst Y?neticisi (CEO) Elon Musk, ABD Kongresinde teknoloji devlerinin senat?rlerle bir araya geldi?i toplant?da, yapay zeka düzenlemeleriyle ilgili büyük ?l?üde fikir birli?ine var?ld???n? a??klad?.

Bugün d?? bas?nda okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

?? Chip designer Arm targets $52 bn valuation in year's largest IPO.

?? An air taxi flew over Jerusalem on Wednesday as part of an Israeli experiment to develop a network of drones to offer transport services and ease traffic congestion.

?? Researchers at the University of Washington have developed small robotic devices that can change how they move through the air by "snapping" into a folded position during their descent.

?? Rwanda will host a company's 1st small-scale nuclear reactor testing carbon-free energy approach.

?? A small team of engineers at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, working with a colleague from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany, has found a way to create tiny artificial cilia that work at the microscale.

?? One of Europe’s fastest supercomputers to be built in Bristol for AI research.

?? A prototype underwater vehicle will be tested in the spring of 2026 beneath an Antarctic ice shelf near the Neumayer III Station.

??3D-printed vegan salmon now in supermarkets. The innovative product will hit supermarket shelves on September 14.

??? Defence AI startup Helsing breaks the record for European AI, raising a $223M Series B.

?? Pixis, an AI-powered full-stack marketing platform, raises $85M.

?? Data analytics and AI software maker Databricks has raised a Series I round worth more than $500 million, earning a valuation of $43 billion.

?? Volvo to start production of electric trucks at Ghent factory.


